
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Sunday Sillies: Thanksgiving funnies

Good-morning, kittens & dawg! Whew, has winter arrived or what?! Frigid temps and snow in November is really abnormal for the Tennessee Valley. I haven’t seen the weather this cold in a coons age.  I hope none of you found yourselves in this situation this week.


 Thanksgiving is only days away, so let’s have a few turkey day laughs.



This really should be a prayer, don’t you think?


And, please can we not come to the table without our iDevices?

Wireless Thanksgiving Dinner_n

Unless, that’s one of the things you want to count amongst your blessings and then that’s entirely a different matter,right?

I can’t let today slip away without sharing Adam Sandler’s zangy Thanksgiving Song…

Keep smiling and a have laughtastic week!

LaughingTurkey-1-1-1 copy

anime cats

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3 thoughts on “Sunday Sillies: Thanksgiving funnies

  1. I’ve been meaning to do something relating to the electronics at the table. This inspires me to write a blog post about it later today or tomorrow–may I use that picture in my blog?

  2. I totally agree with the now devices at the table this Thanksgiving holiday! We have this rule in place now for dinner. Thanks for giggles today!

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