
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Rain’s #art prompt inspires today’s #BoTB Spirit in the Sky showdown

You can thank Rain’s Garden for today’s battle song inspiration.  I’m joining her for her weekly art challenge, Supernatural. When I think of supernatural beings, I naturally think of ghosts and with everything going on in our world, I’m reminded one day God will call His children from the grave, then every living person will witness this phenomenal event.

Procreate art sketch Spirits in the Sky. Click to enlarge image.

Now that the seed’s planted I knew precisely which song to use, Norman Greenbaum’s 1969 Spirit in the Sky.  Secondhandsongs claims there are slightly over 41 cover versions but it was on iTunes I discovered my first artist choice and I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s the band’s name, not necessarily their vocal quality, that reeled me in.

Please listen to Mojo & the boogieman!

As I played my first choice, I noticed YT had some suggested related mewsic videos waiting for me click on and that’s when I found contender number two. Again, the vocals weren’t the reason I found myself drawn to this band, but instead, it was their quirky video.

Please listen to Party Crash Vikings!

The vocals of both groups aren’t bad but I can’t say I would’ve gone with either had it not been for the deciding reasons listed and neither of these artists were among the suggestions on secondhandsongs. This is definitely a different approach to my battle. It’ll be fun to see how this one goes.

I’ve lost track who’s doing the battles now but this is the current list of BoTB players.

The poll closes at noon (EST) on the 21st!

Who gets your vote, Mojo & the Boogieman or Party Crash Vikings?

Check back next week same place and time to see if your favorite recording artist is named the winner in this showdown.

Every day is a blessing. Recently I began participating in Brian’s Thankful Thursdays and one of Kat’s writing prompts, List 5 things that bring you joy this week

  1. Excellent health. I’ll be 59 in December so if I feel I’m in superior health then that’s reason to give praises to the Man upstairs.
  2. Love of a good man. DH fills my heart, my life with love. He tenderly offers hugs, kisses, and cuddles me til I fall asleep at night. I believe our love will push us well into our golden years someday.
  3. A visit with DD#1. No explanation needed, right?
  4. Plus, we got see our little granddaughter. Again, no explanation needed.
  5. My overall happiness. Art, mewsic, and cooking are a few of the sources but the other points I touched on are also a part of the recipe for my happiness.

What are you thankful for today?

I’ll be back tomorrow with another RMF song pick and a few Friday Sillies.  Stay safe and be healthy, darling friends! X💋X💋, Cathy

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43 thoughts on “Rain’s #art prompt inspires today’s #BoTB Spirit in the Sky showdown

  1. Party Crash Vikings … that beard is unbeatable 🙂 as for your ghosts, I know we are all going to be called to heaven one day, I just hope it isn’t any day soon. Though one could wonder as we suffer the only pandemic of my long lifetime. This was fun and I am bouncing around in my chair to your music as I try to write this. You are such a hoot, Cathy 🙂

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Andrea,

      Yep, we’ll all be called one day. I’m ready whenever God says my time is done but like you I hope not any time soon. It’s those I love who keeps my heart earth bound which is a very human thing. Thanks for voting for PARTY CRASH VIKINGS, my dear. Have a good day!

  2. Hi Cathy 🙂 !! I love your spirits in the sky art! Very spooky looking, yet calming at the same time, I love it! As for the mewsic…between the two, I’d choose Mojo, but my favourite rendition is the 1980’s Doctor and the Medics version…plus I had a big crush on the drummer! 🙂 I love your Thankful answers. Love love love…today I’m thankful for Alex’s love…ahhhh l’amour…. 😉 <3

  3. This is a hard one because they both do a pretty decent job. So, I’m going with Party Crash Vikings! They rock it, IMO!

  4. Sorry I’m late visiting. I had an eye appointment today. Got home and promptly fell asleep, since I’d been up all night because I was afraid I’d oversleep and miss my appointment. I appreciate your lovely comment you left while I was out and about.

    I enjoyed your take on Rain’s theme and how it led to your BoTB. I liked both takes, but I still prefer the original by Greenbaum. I didn’t know about it when it came out, because I wouldn’t have been listening to music when it first hit the stands. So glad to read all things that make you happy. It’s always fun to see what others think about themselves and the things that affect their lives around them.

    1. Elizabeth,

      CAAC is open all the time so visit at your leisure, my dear,there’s never any hurry! I hope your eye appointment went well.

