Good Monday Moooorning! Our weather forecast for today is, Sunny. Hot. High 94F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. But, if you look to the right you’ll see I added a cool AccuWeather widget to my blog. Now, you can experience our weather every time you visit my blog. Now, don’t you feel special? I hope you do because,
I dreamed of
And I know it to me that I will become
Who I want to be
And I finally found it
And I’m taking the long way out
Cause its gonna be
Something special to me
Something special to me (Chorus)
Days go by and I’ll grow stronger
It takes time but i’ll never let go
Days go by and I’ll try harder
To make it mine
I dreamed of
And I know it to me
That I will become
Who I want to be
And I finally found it
And I’m takin’ the long way out
And its gonna be
Something special to me
Something special to me (Chorus)
Days go by and I’ll grow stronger
It takes time but i’ll never let go
Days go by and I’ll try harder
To make it mine
More than I hoped for
More than I dreamed of
This is how it should be
More than I hoped for
More than I dreamed of
This is how it should be
Days go by and I’ll grow stronger
It takes time but i’ll never let go
Days go by and I’ll try harder
To make it mine
Its something special to me (8x)
Jammin’ on Monday mornings really gets my heart pumpin’ and it makes my entire being soar with happiness! I decided to bounce, yeah bounce, over to to see what’s listed coz you know most of the artists out there today either are not registered or recognizable in my mind. Can I blame this on age or just being a Mom? Anyhow, like I said, being a part of this meme brings some freshness to my musical taste buds. With that, #9 on the Billboard hits is, GOOD LIFE!
very catching tune, eh? And, I love the title “Good Life”. That makes me happy because well…I have a ‘good life’, don’t you?
One of my growing favorite female vocalists is the lovely Adele. Until a few months ago, I didn’t know who she was and then WHAM there she was. Wow, right? Her beautiful voice and the story behind her heartfelt lyrics mingle in a way which magically touches me. At #85, SOMEONE LIKE YOU!
I had to include this as my final selection for today, so I leave you with #94. I believe it’ll make you smile with I SMILE!

to Amethyst Moon @ Life, Music, & Laughter!
I want to sing… kindly kill the dogs, please – the howling is getting in the way…ahem anyway my thanks to… Marie @ Xmas Dolly – Head Conductor of this Love Train, along with all of her faithful co-conductors: Lorie @ The Shewbridges of Celebration, Florida, Larry @ Cakeblast, Callie @ JAmericanSpice, and Stacy @ Stacy Uncorked!
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@twitter-15699438:disqus Oops my bad, it looks like DeBarge is a male singing group, but I’m telling you it sounded like a gal to me. *blush*
Run DMT Good idea with keeping track of new picks by placing them on your phone. I do that, too. As for Love Me in a Special Way, the best I can tell a group called DeBarge did this song, too. But, the lady singing sounds like Tamia and I was wondering if perhaps she use to sing with them. Do you know?
Great picks! That was a clever idea to pop over to to find some songs. I keep a list on my phone, so whenever I hear a song on the radio, I add it to my MM list.
I love the soulful sound of Tamia and Adele. Love Me in a Special Way is a remake, isn’t it? One Republic is one of my favorite bands.
Scriptor Colbie is new to me, but all of the singers, except for Adele in this week’s post are new to me. I love reaching out to see what new-to-me talent I can find!
@google-02887792750a25ae9024279698d7cda0:disqus Thanks for dancing with me this week!
@e882eafa3397ba2ea88fa8a1539a5602 I’m being educated, too. You know being a SAHM for the past 23 years I’ve gotten swollowed up and my brain is still stuck in the early 80s tune for the most part, but I love the oldies. Why I really enjoy the greats like Dean Martin, Tony Bennett, and Frank Sinatra to name a few. Fabulous voices! We can all learn from each other here, which is the amazing thing.
Natasha in Oz Thanks my blogging, musical enthusiast for the return visit. I’ll look forward to linking up with you next week.
@ff10c9176a1bfaddce4688e46d56d7b9 I love seeing you smile – how beautiful! =D
@selfsagacity:disqus Yeah, how did you know? lol I have felt like this on occasion, though. Sometimes the alarm will literally cause me to jump. I really HATE that thing.
Nice choices! What’s the matter with that clock? Did you smash it? lol
Love you choices, and I do love your last song makin’ be bounce, oh look my butt is movin’ & my foot is a tappin’! SMILE – And I’m smilin’ cuz you’re here with us. Take care & hope to see you next week too!
Great songs! I love the Adele song and I loved listening to the Colbie Caillait song-I hadn’t heard it before!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s great to meet another musical blogger!
Best wishes,
Thank you for furthering my music education. So many song I’ve never heard, but love them all. Thanks for sharing. I’m your latest follower. Nice to meet you. Have a great night and stop by when you get some time.
At first, I didn’t like Colbie but she has really grown on me. Her songs are good for that quiet sort of reflective mood.
Love, love, LOVE all your choices, Cathy! I’ve got all those on my iPod!
Country Girl with One More Drinkin’ Song is a Shotgun Girl under Blue Skies
Stacy Well, you so do rock, girl!
Mrs. Claus Yeah, but the humidity is murder! Where are you at? 108 sounds terrible, but I’m told in drier climates it isn’t as bad as what we have. Blah!
Great post! High 94F? Sounds like I might need to come there, high here 108F!!!
Help we are melting!!! LOL!
Merry Christmas!