
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Still More Bits and Bobs #humor plus Friendly Fill-ins & CTST

This is the last day of September and time really flies, doesn’t it, Kittens & Dawgs?  It’s time for our weekly dose of giggles with Friday Sillies Still More Bits and Bobs!




Please share your funny post with me (and others) by leaving a direct link in comments. Now, I invite you to email me your giggles (funny picture, joke, video, song, …). If it makes you laugh then I want to see it! In the subject line say Friday Sillies and if I use it, then I’ll add a link back to your site.

Got laughs? Share your giggles!

Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins!


Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins with Annie and Ellen. Every Thursday four fun and easy blank statements are posted for us to borrow, complete, and share on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.

Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:

1. A 500 calories reduction each day for a week means you loose  a pound of unwanted weight. I hate counting calories, don’t you?

  1. My favorite magazine is Reader’s Digest but I don’t get it anymore. All my reading is online. It’s easier and I don’t have to worry about do I keep or throw it away.
  2. Recently, I began using my elliptical again after more than a year of not using it. I think I mentioned before with DH being out of work my whole routine got out of sorts so I’m working on getting back on track. Yay me!
  3. Even though I shouldn’t have milk or eat ice cream, I occasionally break down and have them. I love diary but dairy doesn’t love me!

You’re welcome to tag along, as I hop over to link up with the Friendly Fill-Ins crowd.


I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate The Small Things. Here’s my list of celebrations!

I’m celebrating… getting an Apple Magic Mouse 2 for my computer. The one I used for years was Logitech Performance mouse. It’s a good device if you use it with a Windows-based system but not so good for use with a Mac. With every OS update, the Logitech mouse became more finicky and with the recent Sierra upgrade it made things nearly unbearable. So, we decided last Friday to buy each of us a Magic Mouse 2. What sealed the deal for us is we learned it has similar operating features we like about the Logitech and boy, do I love this new mouse!

What are you celebrating?

See what others are celebrating this week below and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa!


To continue the Friday fun, you may want to consider joining Friendship Friday, Friday Features, and Skywatch Friday linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration! If you’re visiting from SWF, then you’ll find my photo contribution, here.

I am taking a blog hiatus starting tomorrow, October 1st -17th , but I have my routine weekly posts scheduled, like my Friday Sillies. The fill-ins and CTST will return on the 21st line up. I will make return visits and respond to comments. It’ll be sorta like I’m not away from Blogosphere.

The weekend is just starting, so I invite y’all to hop back tomorrow for some mewsic with Saturday Songsuasion!

Have a super funtastic Friday! ?

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9 thoughts on “Still More Bits and Bobs #humor plus Friendly Fill-ins & CTST

  1. Ha, ha, the one about throwing away the box and then digging it back out again cracked me up. I’ve done that so many times. Don’t even get me started about trying to lose weight. Enjoy your new mice!

  2. LOL that kitty peeking makes me think of how exactly does our cat know the exact moment I sit down on the toilet??!!! All of a sudden, I’m doing my business and he’s doing figure 8s through my legs. What is with that??!
    Reader’s Digest was the only magazine we got for a long time too. But now everything is basically online.

  3. Those cartoons are funny and the one with the cat..I hope he doesn’t try to jump up..that would hurt. I wish to lose weight without counting calories….probably could now…where is my Kit Kat:)

  4. I loved the funnies, especially the first one! And I totally throw away the wrapper and then can’t remember the directions — I do that all the time! lol The new mouse sounds like it’s perfect for you both! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  5. I love the frog and the trash ones. Though I don’t throw away directions, I will go back and forth to look at my computer or recipe after putting it away when making something using a recipe.

  6. I love the cartoon of the lady pulling the box out of the trash- that is so me. Thank you for participating in the Friendly Fill-Ins. I should count calories, but I have given up completely- good for you using the elliptical. Have a nice weekend!

  7. Fun stuff today! You’re not the first one who I’ve read today who’s mentioned how quickly time passes. It’s getting ridiculous how fast time flies. I’ve been flying faster than the speed of life.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  8. I like your cartoons, Cathy. The frogs remind me of my friend, Mr. Toad, who spends almost every evening on my deck. The dogs have gotten so used to him being there that they don’t pay any attention to him.


    1. Janie, I like hearing the sound of frogs in the summer. Recently, while doing yard work I saw what looked like a black frog. Grant it the light was low so it might have been dark green but whatever color it was I barely saw him until he jumped which made me jump. lol

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