
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Soothing Relaxation – Traditional, Instrumental Christmas Mewsic

Dillsboro, North Carolina

I’d say about now, if you’re like me try as you may not to feel stressed with the festive activities, you’re probably feeling a wee bit of it. While I composed my mewsic for this month, I looked for the right songs for the right moment and this playlist I stumbled on by Soothing Relaxation of traditional is purrfect for playing in the background while I collect and refuel for more Christmas fun. Hit place to unwind with me! 😉

One way to relax during the holidays is to enjoy the taste of the season. Photographed below are our chilled glasses of Boiled Custard taken from last December. Some call it Eggnog and I actually use an Eggnog recipe from DD#2’s Little House on the Prairie Cookbook except I cook it. This has been a long tradition at our home that I still primarily keep for us. 



Do you prefer hot beverages? You might want to check out  Hot beverages on a cold winter’s day where I featured three of our favorites. Also, look for my recipe for Mulled Apple Cider. Bottoms up carefully please, don’t want you to burn your tongue! 😉

While on vacation, we didn’t do near the things we wanted because of unforeseen circumstances (auto accident) the weekend before Thanksgiving.  We weren’t hurt but our new car was damaged when a tractor trailer crossed the center line striking the driver’s side. The passenger door is messed up, so now we have to deal with getting estimates and repairs. Pushing all that aside, we managed to enjoy ourselves and took a couple of trips to the Smoky’s foothills communities. Here are a few pictures capturing the fun.

The series of images to follow were all captured with my iPhone 8.  The daytime shots were taken the same day in Pigeon Forge.  The first three photos are from The Apple Barn & Cider Mill and the other two are from The Island.










In the above picture you can see the Smoky Mountains in the distant.

About a week later, we took another trip to Pigeon Forge.  We wanted to see the lights at night and found ourselves once again at The Island.  It’s just gorgeous there this time of year and we couldn’t have asked for better weather for both trips. It was just perfect, meaning we didn’t freeze. Actually, the temperatures were quite mild for December.














Normally I have a Linky party for my WildWednesdays edition but I’m taking a more laid back approach this holiday season.  I ask that you include your blog address to the post you’d like for me and others to visit in comments. It works just as well as the link up. 😉


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22 thoughts on “Soothing Relaxation – Traditional, Instrumental Christmas Mewsic

    1. Mimi,

      The trucking company’s insurance says they’ll pay for everything but we’ll see how things go from here. It’ll be great relief to get this all behind us!

    1. Brian,

      I love all the festive Christmas lights and decorations! It’s so pretty this time of the year. I almost hate seeing it end but that just gives me a reason to look forward to it next year, right?

  1. Hi Cathy, I love ferris wheels and midway photos, especially night shots. And then you add Christmas lights and decorations and great angles— that’s so cool.
    Yes, please stop by my Say Cheese! Linky. It would be great if you could link uo.
    I’m not sure if you want people to clip your gif (sounds painful), but let me know if that’s ok or you have another card for me to put up in my sidebar of Christmas cards.

  2. We have been to Pigeon Forge during the National Quartet Convention of Southern Gospel music and loved the time we spent at the Apple Barn. These images bring back some very fond memories. We dearly want to go to the Biltmore Estate during the Christmas season.

    1. Driller,

      We love the foothills of the Smoky’s! Oh, you have got to go to Biltmore at Christmas!! It’s absolutely gorgeous. They used to not allow photographing inside the home and it may still be that way but people do it anyhow. It seems the reason had to do with the heirloom furnishings and artwork was the reason why it wasn’t permitted. I might be wrong. Oh well…do check on that if you go to see if there are any limitations. We would love to go back at Christmas time again but it’s rather expensive and time is always short for us. Maybe, one Christmas soon we can do that. 🙂

  3. Love the instrumental. Beautiful and so relaxing.

    Sorry about the car accident, but so glad you weren’t hurt. Things you can replace.

    What a beautiful post all full of all things Christmas.

    We don’t have flavored seasonal drinks. Water and coffee. On and champagne from time to time.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug, Cathy. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Thanks for joining me today for a bit of holiday cheer. So, true things are replaceable or repairable but people…well we know they aren’t replaceable and repairable sounds painful. God is good is all I can say about that. 😉

      Water is essential for the body and we definitely drink our share of it, mostly plain, but do enjoy non-sweetened flavored sparkling water. Have you tried that? It’s quite good.

      I hope y’all have a blessed Christmas, dear heart. I can’t believe the big day is next week!

      1. I’ve not tried the flavored sparkling water. I’m not opposed to trying it though. We just seem to do coffee in the mornings and water the rest of the day. You have a blessed Christmas too, honey. Big hug. 🙂

        1. Sandee,

          I drink a lot of plain water but it’s nice having the flavored sparkling waters on hand. We also got into drinking iced tea over the summer to stir clear of soft drinks. The acid in soda is really bad for the teeth. Have a joyful Christmas season, darlin’!

  4. Sorry about the accident. Thank goodness you were not injured. It looks like you are still able to enjoy the holidays. Those drinks look gorgeous!

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