Linking with other Skywatch Friday photo enthusiasts.
Laughter is the language we all understand and need. Let’s take a moment to break out our smiles or break a few ribs or just simply break our routine!
My bloggy friend, Joyce @ Catch My Words introduced this Disney parody to me a few weeks ago.
That got me thinking, why not do dig up parodies of some of today’s popular songs and this is what I came up with!
These are ridiculously funny and in some cases a bit gross, but for the most part, I hope they made you smile.
Rounding things up with Hilary’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun.
- Do you remember when you the first moment you knew you would marry your husband? I do. It was after our first date. He called just talk one evening while my folks weren’t home. We stayed on the phone for hours chatting about random things getting to know each other better. I felt so comfortable with him that it was in that moment I knew we would spend the rest of our lives together.
- I use artificial sweeter, like Splenda & Nectress in my food because I do not want the extra calories.
- The best part of the day is when DH comes home from work. I miss him so much when he’s gone!
- If I hear one more thing about so-and-so I am going to scream! I know what you’re thinking, “Really, she said so-and-so?” I did, but I can’t say what that is because being I am a super-duper private person on certain matters then I will never, ever divulge things that could potentially be embarrassing to another person.
Have a laughtastic weekend!
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Beautiful picture!
Moody and beautiful, that view!
I love your number one. I don’t remember the exact moment, but it was way, way, way, way, way earlier than when marc figured it out…
I use artificial sweetners too. I figure why bother with extra calories?
Oh fantastic shot!! I love the darkness to it – the bold outline of the trees and the purple tinge to the background. eerie, but beautiful.
BWWAAAHH!! the parodies are awesome. My favourite is still Cookie Monster doing “Share it Maybe” (from Call Me Maybe).
You know, I cannot remember a specific moment when I knew Left Brain was the one. I think I just kinda always knew. Oddly it was probably more when I could tell that he was just enough different enough from me — that it would surely be interesting. But our “core” was the same. Not that there have not been a few times I could also strangle him….then and now.
Very interesting and different post. Nice hearing good news once in awhile from real people.
LOVE that shot. And I think it’s great that you don’t name names.
Oh by the way, I’m following you here and on your twitter, and I cannot find your button. Could you stop by and do the same, and leave a comment as to where your button is. Thanks. Have a great day!
Hmmm, you know since I switched blog names I have yet to create a blog button. I guess I’m gonna have to do this now that you’ve requested it. lol BTW, I am following you already!
You have a good eye for a sharp picture. Love your sky shot. Personally I love to laugh and love making people laugh, but I’m told I have dry humor. Dang, I don’t even know what that is! LOL Regarding your follow Friday 1. My Wife and I met in 1991, and first we were good friends, which turned out to be best friends, and we even lived together for a while, and then as far as that goes we passed the test, and I was laid off and the only thing I could give her was my name. I knew I loved her, and I was definite that she loved me, and also I knew she was one of a kind and I wanted it to be mine! So yes I knew I wanted to marry her after we became best friends. My wife uses Splenda & I’m her Sugar Daddy (snicker). The best part of my day is snuggling with my wife in the morning before we get out of bed just holding each other and lastly I think what you’re getting at is you are not a gossiper. I can’t stand people who gossip. I don’t gossip. I say it like it is or I don’t say it at all! Have a great weekend! Marie recommends you highly so I thought I’d come over, and take a gander for myself.
Don’t mean to be nosey, but I guess that’s what blogging is all about sometimes being nosey as to what other people have at their blog. LOL
Marie is a sweetheart! I am happy that you stopped by. It’s always so nice to learn of others who have that everlasting relationship where they see the other as not only his/her spouse, but BF. I get dry humor, but I can’t pull that off for anything.I love watching actors/actresses who can do this totally dead pan. One person that comes to mind is Billy Crystal. He can deliver a line without cranking a smile and I am just rolling on the floor with laughter!
Nice, moody sky shot.