      When I started playing along with the BoTB community, it was difficult for me to pick my favorite between two cover artists. The original always seemed better. I had to train my brain to judge between the two on what I was hearing. Sometimes they are close and sometimes they are totally different but which ever version I enjoyed in the moment became my pick. Perhaps, next time you’ll consider picking your favorite based on how I came to do it. Thanks for the revisit, my dear.

  5. Hey Girl. 59 your a just a youngster. LOL Even though I like Mojo and the Boogieman my has to go with Party Crash Vikings. I love the way Rebecca sings. Ohhh, there is so much to be thankful for and part of my recipe for that is the same as yours. Art, music, movies, cooking and still being able to do more the most of my friends here. I am 68. I have friends that don’t get up and move and so they can’t get up and move. I Dance and fitness walk everyday and that is another thing I am thankful for. Great post today. Enjoy your evening.

    1. Nicole,

      I’m not quite a youngster but I appreciate hearing it. 😀 You’re close to age as my mother’s baby sister, so you could be my auntie! lol You’re so right about getting up and moving if you don’t you won’t be able to. It’s not only good for you physically but mentally as well. I’m very blessed to use my elliptical daily. I love dancing but our little place doesn’t offer enough room. I hope we can fix this problem with our next place. Thanks for visiting, dearie!

  6. I an so happy for you that you got to see your daughter and granddaughter. XO

  7. I dug yer Battle, CAThy!

    My all-time favorite instrumental is ‘Moonlight Serenade’ by Glenn Miller; and my all-time favorite song (a recording with vocals) is ‘Spirit In The Sky’ by Norman Greenbaum!

    You certainly started out on the right note by using a great song!!

    Although I thought Party Crash Vikings did a decent enough job with Greenbaum’s masterpiece, I really liked the original direction that MOJO & THE BOOGIEMAN took it. They gave it a real Bluesy sound, and any time a recording includes heavy washes of electric organ like that one did, it’s sure to pique my interest!

    So… you know where my spirited BOTB bote goes, right, Sister? “Mister Mojo Risin’…”

    What am I thankful for?…

    I’m off from work in 38 minutes! :o)

    ~ Stephen
    (aka D-FensDogG)

    1. Stephen,

      I’m working backwards with my replies this morning but your bote for MOJO & THE BOOGIEMAN ties things up. I’m sure this will change soon, though.

      Quitting tie is always reason to be thankful. I remember those days very well, especially on Fridays. Have a good weekend and thanks for voting in my BoTB, dear friend!

  8. Interesting battle. My vote is an easy one today. Party Crash Vikings. They were much easier to listen to and enjoy. Thanks for playing along today with Rocktober.

    1. Mary,

      I haven’t done as well as I wanted this year with RMF except to present my daily posts. I keep forgetting to go back to your place after I leave a comment to see who left a link. shake head in shame Thanks for joining me in my BoTB showdown. I have you down for PARTY CRASH VIKINGS!

  9. My vote goes to Party Crash Vikings. Love the video.

    Love all your thankful things. I’m 10 years older than you and I’m in good health too.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  10. Hi and what fun! I enjoyed both versions but have to say Mojo gets my vote.
    This is my first time visiting your blog. Found you over at Rain’s TAD, which this is my first time participating in.
    Glad to see someone besides myself took a Biblical approach to the “supernatural”.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  11. I am all for the Mojo which gave a nice take to this song. I was not enamoured with the second one much. I love my hubby but he does not cuddle me…bummer. He says I am way too hot, blame the menopause. I do get kisses and he created some beautiful art pieces for me which I love. I love my animals, I am glad I don’t have COVID and that I have a job and can work at home.

    1. Birgit,

      MOJO & THE BOOGIEMAN for you!

      I don’t have to worry about menopause symptoms while on HRT. That keeps me evened out. 🙂 Sometimes when I lay close to DH it makes him too hot not because I’m hot but he is. When the temperature drops the slightest sometimes it chills me. I’ve read the smaller you are, the cooler you feel. I weigh 114 and am only 5’2″, so that’s not super small but smaller than most women. Thanks for dropping in for a visit, my friend!

  12. That’s a wonderful list of things that bring you joy. Sometimes when I’m not feeling joyful, I have to remind myself to just look around. I can find it if I pay attention. This year I chose “Appreciate” for my theme word and have repeatedly learned I have a lot to be thankful for.

    1. Trudy,

      Yeah, that’s me when I’m feeling glum I remind myself there are others far worse than me and then I feel better. Thanks for visiting!

