
16-03-2025 Vol 19

TAD Corners

I thought sure as the world Rain had stumped me this time, so I went ahead with FFO sketch.  It was after I finished my portrait piece, that I knew I wanted to draw a little mouse peeking around the corner.



However, prior to that invisible lightbulb turning on, a stretch of the imagination gave me an idea for Rain’s challenge.  You can decide for if it passes or fails.  This is what I did, I gave my FFO drawing a vintage photograph look.  Using Pixelmator Pro, I opened the borrowed retro boarder and inserted my Procreate art work into a new layer placed in the middle achieving just the right effect for my new piece. With the idea in mind, I felt it would be fun to create a high school formal portrait of my girl. What do you think? 


I do a lot of cutting corners when it comes meals. When I prepare food, I try to make enough to last awhile.  You might recall the last thing I shared with you was the beef stew that I made.  That lasted a long time and while I still a good portion of it left, I made Louisiana Style Rice and Beans.  It yielded a gallon of soup.   Here’s that recipe for you. 



I keep close watch the shelf life of products in my pantry.  I hate when things go bad!  I have a jar of peanut butter fixing to expire next month April. I came up with a couple of ideas to make good use of it.  I made a batch of Peanut Butter cookies.  This is the first time in three or four years that I made any. The recipe I used wasn’t spot on, so we made adjustments to it and this was the first revised batch that I made. The changes definitely make the cookies better but more peanut butter is needed and I marked my recipe for next time.  I may try it again soon. 


I’m Thankful for…

Having had a wonderful Father-in-law.  Today would’ve been his 101st birthday. He was one of nine children, survived the Great Depression, graduated high school, attended technical school, WWII vet,  married 66 years to the love of his life, TV repairman, Coal Miner electrician, Dad to three boys, and Papaw to three (our kids).  He was a hands-on kind of guy and could fix or build about anything. He was the strong, silent type but as he mellowed with time he revealed his sweet, loving side.  I always felt more like a daughter than just the girl who married his son. He was a remarkable man. Happy Birthday, A!  

Toot Toot Tootsie Goodbye (Al Jolson) was a hit song the week of my father-in-law’s birth in 1923.

That’s it for today. Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday, so I won’t be around.  I hope you’ll join me on the dance floor for Mondays Music Moves. Have a doodletastic weekend! 😘

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15 thoughts on “TAD Corners

  1. I’m late visiting from FFO, but I love the mouse peeking around the corner. Extremely clever, Cathy. That girl is adorable. I use PhotoShop, so the program you use is foreign to me. Loved the outcome, though.

  2. Your corners are delightful … by “my girl” do you mean your daughter? She is beautiful and the mouse is adorable. As for your food … oh my, a lot of work went into your Red Beans and Rice. It sounds delicious and it has a lot of protein in it. Good job, Cathy. Peanut butter cookies are my daughter’s favorite, but being the lazy cook that I am, I usually buy them at the Bakery 🙂 I too had a wonderful Father-in-law, so I can appreciate how you miss yours. My Fil was much the same … very handy and quiet. My in-laws also survived the depression and it changed their whole thinking about life. My parents on the other hand, also survivors of the depression, rarely talked about it and it wasn’t obvious that they were scarred by it. The great generation went through a lot with the depression and WWII … it feels much like we too may be going through some life changing experiences politically now which is worrisome. But enough of that, Enjoyed all of this post, Cathy, as always.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. LOL, no “my girl” isn’t a reference to my daughter. I was strictly referring to the girl I drew. 🙂 The biggest thing with making anything with beans is cooking dry beans. Sometimes, I’ll take short cuts by using canned beans which are pretty good but I had some red beans that I had for a long time and knew this was a good way to use them. Actually, I probably bought them just for that reason. The Great Generation really endured a lot. They were resilient and grateful people. We’ll never see a group of people like that again. Despite our hardships, we don’t know what it is truly like to do without like they did. I count my blessings to have been born when I was and for they did to make sure that I had a better life.

      I hear you on the woes with the upcoming election. This country not only needs a President with a good moral compass but a deep devotion and love for God, family, and country. We need a President who does the right thing for our country and her people, instead of seeking to destroy everything Americans hold dear. The evil and corruption in politics is in every department at every level. We, Americans need to remember that whenever we go vote anyone into any office no matter how small. These kind of people have to start somewhere in order to reach a higher elected office. Okay enough said about that as you said. 😉

      Have a blessed day and weekend!

  3. I love your memory of your father-in-law.

    Nice corners, all of them.

    Another use for peanut butter, if you like crispy rice treats, use the standard recipe on the back of the cereal box only skip vanilla, instead add 1/3c peanut butter and a bag of butterscotch chips. They’re a favorite here.

    1. Mimi,

      The peanut butter and butterscotch chips version of Rice Krispy treats is that call Scotcharoos? If so, we like that recipe. I made a batch of these after my daughter told us. 🙂

  4. You are brilliant! I love your art. You are so clever. Ohhh, well of course if peanut butter has to be used, it must be cookies. Yummm and will say the same about the beans too.I enjoyed this post very much. Also, I have posted FFO early. Have the best weekend.

  5. Such a nice thankful and it’s funny, we just had a batch of beef stew too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Beef stew is popular, you’re the second person to mentioned it. It’s one of those perfect meals with everything all in one bowl!

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    I’m ready to set sail and head off into the sunset for the rest of the month, and it looks like your TAD post will be my last stop. Btw, your post has still not appeared on my blog reading list, so I remembered to go hunting for it.

    I love your artwork, that’s no secret, and I swear that the mouse drawing is the cutest thing you have ever done. It’s wonderful and makes me smile. I also admire the nostalgic sketch of the girl posing for her high school portrait.

    Coincidentally, I am currently finishing the last of a big batch of beef stew Mrs. Shady made for us. I will gladly show her your recipe for Louisiana Red Beans and Rice. I love beans of all kinds and am particularly fond of rice-based dishes. I hope Mrs. S makes this for me. The cookie recipe is making my mouth water, too.

    What a great and gifted man, your father-in-law, and nice of you to salute him on what would have been his 101st birthday. I know that number must boggle your mind, because your memories of him remain so vivid, making it seem like only yesterday when you were a newlywed and your daddy-in-law accepted you as a daughter. A remarkable man, indeed!

    Well, I’m off then. I truly enjoyed our exchanges this month. Please take good care of yourself and your family, have a happy Easter on the 31st, and join me if possible on April 1, 2 or 3 when I return to blogging with a new post. God bless, dear friend Cathy!

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