Fellow blogger, Brenda Youngerman, has written a new book and I’m trying to help out by promoting her blog tour. You may wanna check out her newest title, Skewered Halo.

This spring is a wild, busy one for us. As you may know, our DS will be graduating from our home school. This 19-year chapter will be closing for me…us in May. Here’s what we’ve gotten done so far…
- Cap & gown ordered
- Diploma ordered
- Graduation gift bought
- Senior pictures snapped
- FAFSA completed
- PSTCC application done
- Graduation invitations rough draft
- Car hunting with DS
- miscellaneous special occasion gifts bought
- Gathering pictures for the slide show
The only hope for us to enjoy the month of May is to tackle everything now. It’s gonna be a full month with two birthdays, Mother’s Day, prom, graduation, and Memorial holiday. Did I forget anything? We’re going to be SO ready for a vacation by May 26th.
Visited a fellow 4M Love Train party-goer and am now hooked on this young Christian female artist…
Isn’t she just too cute or what?
The dogwoods in our area have popped opened and peaked out already. Wow, right? We normally don’t see the dogwoods bloom until April, but with Mother Nature’s hot flashes beginning at the end of February then spring’s onset was premature.
Knoxville will be hosting their 52nd Dogwood Arts Festival, beginning on March 31 with Dogwood After Dark. The highlight of this event is mainly focused on the festival and trails (April 11-30) by most people who attend.
The festival provides a great opportunity for local artists to really shine. Leann Vineyard Cooper did the illustrations for my book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes, will be participating for a second year in the sidewalk art chalk event. Last year, she took 3rd place in the Adult/Single Artist category.
At the time the festival kicks off, so do the openings of the Dogwood Trails. This is what I look forward. Novice and pro photographers alike enjoy capturing the beautiful blooms. While I’m certain the flowering landscapes will be breathless, I wonder what kind of impact the early show of the Dogwood blooms will have on the event.
My blog needs some serious help. It’s time to do a major over haul, but I just don’ believe I’m gonna find time to do this until after DS graduates. That being said, this is your chance to help out. What suggestions do you have for improving my blog layout? Come on, my skin is thick and I can take it, but feel free to be a little kind.
Last night, my agent, Dawn from BRLA sent an email saying, she is reducing most of her children’s books because they are the hardest to sell. This is actually rather ironic, too. I thought I’d like to go back to my story’s original layout targeting a younger audience. It looks like now I can do this. God has a way of moving in our lives just when we need the change. Working with a talented book agent and her assistant has been a great opportunity, one I don’t regret despite my misgivings for changing my original story. I have grown a little more as a children’s author and for that I’m grateful. This isn’t good-bye Dawn. Who knows, maybe we’ll reconnect someday on another book venture. Thanks for all you’ve done!
Now it’s time to get my letter of removal written for my agent so I may begin a fresh. For more random Tuesday musings or simply some fun visiting a friend over a cup of coffee, then hop with me. First up, filling in for Keely @ UnMom on Random Tuesday Thoughts is Stacy Uncorked!
Take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with your blog friends, as you enjoy some random reflections, considerations, or brooding. While you’re at it, join in on the fun – create your own post and link up! Have a terrific Tuesday!
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Mother Natures hot flashes have tricked my strawberries into blooming, 6 weeks early. I doubt they’ll end up prducing this year.
Good luck with all the craziness, you’re gonna be busy. Good luck on the book as well.
I don’t see anything wrong with your layout. I wish I could see the pics in the background but that’s not bad. I’ve visited some blogs recently with funky fonts in crazy colors that are hard to read. Just don’t do that!!
Thanks for linking up with us again! We appreciate it!!
I used to change up my blog layout all the time almost as often as I changed my underwear! I finally landed on something I like. Simple and easy to load.
my dogwoods haven’t bloomed just yet but everything else has! What a mild winter!
I wish I had more time to read. I have 3 book that I am currently trying to finish, I need more hours in my day!
I’m not looking forward to this time next year when I’m faced with the same crazy May schedule that you’re about to go into. Once you’re done I’d appreciate any points on survival you can offer!
Thanks for linking up!
Thanks so much for the shout out Cathy! I really appreciate it….
And that is really exciting about your book…. You are right about mysterious ways… I always say, “All things happen for a reason!”
Have a great rest of Tuesday…
I’m intrigued by that book!
Sounds like you have some major events (read: busy time) coming up. You’ll definitely be ready for a vacation by May 26th.
Jamie Grace was a new one for me yesterday, too – I’m hooked!
I hope the Dogwood Festival turns out awesome in spite of the early bloom/peak mode this year. I miss our two Dogwood trees – the house painters killed one, and the other had its own issues so they’re gone. My 5-on-one apple tree I planted in place of one of the Dogwoods just isn’t the same.
allstarme and RoryBore both have excellent suggestions – I’d also think about changing the width so your posts aren’t as narrow for reading.
Warrior Cats Easter, Monsuno Obsession, Honeymoon Wine, Fairy Hobmother
our blogging community is so great – that’s really wonderful of you giving a shout out for Brenda’s book! I can’t wait to read it myself.
Dogwoods’: definitely something missing in my garden. I am not sure they would survive our freezing, long winters though..?? more to ponder….
If you are interested in redesigning your blog, I would recommend setting up a 2nd blog as your “tester” – you just mark it as private so that no one else can view it. then you get to play around with various looks until you find the one you like. and, of course, no major “oops” on your existing one. That’s what I do. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Not that there is anything wrong with your existing fonts but that would be one way to change up your blog’s look. Just an idea.
Happy Tuesday!