Tag: In Other Words
January 17, 2019
Thankful Thursday
#ThankfulThursday Blessings and #InOtherWords & Mama Kat’s #WritingWorkshop prompts
Earlier this morning, I did a tribute to the late comedian, Andy Kaufman. Today marks the anniversary of his 70th…
November 29, 2017
Wordless Wednesday
Tic Toc Ice Cream Parlor + Hodgepodge Q&A
Hello Kittens & Pups! It’s the last Wednesday of November and the month really clicked by unprecedentedly fast. I guess…
August 03, 2016
Wordless Wednesday
King Kong Lives in Tennessee
I’m delighted you decided to join me for another edition of Not-So-Wordless Wednesday! You’re not having déjà vu, kittens and…
July 27, 2016
Wordless Wednesday
National D-Day Memorial Part 2 WW SkywatchFriday
The town of Bedford lost more boys per capita on D-Day than the rest of the nation. If time permits,…
July 20, 2016
Wordless Wednesday
Judaculla Rock Petroglyphs and Brown Eyed Girls
Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! In June while in the western mountains of North Carolina we came up on the Judaculla…