
21-03-2025 Vol 19

September Love When I First Met You

For those who don’t know, Sandee from Comedy-Plus hosts Awww Mondays and is this month’s honorary co-hostess.  I found a cute picture of a puppy eating watermelon which brought to mind a fond memory of our youngest’s first experience with watermelon.  It always makes me smile.  He was about a year, maybe 15 months old.  We were visiting the in-laws one weekend. They always had a chilled watermelon for our visits during the summer. It was a great refreshing treat to have while sitting outside in the shade.  After we finished our slice, we’d toss the rind over the bank into the woods.  Our son had nibbled the juicy fruit all away.  I took the rind from him and flung it over the hill.  He broke out in tears confused as to why his mommy threw away his watermelon.  Explaining didn’t help, but it was all made better when I gave him another slice and then he understood.

For Sandee’s first theme, she requested that we build a playlist of Songs with September in the name. 

Once upon a time the new school year started after Labor Day. I remember as a kid thinking that summer drug on forever.  The long break is a concern for young hearts as mentioned in the song See You in September (The Happenings). That never crossed my mind.  I was happy thinking about seeing my friends again. But… for this girl things changed in September (Earth, Wind, & Fire) 1976. 

It all started while sitting outside in the September Sun (Steps) waiting for my bus when I saw this boy get off the high school bus at the junior high where I attended. I was a sophomore but the way the school districts handled things 9th graders stayed at the junior high.

The boy’s mother worked at the junior high and she waited in her car for him every day.  Seeing him, this silly teenager yelled, “Hello!”.  My memory is fuzzy.  I’m not sure why on this day I decided to call out to him. I knew who he was and he knew who I was but that’s really the extend of our relationship.  Perhaps it was the conversation I had with friends circled around me. Whatever the reason, he called back, “Hello Doll!” Talk about the eruption of giggles as my face turned every shade of red possible.  He climbed into his mother’s car and whisked away from my sight and mind.  Shortly after I got home the phone rang. Guess who was calling? Yep, it was that boy! Mr. Cool asked me out on date for Friday.  I had to get permission from my folks.  After all, I wasn’t even 15.  We went out and had a good time but it really wasn’t until the evening after when he phoned that I really got to know him.  We spent hours talking.  I knew on that chilly night September Love (Giovanni) bloomed and that one day I would marry him, the boy you know as DH.     



This is a music link up.  Hence, your post must contain music (at least one song) or your URL is marked “No Music”.

The party co-hostess are featured in my right side bar underneath the 4M banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you – your choice. Finally, to access the dance party, just add your music post below, and visit others on the floor. Let the party begin! 

On the 1st I published a new installment of my Beatles’ Greatest Hits BOTB, if you have time I hope you’ll cast your vote for your favorite cover artist.  With summer nearly over, my normal blogging routine will resume. 

I’m taking a break from blogging.  I’m unsure when I will return.  I have posts in cue to published which I will not interrupt.  This is a hard time for us in the loss of my daddy.  Thank you for your prayers and I ask  you to please now pray for me and my family.

Join me for the return of Wild Wednesdays with my part 2 of my art series Pencil Sketch Inspired Procreate Recreations. Thanks for making CAAC a part of your day. Have a boogietasticweek!


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10 thoughts on “September Love When I First Met You

  1. Cathy, I’m so so sorry for your loss! May you and your family support and love each other during this difficult time of mourning. 🌹

    That is a lovely story of how you and DH met and became lifelong soul mates! 💗 The songs fit perfectly.

  2. Awww on your cute boy. Love that watermelon story too. Cute.

    I loved Barry White. Love your love story too. We know when we’ve found the one for us. You made me smile.

    Prayers for you and yours, Cathy. It’s hard to lose our parents. Big healing hugs.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed day and week, my friend. ♥

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