
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Sevier County Courthouse National Pride

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! I came through the A2Z challenge. Did you participate in the annual event? If so, what was your theme? At the end of February before I got super busy with my A2Z prep, I shared Dolly on the Sevier County Courthouse Lawn.  I wanted to bring you one more view from that day of Sevier County Courthouse’s National Pride.

I love how the flag waves against the sky with the silhouette of the eagle in the foreground. I’d love to go back on a sunny day to get a rich blue sky in a similar shot.

Next is my Wednesday Hodgepodge segment hosted by Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.

  1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Is there a flower you associate with a particular memory? Explain. Orchids make me think of high school proms.
  2. Last time you helped someone? Tell us how. My helping is limited to my family. I usually am giving advice or encouraging someone.
  3. It’s National Salsa Month (the food, not the dance) so tell us, do you like salsa? Hot, medium, or mild? Homemade, store bought, or from your favorite restaurant only? Yes, I love salsa. I think I’m a middle of the road kinda gal. Generally, we buy Tostitos brand but I make a good home-made salsa. 
  4. When I was twelve years old… I couldn’t wait to be 13 and then when it happened, nothing changed. I felt the same. There was no magic, nothing grand, zip. Boy, was I ever disappointed.
  5. It’s the first of May so let’s run with it-first things first, don’t know the first thing about it, first dibs on something, first impression, first rate, first cousin, first string, first come first served, at first light-which phrase can best be applied to something in your life currently or even recently? I guess I have to go with ‘first things first’ because that’s the mode I’m in each day as I strike of to-dos this week in prep for DH’s eye surgery tomorrow.
  6. Insert your own random thought here. In last month’s A2Z Challenge, occasionally a blog bud threw subjects at me to try my artist prowess on and I thought using my mid-week random response the purrfect platform to showcase these sketches. Marie suggested Betty Bopp because her mother used to draw the cartoon character.  I found this image with the Marilyn Monroe quote and decided to give it a go.
I sketched Betty Boop on my iPad with my Apple Pencil using the drawing app, Procreate.


I need to give this sketch a do-over. It’s usually when I upload my drawing to my computer that I see my flaws. lol Oh well…when or if I find time to redo this one then I’ll share it with you. Special thanks to my dance buddy, XmasDolly for suggesting the idea!


Yesterday, I shared my newest Battle of the Bands (BoTB) showdown and I invite you to cast your vote for your favorite artist. Tomorrow DH is having eye surgery, so I won’t be around in Blogosphere and ask that you keep him in prayer. It’ll be up to me to usher him to and from his appointment for the next couple of days. Keep me in your prayers, too. In my absence, I hope you stop by to check out my planned post, ‘100 Truths‘ for another chance to get to know me better. 😉 I promise to make things up to you at the start of next week (if not before)! 😉Save



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27 thoughts on “Sevier County Courthouse National Pride

  1. I tried to link up but it woulldn’t work for me. I haven’t spent a lot of time in Sevierville, usually just passing through to Pigeon Forge and other places. That’s a beautiful photo and great drawing.

    1. Cynthia,

      I’m not sure what to make of my linky tools not working for you but I didn’t have any trouble adding it. Do you have a blog? I see that you’re a huge Clay Aikin fan on your Google+ page. I noticed you got your higher education in Chattanooga. DH worked for a company in Chattanooga for a decade making the trip every day from Knoxville. It was hard but a good job. The foothill of the Smoky’s is a great place to just knock around. Thanks for visiting and have a good day!

  2. I don’t know why, but I could not sign in. No matter how I tried it wouldn’t let me. 🙁 You can sign me in if you like sweetie. Anyway, awwwwwwwwww you’re gonna make me cry! My mama would’ve loved your picture. It’s perrrrrrfect!! Aughhhhhh all these cats I’m seeing on blogs lately… hello, I’M A DOG PERSON!!! ~hehehe~ nah I like cats too, but I would’t own one because one cat messed in a 125 dollar suitcase I had and it was history!!! I was sooooooooo mad!!! Anyway, regarding your questions… nope I can’t say… well, no wait Easter Lillie’s remind me of my mama because I always bought her some at Easter time. She loved them. I’d say my husband as far as helping anyone. He’s been very depressed because he’s still looking for a job & he’s feeling worthless. So… meeeeeeeeeeee to the rescue & he’s feeling a bit better. Mild sometimes Medium Salsa. I like cooking with it mostly. When I turned 13 I had this birthday party & the only person that came was my best friend, but she had too. She stayed overnight. Man, I surely cried myself to sleep that night. 🙁 Hmmm well, over the weekend last week my second cousin brought over a young lady that turned out to be my second cousin also. Her dad being my first cousin, but is deceased. She found my second cousin Tim through and her dad & mom was divorced when she was four so she didn’t know that much about his side of the family & wanted to know more so we met and chatted. It was really fun. Thanks Cat for drawing Betty Boop for me.. my mama was 4’10” & she kinda wore her hair like Betty Boop too. I have a few things of her which is Betty Boop items so my mama is always with me. She’s my angel now who passed in 2006 in her sleep at 84 yrs young. 🙂 HUGS

