
12-03-2025 Vol 19

Shadow Dance with Me!

Purs and hisses, Kittens and Dawgs! How was your weekend? It’s fabulous to see you! This week’s theme our anonymous co-host, The Shadow, requested us to come up with songs featuring the word SHADOW.  I pulled together 10 songs, all introductions to my ears with the exception of one.  I think you’ll find my selection crosses many genres and you’re bound to find something in my mix that you’ll like. *cross fingers* Hit play and enjoy! 


Shadows On Your Side released in 1983 by pop artists Duran Duran on their album, Seven and the Ragged Tiger.  Is that a weird title or what? In the book In the Pleasure Groove, by band member John Taylor said the song is about the darker side of fame that the band was living through during this period. I borrowed this tidbit from the hyperlink but did not read the book.

We Three (My Echo, My Shadow, and Me) covered by Beatles’ legend Paul McCartney in 2012 on his album, Kisses on the Bottom. This mewsic clip says ‘Video unavailable’ as do many in this set, but it plays on YT website.  This is a very old song dating back to 1939. It was a hit release for The Ink Spots and Frank Sinatra in 1940 both ranking #3 on the charts. 

Me and My Shadow was a popular song from 1927.  Frank Sinatra & Sammy Davis Jr recorded the song in 1962 adding “Closer than Bobby is to JFK”.  This is the only track in my set that’s not new to me.

Shadow in my Heart released in 1987 on The Psychedelic Furs album, Midnight to Midnight. This band crossed my path in recent years. One of you guys introduced them to my ears. I’m not sure why I hadn’t heard of them but digging on the net to see if this song hit the charts I not only learned that it didn’t rank here in the US but that they only had a grand total of four songs to rank on Billboard Hot 100.

Shadow Play is found on the 1978 Photo-Finish album by rocker Rory Gallagher. The Irish guitarist, singer/songwriter wasn’t familiar to my ears. That’s nothing new on me but he still didn’t jiggle any bells in my memory even after listening to his top five hit songs. This being said, I did enjoy some of these tracks. Sadly I learned Rory died in 1995 from complications following a liver transplant.

Shadows (another YT video that doesn’t want to play here but will over there) is a contemporary Christian rock song from the 2009 album, Church Music, by the David Crowder band featuring Lecrae.  The last verse of the song speaks volumes…

When all seems lost
When we’re thrown and we’re tossed
We’ll remember the cost
We’re resting in
Shadow of the cross

Walking in the Shadow (please click the song title link to watch/hear on YT) from the German metal band Accept 2012 album, Russian Roulette. Their roots trace back to the 1960s but this is the first time for me to hear their mewsic. The song lyrics seem to impart the lyrists’ thoughts that the soul doesn’t go anywhere once it leaves the body and that’s very sad.  I believe we have eternal life.  Where we spend it is determined by our decision to follow Christ or not. 

Blue Shadows on the Trail is not the old cowboy tune sung by Roy Rogers and many other artists from yesteryear but a different title written by Randy Newman for The Three Amigos (1987) film & soundtrack. Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, & Martin Short actually recorded this track for the soundtrack. This is the second song on my list that isn’t new-to-me. I just temporarily forgot. 

Evening Shadows from mewsic great Van Morrison 2002 bluesy album, Down the Road, Morrison’s most commercially successful US albums in decades. This album renders the mewsic style that he listened to in his youth.

My Shadow (2008) is a song by British pop band Keane. For you Grey’s Anatomy fans you might recognize this song from season 6 episode “Shiny Happy People”.

 I’m sorry for the inconvenience this playlist caused.  I hadn’t realized these issues until late last week and I didn’t have the time or energy to correct it.  I hope you find time to listen to some of the selections if not all. 

Please join  XmasDolly (4M Brain Child) and my fellow 4M Co-hostesses Stacy,  Alana, Colette, and this month’s honorary co-host on the dance floor (ONLY link mewsic posts – anything else is subject for removal or branded “NO MUSIC“) below.


[tweetthis]I’m boogieing with the #MondaysMusicMovesMe gang. Come hit the dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

 Awww Mondays with Sandee at Comedy Plus!


I had an accident early Friday evening. It involves my chin and some steps.  I’m very stiff on the left side of my body, my chin is banged up but the swelling is down, and my jaw near my right ear feels odd.  I think I will wait till Tuesday before calling my doctor to give it more time to improve as well as the weather. Updates to follow asap. Please say a little prayer for me. 

Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon. Please dance by tomorrow to see which artist took last week’s BoTB showdown golden mic. Did you vote yet? The polls close at noon today! What are you waiting for?

Have a sparkletastic day!






















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32 thoughts on “Shadow Dance with Me!

  1. So many great choices, Cathy! Always love Duran Duran, and ‘Me And My Shadow’ is always a favorite! 🙂 So glad your jaw is OK, my friend. Lots of hugs to you! Thanks for the dance – hope you’re having a fabulous weekend! 🙂

  2. Girlfriend, I’m so sorry about your accident, You need to go get that checked out & watched. Don’t blow it off girlfriend, please. I’ll send you an email tomorrow… promise! For now… love tunes you picked out here my friend. So many… WOW…. I didn’t even find this many!!! Your first video America’s Got Talent had this group on… they were amazing!!! Where did you find all of these… they are amazing!!! You go girl! For now it’s past my bed time. I shall pray hard for you tonight my dearest friend. Please keep me posted!!! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      Everything is good with my jaw. I had it checked out yesterday. 🙂 Google helps a lot with my mewsic discoveries. AGT has had shadow dancing artist on the show but I couldn’t remember if it was this group that I saw on the program. I love stuff like this, though. Thanks for making time to dance with me before going to bed. You’re the best!

    1. Thanks for stopping in for a visit. I clicked on your gravatar so I could hop over to your blog but it’s not listed there. I hope you’re getting comment notification because I went to Awww Mondays to see if I could figure out which link up you were, assuming you linked up, but I couldn’t. However, I did notice that you’re from Maine. That’s super duper cool because first off I love Pine Tree State. We’ve visited three times and can’t wait to return. Second of all, our youngest daughter lives north of Portland. That’s another reason to visit the state. Tee-Hee-Hee! Anyway, you may wish to add your blog URL to your gravatar or use it when you leave a comment in the sign in form or leave a direct link in comments. This allows not only me to find you but others of interest. It’s a total win-win situation! I hope you’ll let me know how to find you. 🙂

  3. hope all is well with your jaw! and other areas. yikes. …I am going to go listen to the R.E.M. song as i’m a fan of Grey’s and want to refresh my memory. The other ones sound good and I will check those out later today as we are kind of iced in for right now – roads are too icy to go out – not much snow but definitely freezing temps. Feel better !

    1. Sandy,

      Ice is awful, awful stuff! It was so frigid here this morning. My jaw is on the mend. I’m sharing an update in tomorrow’s post. Y’all keep warm now!

  4. Cathy ~ be well ~ and great post of of ‘shadow tunes’ ~

    Ice and snow is what we have on Cape Ann MA ~ tis winter!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Carol,

      Ice & snow sounds horrible! I guess I’ll just complain and lump the cold temps which is better than what you’re dealing with in MA. Stay warm, my friend!

  5. Cathy,

    I hope that your doctor has some good news for you. Ice and snow are a major anxiety trigger for me. Of course, I now live where we get snow frequently. Stairs are another trigger. I plan to stay inside for a few months. I’ll email my grocery list to someone and they can bring it to me. The housekeeper can take out the trash. We’ll see how many posts I can come up with in the meantime!.

    This was a great setlist. I have a decent sized setlist as well, and we only have one song that made it to both lists!

    1. Mary,

      Oh, I really hate ice and snow but mostly the ice! That’s just wicked, bad stuff. That’s cool that you can get someone to do your grocery shopping for you. Have you tried Kroger or other stores that offer do the shopping for you and load your groceries in your car? You can also have someone to pick your order up which would make it even simpler for them. We haven’t done this but I have placed orders online for my daughter. This is especially helpful for a new mama. All she does is pull into the designated parking area, call the store, they bring it out, & put it in her trunk. As for the trash, we don’t have anyone to do that for us so either I or DH have to wrangle it to the curb each Monday evening. Oh well…at least we’re physically able to do this for now…well, he is me not so much with a banged up body lately. lol I can’t wait to play your mewsic set. Heading over soon!

  6. Hmmm, I bet I was the one who introduced you to the P Furs as they’re one of our favorite bands. In fact, we shared a different song by them with shadow in the title. I never knew there were so many shadow songs.

