It’s been hot, hot, hot! Last Thursday evening a severe thunderstorm warning was issued.. The sky grew dark, the wind tossed back and forth, a spatter of rain, then pop our electricity went out just like that. It didn’t come back on until the next morning shortly after 4am. It didn’t seem to do all that much here at our house, but unfortunately we must have been in the cross fire of a blown transformer or something else which required nearly 12 hours to get back up.
The only fun thing about a power outage is you get to eat dinner by a dim glow. Actually, the light really isn’t all that dim unless you keep the switch turned down. We have these cool wind-up lanterns by Freeplay like this one.

What’s really neat about these lanterns is you can charge it off AC. That’s an extra accessory you have to buy. It takes either a mini or micro adapter to do the job, which we just so happen to have and didn’t have to make a special purchase. It’s nice to have the lantern charged ready to go, but the good thing is if drains before you use it then all you have to do is crank it up. It’s amazingly bright, too! Hint: This is an excellent present for the men you know. They’ll love it! Ours do. ^.^

Eating dinner by soft light is fun, but our entrée selections are very limited. All we had were a couple of cans of Vienna Sausage and saltine crackers. Wait, that wasn’t all we had in terms of quantity. We have lots of cans of Vienna Sausage, Beanie Weenies, and Potted Meat but we only had Vienna Sausage & crackers. This isn’t bad, mind you once in a blue moon. I’m happy these forced impromptu dinner arrangements are just about as rare as a “Blue Moon”.
Friday morning, we jetted out the door for a day in the mountains and more photo opportunities for me to use my new SLR, but first and most importantly we stopped at Krispy Kreme for donuts. DH used our last good coupon toward two dozen donuts – one dozen hot glazed and the other an assorted dozen of the cake variety. Oh yeah! And, he picked up some coffee, coffee, java, java!!
The neat thing was while he was in Krispy Kreme, the store clerk gave him a stack of coupons good for their current promo for their 75th birthday. Where you can save $0.75 off a dozen. In fact, I got an email from them this morning.

Friday, July 13 is our “official” 75th birthday. Help us celebrate by tweeting #CelebrateKrispyKreme from now until our birthday. You never know when we might surprise you for tweeting about our big day. It is our way of thanking you for being a loyal fan.
Speaking of Twitter, maybe you can help me to understand this just a little better. You have the @ and # symbols. I know when you want to address a particular person, you use the @ symbol, correct? Does the # symbol do the same thing? I know they call this a hashtag, but what does that mean? I need you Twitter geeks to educate me, okay? Hey, it’s cool to be a geek today!
Leaving town Friday morning, there was evidence of the thunderstorm from the previous night. Other than our minor inconveniences of without power our property escaped damage. That’s plenty reason to be thankful and to celebrate the beautiful day ahead.
I’ll leave you on this note, I took a few pictures (358) most of which are not stand out quality as I’m a newbie owner of a Nikon D7000. I am learning and I did get a few nice ones. Let me share a couple of my favorite sunset photos from Mt. Mitchell with you.

Also, in memory of Andy Griffith…Thanks for the wholesome laughs over the years!
Take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with your bloggy friends, as you enjoy some random reflections, considerations, or brooding. While you’re at it, join in on the fun – create your own post and link up! Have a terrific Tuesday!
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It’s supposed to storm tonight. I actually hope it does. It’s been so hot and dry.
Impulsive Addict explained the hashtag, or # perfectly! It’s just like grouping a particular theme of tweets together in one place. They use those for Twitter parties to keep all the party goers in the loop with people who are chatting about the same thing.
I LOVE when the power goes out. Of course I probably wouldn’t like it with these record heat temperatures lately, but there’s just something great about when things go out. The silence is beautiful ^.^
Those pictures you took with your camera are just gorgeous-I’m so jealous of people with nice cameras like yours!
This pregnant girl is craving a feaking donut right now! Omg!! Yum!
Ok, the # thing can be whatever you want. Some people use it to identiy something they’re talking about like #krispykream for example. If you click on someone’s hashtag, it will take you to all the twitter posts who have used that same hashtag. Does that even make sense? I’m still drooling for that donut..
Thanks for linking up!!
Beautiful pictures! I would love to be able to catch some lightning shots here in the lightning capital of the world!
# are used to title your post. The one my niece and daughter use often is #whitechickproblems…they’ll hashtag my I need a pedicure or massage tweets with that every time…nasty little girls!
Thanks for linking up with us!
i don’t really get twitter either! and I wouldn’t mind a power outage for a short time but too long without air on a hot day would be hard!
Thanks for linking up at the GFC Blog Hop today!!
The hashtag… I think but I’m not sure… it’s a way of to track comments for that hashtag. like say tags for bravo or the mets or green horses. I am guessing. I don’t use the pound key for anything other than to “press Pound key” to end the call.
We had a blown transformer in our neighborhood last week. Without the air on, the temperature in the house quickly rose 8 degrees upstairs! It only went up a degree downstairs, but we were glad when the power came back on less than an hour later!
Gorgeous photos and now I’m kraving me some Krispy Kremes… mmmMMmmMMmmm
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Happy Hour Projects
WOW, I haven’t heard the words “potted meat” since my grandparents died! They lived in Southern Alabama and had tons of cans of that stuff. And Deviled Ham, too.
Yep, Deviled Ham and Spam are popular ready to eat meat spreads. Potted Meat is less expensive and that’s why we buy it. It’s good, but the Deviled variety is better. =D