    1. Marie,

      No worries I got you signed up on my linky. Can you tell me what was wrong? I’m glad you like my Betty Boop. Cats can make a mess in a home. I like felines to but can’t have them indoors because of allergies. I’m sorry Dave hasn’t found work yet. It is crushing to the spirit when you’re out of work for long periods or repeatedly. He will find something soon, though. Saying prayers for you guys. That’s cool you connected with a cousin you didn’t know about. 🙂 Well…I must dash. Got lots to do before DH’s surgery. TTFN!

  3. I have no idea what a blog hop is! Is it confusing? It looks confusing…
    I did do the A-Z, mine was A-Z of Gardening.

  4. Excellent photo. I tend to be silly and sarcastic with my online presence, so it’s good there’s folks like you and Sandee that add substance to the ‘net. It needs it 😉

  5. Congrats on the A2Z challenge. That takes a lot of discipline!! Your drawing of Betty Boop is positively darling! Enjoy your week!

    1. Katie,

      Thanks for the words of congrats! It took me four years to get disciplined enough to get my all my posts done before April 1st. Now to figure out a way to blog with the same purpose throughout the year instead of once a year. Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the compliment on my sketch, I’ll see you soon!

  6. Your National Pride photo sends an important message. Great job on Betty Boop. I love salsa and will indulge myself on Cinco de Mayo! Sending supportive blessings and hugs to you and DJ during his eye surgery and recovery.

    1. Eugenia,

      Thank you for the postive vibes and blessings you sent this way. I’m confident the One who loves us best will guide the surgeons hand tomorrow and spend DH’s healing. 🙂

  7. That is a good shot with the flag and eagle.

    1. I do associate Orchids with my mother because when I first met her , I gave her orchids 🙂

    3. I like the flavors of salsa but not the heat. My hubs love the heat though, not sure how he tastes the flavors 🙂

    I hope you have a portfolio with all this artwork! You are very good!

    1. Colette,

      I don’t like a lot of heat in salsa if it doesn’t have any flavor to go with it and that’s often the case but sometimes I find both. Of course, I can’t eat a lot of the super hot stuff even if it tastes good. 🙂

      I keep all of my digital artwork on my computer in a file. I’m glad you stopped by. Take care, dearie!

  8. I love that flag flying in the breeze. I’m proud to be an American.

    I would have linked up, but your linky is closed? Bugger.

    I love your sketches. You really sketch well.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, my friend. Big hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I must have selected the wrong linky code. Thanks for calling it to my attention. I fixed and added your site. Thanks for the visit and lovely comment. God bless America! 😉

  9. Love your Betty Bopp sketch, Cathy. I am praying that all goes well with your husband’s surgery tomorrow


  10. Hi, Cathy!

    Mrs. Shady practically lives on Salsa & Tostitos but I don’t eat nearly as much of it as she does. Your Betty Boop sketch is wonderful, and I appreciated the quote from Marilyn Monroe. I am keeping DH in my prayers and hope all goes well tomorrow. First-things-first is good advice for tackling chores and life’s challenges, his eye surgery being a good example. Stay safe on the roads as you transport him to and from. I’ll be thinking about both of you in the days ahead. Take care, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I love salsa and tortillas but I couldn’t live on it. lol It’s hard to resist eating too much in a restaurant if it’s good. Luckily, there aren’t many places that have stellar salsa and chips. I love the Marilyn Monroe quote. I wish more girls felt that way about their femininity and beauty.

      We’ll be happy to get the next couple of days behind us. His doctor’s nurse has warned him that his brain will hard time to process the bright light and vision correction. In fact, the nurse said it’ll be harder than what he experienced after his Retina attachment surgery. He may have to have the cataract in his right eye fixed to help the brain deal with the instant vision change but that won’t happen tomorrow. We thank you for your prayers and thoughts. I’ll update you as you as possible. Have a good day, my friend!

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