For a few years now, I’ve wanted to put up Vicki Lawrence’s The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia (reference only). The biggest hold up has been not enough or the right kind of covers that interested me because my vision has been to feature this song title for a battle in October – the spooky season and that’s what I wanted, a really scary version.
The first time I heard the original, it gave me goosebumps. The lyrics are enough to make you shiver, but between the music arrangement and Vicki’s vocals every time that song came on the radio I grew saucer sized eyes and goosebumps ran down my back.
In this battle I’m using heavy rock metal renditions. This isn’t the normal stuff I listen to but I enjoyed the eeriness the metal vibe gave the song. Listen to both bands to decide which one you like best.
First up is a dyslexic band…. Bitter Apathy.
Now, tune in to Said and Done!
Polls close Oct. 21 at noon (ET)!
That concludes another edition of Battle of the Bands. I’ll announce the winner of this showdown a week from today, so keep your eyes open for that post. A list of BOTB participants is in my side bar beneath the banner for those wishing to get in on more action. This is CAAC signing off, have a bandtastic day!

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Nice battle 😀
Interesting battle, Cathy! I never would have thought to remake this song in a heavy metal style. 😆 Bitter Apathy’s vocals turned me right off. I’ll vote for Said and Done.
Said and Done was a little more tolerable so they get my vote.
I hated Said and Done’s version a little less than Bitter Apathy’s, so give my vote to Said and Done.
I’m going with Said And Done. I prefer his singing over the other one plus I like the musicality of the 2nd artist. Wishing you a great day!
How fun for October, Cathy! Said and Done gets my vote. 🎃👻
Let’s see if this comment goes through, since there was a message my first comment failed.
I think it will be Said and Done for me too.
Bitter Apathy for me…funnily I thought I didn’t know the song but I realise I do….but now I have to listen to the original because I’ve forgotten it.
I’ve always thought this song was okay, but I can’t say that I’d ever listened to the lyrics so I had no idea what the song was about. The heavy metal versions give the song a pretty good perspective.
I won’t be listening to either one on a regular basis, but of the two I guess I’m going to go with Said and Done for now.
CAThy~ Oooh! It’s That YOU!
I always liked this song, but to be honest, I don’t think I ever knew Vicki Lawrence was the singer. I never associated Vicki Lawrence with anything but ‘The Carol Burnett Show’, which I loved.
Yeah, this isn’t my kind of music either, but I fully understand why you went this route with song. Between the two, I think I preferred SAID AND DONE… slightly.
I hope you get ALL treats and NO tricks this month, my friend!
~ D-FensDogG
Scary song, and I’m going with Bitter Apathy. It feels as awful as it is in their version.
I like them both, but I like Said and Done better. That’s my vote.
Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
This song and I have a bit of a conflicted history. Vicki Lawrence is one of my favorite celebrities. I absolutely loved her on The Carol Burnett Show. I loved that whole cast. When this song came out, I was excited because it was Vicki Lawrence!! (I was 16 years old at the time) Then I realized what the song was about. Sad! Um… gruesome. What!? Yikes! Not fair! Argh. I still liked Vicki Lawrence (who couldn’t?), but I swore an internal declaration to avoid that song like the plague from then on. Since I am a lover of music with a famously eclectic and tolerant embrasure, declaring a song anathema is rare for petit moi. Such a drastic declaration is generally reserved for the likes of Native New Yorker, Feelings, Pair of Roller Skates, and pretty much anything Osmond or Tony Orlando. Anyway, you get it. THIS SONG.
But, okay. These two versions actually put that song in its place – meaning they provide an appropriate contextual presentation. So, I like ’em, sort of.
I choose Bitter Apathy because the vocals are the most appropriate, imho.
Hi! What a great song for a Halloween battle. I’m going with Said And Done because the words aren’t as warbled. One of these days I’ll figure out how to sneak away from WordPress which doesn’t allow me to comment half the time. Happy October!