
25-03-2025 Vol 19

Moon rising at dusk in an East TN sky + Friday Sillies & Fill-ins

Linking with other Skywatch Friday photo enthusiasts.

We have reached the pinnacle of another work week – TGIF! Whoo-hoo, it’s time for a little breather, even if it’s just for a few minutes for you to grab a few laughs or to have a silly grin spread across your face melting away life’s stresses.

What made me smile this week? On Wednesday while blogging hopping NC Sue @IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING shared How NOT to get a job.

For a LOL moment, a friend recently sent us a video. Take a peek at Masculine Moments. *Sorry, video no longer available*

And, something that made me really happy was seeing…

the Broncos trump the Patriots in the playoffs taking the AFC title and Super Bowl 48 bound. Way-to-go, Denver Broncos!

Before I skedaddle, I have a chance to play along this morning in  Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun with Feeling Beachie. Hilary’s fill-ins are:

  • Watching a sunrise or sunset always makes me smile inside and out.
  • If one song represents how I feel right now it is Cold as Ice, but as in emotionally cold more like physically cold cause the temperature this morning is 4°. I am so ready for spring!
  • In 2013 my biggest challenge was getting well after a long illness & surgery and made me appreciate the very second I began to feel better again, more like myself.
  • I feel determined about making New Year’s resolutions.
Keep smiling and a have fantastic weekend!



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11 thoughts on “Moon rising at dusk in an East TN sky + Friday Sillies & Fill-ins

  1. beautiful picture, and those funnies gave me a good chuckle today.
    I will be happy to be feeling better and more myself after this sickness. I think Mother Nature has our immune systems all confused with this weird weather.

  2. Great shot of the moon, really like the comp as well. Love your fun four Friday too. Happy you’re feeling better… Phew. Happy weekending and back at cha, I’m your newest follower 🙂

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