
27-03-2025 Vol 19

Tag: blue ridge parkway

Why Can’t We Be Friends? #RMF

This is the second annual Roctober Mewsic Festival hosted by Mary from Jingle Jangle Jungle and I’m happy to join…

More views from my window

ABC Wednesday is nearing the alphabet again with the letter ‘W’ today and after April’s A2Z blogfest my brain is…

Water Rock Knob Views

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs!  I can honestly say, I’m glad September is behind me.  I hate saying that really I…

A Gorgeous Autumn Day on the Blue Ridge Park

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs!  It’s official autumn but we won’t see much in the way of fall colors until next…

Early Evening Moon Over the Blue Ridge Parkway

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs!  From the same trip photo shoot I’ve shared pictures from all month, I snapped the gorgeous…
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