
15-03-2025 Vol 19

The Truth Is Out There…

The truth in our case being, DH & DS made it fine through yesterdays downpours with no problems. Nothing strange or mysterious as the X-Files. DH did relay several reported mishaps across the city caused by yesterday’s torrential rains – multiple auto accidents, power outages, down trees, and a person rescued from their home due to flooding. We were by far more fortunate in our part of town with only a small  hiccup. Yesterday evening after my boys got home a fuse blew knocking the electricity out in our neighborhood for an hour.  No damage done and only a minor inconvenience on our part. We were glad when the power came back on.

More truth is, I’m feeling a little like Snow White with all this deep cleaning I’ve been subjecting the house to and each time I tear into a new job this comes to mind.

Of course, for me it’s never home from work I go for home is where my work is. lol But, I’m thankful THIS is my work. I wouldn’t change a single thing!

Angela @ Mommy Time Out and I would like to thank you for joining another edition of Wayback Wednesdays. To participate in this blog hop you don’t have to follow a bunch of rules. It’s simple! Just link up your blog, twitter, or Facebook below (only one please).

With the rain out of sight, I can visit Patrice for Chats on a Farmhouse Porch without fear of getting my head wet now. Why not come along?

  1. Do you prefer to wash dishes by machine or by hand? If you tell me you don’t wash dishes, I will cry, but secretly want to be like you when I grow up! Shortly after we moved into our house in 1980, my BIL & his wife handed down to us an old… a very old dishwasher that once belonged to her aunt. We used it briefly before it broke down. We bought a Whirlpool dishwasher when our girls were really small and got a few years out of it before it tore up. By that time, we couldn’t afford to replace it and so I had to do with out. I washed dishes by hand for much of the last 24 years until 2010 when DH bought me a dishwasher. I was so happy! I just love my dishwasher!
  2. Who has been the biggest inspiration to you? My parents, in-laws, and grandparents have been the biggest inspiration. Each one with their spiritual inspirations has taught me trust in God for things I simply don’t understand or can’t see. I also have a full appreciation of where I am in life because of their struggles. My in-laws and grandparents grew up during the depression era in rural WV. Living in the area where we grew up was rough, but it was 100 times worse for those we love. My MIL lived way up in a holler, as the old-timers called and she had to walk out every morning to the main road to catch the school bus. Some mornings, she was able to catch a ride in the back of her uncle’s truck. I just can’t imagine the harshness of riding in an open pickup during the winter. Brrr! My MIL was the only person from that holler to graduate high school, a proud accomplishment for a woman of her time for sure.
  3. Have you been to any fall festivals or local fairs? Will you be going to any? Growing up, the local school always had a fall festival. We attended as kids and during our courtship, then after we got married we went to the local fair here in Knoxville. We haven’t been since. My OCD side just won’t let me to enjoy crowded places and fairs are definitely crowded…too crowded!
  4. Bath or shower? I’m a shower person. I love the convenience and quickness of a shower versus a bath, but there are times I would love to soak in a hot tub of water. Our tub is small and it’s not so enjoyable to relax in unlike that old claw & ball tub my folks had which I just loved! Maybe one day in our dream house we can have a tub like that!
  5. Tell me something interesting you learned from a blog recently. Please:) Yesterday at Stacy Uncorked, she share this interesting video… 

How to separate an egg yolk with a bottle from The Burlap Bag on Vimeo.


I fell behind yesterday and didn’t plan today’s post in advance. I have been so trying to keep up, too. This is going to happen from time-to-time, so I accept my inability to  stay ahead of myself.I have two more mid-week hops I want to participate in, so watch for a Wednesday Hodgepodge and Wordless Wednesday post to pop a little later.

Thanks for the visit and I’ll be by your place soon!

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2 thoughts on “The Truth Is Out There…

  1. That bottle method for eggs was pretty interesting! I, like you, don’t enjoy crowds. Sounds like you have great in-laws. I think a dishwasher is a great gift. I average three loads a day. Four or five is an exception, unless I’m entertaining- or canning.

  2. What lovely words to say about your mother-in-law! I hope to be that kind of m-i-l someday, one that inspires my son and daughters-in-law.

    I don’t like crowded places either. Makes me feel like I’m drowning and I can’t breathe.

    Have a blessed rest of your week.

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