
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Saturday Song-suasion 51: Hits from 1974

In the early 1970s the first Native-American rock band attained brief success. Recently, I was reminded of one of their one-hit wonder. Although this song never reached the #1 position, it was one of the top songs in 1974 resting at number 5 on the Billboard Top 100 list and remained on the charts for 24 week. I present to you, Redbone with Come and Get Your Love.


I wonder how this song will do on the charts with its reintroduction to a new generation and the lost decade for many of us in the movie Guardian of the Galaxy? It’ll be interesting to see where it goes.

In the early 70s, American pop culture took an interest in something a little out of the ordinary for the times. To be precise, Americans were drawn to flicks heavily influenced with marital arts. Bruce Lee is without a doubt the greatest icon in film history in this genre and is regarded as the key to unlocking North American movie-goers’ enthusiasm and love for this type of entertainment.

The overwhelming interest in marital arts was perfect breeding ground for ABC to launch to popular show, Kung Fu (1972-75) and as the series was close to winding down this one-hit wonder reiterated Americans fascination and love for Kung Fu Fighting.

Scanning the titles  from Top Songs for 1974 – Billboard Year End Charts, a smile eased across my face. Two of the funniest (at least to me ) tunes, at that time, made the list.
Back in the day public nudity was an embarrassing, shameful act, but when Ray Stevens told the story through song, then everybody laughed at the absurdness of such a thing. No doubt, we all thought these people were certifiable. I mean who in their right mind would flash their nakedness to strangers? Our answer then: the mentally unbalanced. Today: thrill seekers looking for a few minutes of fame at televised sporting events.  My how times have changed, but Stevens’ song still makes puts a smile on my face. Let’s flashback (pun totally intended) together with The Streak!

Speaking of how times have changed. Today, we have Kindergarteners being accused of sexual harassment, if a boy kisses a girl or holds her hand. *geez* When I was child such behavior was considered a right of passage and totally normal. Liberal nut-burgers turn the simple things, a kiss…a hug…holding hands into perversion. Just deal with it, I say. It’s called growing up.

That being said, one of my fondness songs to sing to those boys of my youth was Jim Stafford’s Spiders and Snakes. Here’s a little skit from Dolly Parton’s 70s TV show.

Thank you for taking time out of your weekend to listen to my Saturday Song-suasion picks. I hope you enjoyed your visit.  Have a songsational Saturday! Be sure to join me on the dance floor on Monday’s Music Moves Me!

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5 thoughts on “Saturday Song-suasion 51: Hits from 1974

  1. Those songs bring back memories! I recall the Redbone song well, but didn’t know anything about the group–I thought they were black because of the Philadelphia soul sound.

    Tossing It Out

  2. Some high school friends and I were just talking about being in our friend’s basement with her record player and an Olivia Newton John album…I feel pretty certain that was in 1974. We sang and danced and wanted to be Liv! Gotta love middle school drama divas! Thanks for the memories…although I now have that Streak song stuck in my brain!!!

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