    1. Cathy,

      YES, it was YOU who introduced me to P Furs!! I knew it was someone on the 4M dance floor. 🙂 Thanks for refreshing my memory. Ahh, you have another ‘shadow’ song by them you say. Well, I can’t wait to hear!

    1. Brian,

      Yeah, that’s it I tripped over a shadow NOT my own feet. lol It’s awful when one is the blame for her mishaps, isn’t it? I trip over my toes frequently. I think I’m not picking my feet high enough to clear steps or other things that are easy for my toes to snag on. I need to correct this so not have a real doozy of fall, as if the one I just hadn’t didn’t qualify.

  7. Oh, Cathy, I’m so sorry; falling is the worst! I will be hoping that everything checks out for you. And you did such a great job on this (I knew almost none of these besides “Me and my Shadow”) not even the Duran Duran song. Slapping myself now. Cathy, please take care!!!!

    1. Alana,

      The steps that lead to our house always bother me. When our kids were small, we were forever reminding them to not run toward them and there’s been a number of times over the years that I’ve tripped over my toes coming up them but usually can catch myself in time without too much harm done. The next place we move into we will do our best to make sure there are no steps that we have to climb to go into our home.
      This is interesting that I’m sharing a set that’s new to so many this time. I hope you enjoyed the set. Thanks for the dance and have a boogietastic week, my friend!

  8. Cathy, be sure to get your jaw checked out because a hard hit can cause dental and hearing problems later on. Sending prayers and hugs!

    1. Eugenia,

      I will get it checked out. I immediately felt a shift toward my right ear with the impact and with my hearing issues already bothersome this is another reason of concern. Thanks, my friend for caring!

  9. Great job on Shadow. Some of those I’ve not heard in a very long time.

    Aw on the cutie pies. I’ve linked this post to Awww Mondays. Thanks for playing along.

    Yikes on your accident. I hate falling down. The older we get the more dangerous it gets too. I hope you don’t need to go to the doctor. Prayers coming your way.

    Have a blessed day, Cathy. Love you. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Thank you for linking me up. I’ll be by tomorrow. Unfortunately with age comes an increased danger for any mishap being more serious. I’m blessed with strong bones but I don’t want to leave this to chance. The hit was hard. It scared DH to death! Next time, I will make sure my hands are not tucked in my jacket pockets so I can catch myself.

  10. Great list of Shadow songs,some new to me. I didn’t realize Sinatra had one- I was looking 🙂 Thanks for hosting. I will have my post for tomorrow. XO

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M Monday-on-Sunday, dear friend! I haven’t stopped thinking about you since your mishap and I hope you are getting relief from you pain and that you are on the mend.

    I am astounded by that first video showing the incredible shapes and shadow work performance artistry of the American modern dance company Pilobolus. How did that dancing girl turn into a tiny tail-wagging dog, and a group of other dancers into a huge elephant? Amazing!

    I enjoyed the shadow song set. All are new to mine except “Me And My Shadow” which was sung by a variety of artists in my youth. My ears perked up with enjoyment when Beatle Paul (unplugged) crooned that old 1930s song “We Three (My Echo, My Shadow, and Me).” I also enjoyed the European heavy metal band Accept doing “Walking In The Shadow,” a sound derived from their earlier works “Princess Of The Dawn” and “Balls To The Wall.” Correction – I also remember that “Blue Shadows On The Trail” song and mewsic video from the film The Three Amigos because it was played on the MTV-style station where I worked in the 80s.

    Again, Cathy, I am so sorry you took a tumble and got hurt. You are too nice a person to have so many bad things happen to you. Prayers offered. Enjoy your Sunday if at all possible, dear friend.

    1. Tom,

      You’re such a kind friend to be so concerned. I’m making small improvements but I still want to get my jaw checked out. I think the stiffness will clear up in time. When I fell my upper legs, more so on the left side took a hard hit. It feels like a deep bruise but not a lot of visible bruising to the skin. I think that’s really interesting because I can bump my leg on something and instantly get a bruise. The good news is I’m doing better each day. I think I’ll be alright but as a matter precaution, I plan to see my doctor early this week unless he says otherwise.

      The ‘Shadow’ song titles turned into a fun discovery of new songs for my ears and I’m glad you enjoyed my playlist. Thanks for taking time out on Sunday to ‘Shadow Dance with me’ my friend. Have a boogietastic week!

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