
08-01-2025 Vol 19

RTT: Skin Rash to Halloween to Christmas

Sunday morning I woke up with the start of a rash forming on my upper legs. I knew this meant trouble. About once a year, I get this sort of thing. We made a quick run to Wal-Mart to get some necessary items – two kinds of anti-itch cream and Benadryl tablets to keep make life a little more comfortable for while this infestation runs its course.

Last night, the light bulb clicked on in the ole attic. I wonder if the rash has to do with toxins trapped in the body? Thanks to my good friend Google who is on call 24/7 confirmed my suspicions.

Our bodies can detox in many fashions and if toxins can’t be released through the kidney or liver, then your skin (the largest organ) will pull the toxins from your body resulting in a skin rash. Drinking extra water is one way to help to speed up the process of elimination. This is something I figured out long ago, but it was interesting to see someone else point that fact out.

Now, are you itching? Moving right along…How was your Halloween? Mine was very quiet, as I had hoped.  I’m not a Halloween Grinch now. It’s just I like the idea far better for children to attend organized affairs like “Trunk or Treat” or “Oktoberfest” or some other autumn related shindig which boils down to a lot of fun and candy for the kiddies. This is much safer for the kiddos – no walking around dark streets for cars to hit them and hopefully, the parents have less apprehension about the children getting candy from a stranger.  That’s one thing I never liked when ours were small. In fact, we simply went to only the homes of people we knew. They usually got more than enough candy, too.

One holiday down and more to come! Yesterday, I began my Thanksgiving meal prep.  I made four pies – two pumpkin pies and two pecan pies.  This environment creates something almost magical, as I spoon in the cinnamon, ginger, and cloves into the pumpkin. Suddenly, I break out in song, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…” “MOTHER,” my son interrupted, “It’s Halloween NOT Christmas.” I made no apologies for my temporary loss of sanity, but anytime I’m this close to the holidays then I’m liable to sing my heart out on any number of my favorite Christmas songs. I SO love Christmas, don’t you?

Christmas is only 53 days away. The countdown has begun! Of course, I have been subconsciously ticking off the days since June. There’s so much to do and too little time to get it done. With that being said, I’ll leave you with this happy, lovely thought while visions of sugar plums dance in your head and all that good stuff.

Today’s post is a product of, you got it….

Thanks Stacy for keeping the randomness alive while Keely @ UnMom has taken a break! Go ahead, slip into the ranting mood with the rest of us. I know you’ll feel right at home. You won’t run into any odd-ball looks here because anything goes. C’mon on, join the weekly fun with this cool meme and tell Stacy, “Cathy sent ya!”

So, what’s in your random thoughts today?



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7 thoughts on “RTT: Skin Rash to Halloween to Christmas

  1. Very interesting about the toxins! Once I started drinking more water and cut the soda intake, I definitely noticed changes. Christmas is coming up soooo fast! Wowza.

  2. I hope your rash heals all up soon.. You are very right about how important water is… Call me scrooge, but I can’t handle Christmas songs yet… It is just too early. But then again, after years of waiting tables, listening to christmas songs 8 hours straight, for two months, every day, I kind of lost my patience with them, even on Christmas day 🙁

  3. This was such an interesting post on the skin issue. I have eczema so I’m not sure it’s related to toxins releasing but drinking water definitely helps!

    I too started singing Christmas songs yesterday – um in my head I think!

    So…, you made 4 pies? Are you freezing them for Thanksgiving?

  4. I’m not sure I am ready to think about Christmas yet. I always feel sort of bad when Halloween ends because people skip Thanksgiving. I like that holiday and want to keep my autumn leaf decorations up and still drink pumpkin spice lattes!

  5. Hubs set my computer up with an awesome set of speakers for me to listen to my Christmas music! Pandora is playing all my favorites for me! And, since it’s November 1, I can officially admit that I’m listening to it! LOL

  6. Hi Cathy. Thanks for the reminder/tip about the body’s cleansing system. I always have to remind myself to drink more water. Loved your “random” post. I admire those who start preparing for the holidays way in advance–cooking and singing. Happy holidays.

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