  13. Dad is having a flashback. When he would wind his 500hp 442 up after lighting the tires and bang 2nd everyone would start singing this! He loved that car and rebuilt it 4 times. We love the original the best but then that is what memories are.

    1. Timmy Tomcat,

      The original is usually the best most times. One thing I do when faced with two covers is judge each artist’s performance. This helps me to decide which version sounds best to my ear. It often doesn’t trump or compare with the original but I voted on the song that moved me. I appreciate your visit and I’m glad this song holds special memories for the Dad. 😉

  14. I didn’t realize there were so many covers of “Spirit in the Sky”. The original is such a classic that it’s no wonder that covers usually sound like, uh, covers.

    Mojo did a good job–I guess it reminded me of Hootie and the Blowfish. Not my favorite group though they are a good group. Likewise Mojo was fine, but not stylistically to my liking.

    The Vikings were indeed quirky video-wise and vocals. Their version was true to the original and it was shorter–a big plus on BOTB days. Give my vote to Party Crash Vikings.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      I had no idea how this battle would shape. Right now PARTY CRASH VIKINGS is ahead. I appreciate you stopping by to visit and vote in this showdown!

  15. Excellent health during a pandemic is definitely something to be extra joyful for! I hope I’m just as healthy when I have little grandbabies to visit as well!

    1. Kat,

      I’m a firm believer our overall general health, not speaking about certain DNA triggered diseases, is determined when we’re young with how we treat our bodies. Staying active, eating in moderation, making one’s own happiness not relying on others, and avoiding chemical dependencies drugs, alcohol, tobacco, are a few ways I think helps to shape how good we feel as we age. Of course, it’s never too late to redefine the way we live. We can always improve our health. Our granddaughter is so full of energy. I would certainly have a time chasing her down unlike my younger self with my kids but it’s truly a joy to see her happiness unleashed. Thanks for the revisit, my friend!

  16. First, the battle: I like both, especially the vocalist (Rebecca Andersson, their website tells me) for the Party Crash Vikings. It’s the guitar in Mojo and the Boogieman that really gets me, though, that overdriven, distorted sound that was so great in Norman Greenbaum’s original. Plus M&tB are from Northern Michigan, meaning (I guess) the UP, so they get my vote, with Party Crash Vikigs a close second.

    Reading the five things that bring you joy, I’d say your cup runneth over.

  17. Your art sketch is really great, especially in black and white, it looks spiritual and the music videos are great so many different musicians play the same song.!
    Have a happy week, hug Elke

  18. Those were really good thankfuls! Both of those tunes were interesting, we did like the original but we liked the Party Crash Vikings for this one. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  19. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thankful Thursday, Art Date with Rain & mid-month BOTB day, dear friend!

    I like your Spirits in the Sky Procreate art sketch. Scenes depicting ghosts are much more effective left in black & white. No need to bring them back In Living Color.

    Turning to your band battle, I never knew there are so many covers of that Norman Greenbaum song. As you recall a couple of months ago I presented a hard rock/heavy metal version by Evol Walks, an Australian band now based in LA. I will tell you right now that I like both versions you presented in today’s battle as much or more than the one by Evol Walks. Both covers posted here have arrangements that stick close to the original but add a little more fire and pizzazz, plus I DO like the vocal quality of both leads. Challenger number one is the Michigan band Mojo & The Boogieman, and their lead singer reminds me of David Clayton-Thomas who fronted the second iteration of Blood, Sweat & Tears. Mojo’s recording is rough and raw and I love everything about it.

    The second band, a Swedish duo called Party Crash Vikings (Rebecca Andersson & Emil Johansson), offers even more to love. When it comes to rock, I usually prefer bands with female lead zingers and Rebecca doesn’t disappoint. Her vocal sets the right tone for the song. I also love the wailing guitar. The whole arrangement is dense, power-packed and simply cooks. It won me over, so please give my vote to the second band – Party Crash Vikings!

    I enjoyed reading your TT answers. You and DH are so lucky to have found each other and to have remained so close and affectionate over the years. You fill each others hearts and that warms mine.

    Thanks for today’s mewsical introductions, dear friend Cathy, and have a tunetastic day!

    1. Tom,

      I worked backwards in replying to comments but you were the first to cast a vote in this showdown for PARTY CRASH VIKINGS who now has twice the number of picks than their contender. I’d say they will win this round, what do you think?

      DH and I are blessed to have connected on a romantic level. I couldn’t be happier if I tried. God knew precisely what we each needed in the other and gave it to us. 🙂 Thanks for being a good friend. have a good day!

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