
25-03-2025 Vol 19

Rainy Skies Photo-artwork

Yesterday I shared an ordinary photo of gray rainy skies and as promised today I’m sharing how I used that photograph in Pixelmator applying some cool brushes and backgrounds to create three new photo artworks but first let me ask, did you vote in my latest round of BoTB yesterday? If not, I hope you’ll hop over to cast your vote! 😉

In the first photo, I applied two different Brusheezy brushes – birds and deer.

Usually, I keep my layers visible in a working copy of my image so I can share with you what I used but I messed up and didn’t save the file. In the next image, I added a grunge background. There are many good free resources you can find on the Internet if you like this look. It makes the picture a bit moodier.

Finally, in the last image, I added another overlay of realistic water drops to the above image. I shot the original picture through a raindrop splattered car window which is barely visible in the unedited photo, but with this added background enhances that rainy day sense.

I am sharing my Rainy Day Photo Artwork with the Skywatch Friday photo family.

Thanks for joining me today, Kittens & Dawgs and I hope y’all will come back tomorrow for your weekly dose of laughs with Friday Sillies!


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22 thoughts on “Rainy Skies Photo-artwork

    1. Les, you’re a gal after my own heart and I knew you’d like/appreciate my photo edits. Thanks for visiting and for the nice compliment!

  1. You put in a lot of work on the gray sky picture. I love the final draft with the realistic rain drops! I also really liked your comedy memes on the next post. Love the French Fry joke! Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Lexa,

      Oh, I’m happy you liked the realistic water drops overlay. I wondered how well this might be received. 🙂 Yeah, the French fry joke is a good one. I really appreciate you popping by for a visit. Have a good week!

  2. Very creative, and thanks for walking us through the steps you used! I love using textures and spend many happy hours playing around with some of my photos. I like what you’ve done with this photo!

  3. I love it! Very artistic and reminds me of Turner and other 19th century artists who liked the moodier style. Of course Turner was from the 1700’s but he was ahead of his time. Very cool and the birds just add to the feeling of the picture

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    I thought you were going to use your magic to turn a rainy day into a sunny one. 🙂 Instead you made it even more gloomy and mysterious, and it amazes me how you can add elements using those Photoshop Brushes. They look perfectly natural and real and certainly do enhance your compositions.

    Happy Thursday to you, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Lee,

      I try to be artistic and I hope others enjoy my fun. I don’t know if one would say, “Gosh, that’s awesome stuff I’d like to buy her work!” But, this is fun stuff for me to play around with. 🙂

    1. Linja, Yeah, who knew you could by-pass waiting out those birds for that purrfect capture. This is good I can brush in just about anything into an image because I’m not one for waiting around. lol Thanks for visiting and have a great day!

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