Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! In November I shared a Vintage Texaco Station with you right here. Here’s another look at the Hiwassee area, this time with rafters on the river.

I did a little editing in the above photo using Pixelmator. The tree canopy and shooting from inside the car threw my exposure off. We stopped in the road, so I only had a few seconds to snap my camera.

I don’t think this is the same spot from which the rafters in the previous picture launched from but what drew my attention was the wooden train trellis. You just don’t see landmarks like this very much anymore.

This is another photo of the train trellis crossing the Hiwassee. I bent down to capture the river rocks and water glistening in the sunlight but the view drew my eyes to house on the other side of the river. It was a gorgeous day.
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Next is my Wednesday Hodgepodge segment hosted by Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.
1. January 24th is National Compliment Day. Is it easy or not so easy for you to accept a compliment? Share a recent compliment you’ve given or received. It’s always a happy surprise when someone says something nice about me. It really makes my day extra special. I do better now than I used to with accepting a compliment. Do any of us truly not accept a kind word? That seems a bit strange whe you think about it, doesn’t it? It’s difficult for us to admit what other see because we don’t believe in ourselves. I think the difference for me is having a good husband who constantly says such nice things to me. It’s his kindness, his love that built my confidence and self-esteem so I don’t feel uncomfortable but grateful for those who praise me for something. The last compliment I got was this morning, DH told me I’m the best wife in the world. I’m sure there are a thousand better than me but through his eyes I am the best and that means the world me!
2. Ten little things you are loving right now. Other than the obvious like the people I love here’s my list. 😉
- morning coffee
- good health
- warm fuzzy socks
- polar fleece jacket
- cozy home
- mild weather
- mewsic
- Apple pencil
- iPad
- Procreate (sketching app)
3. Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way? I read here a list/description of eight things positive people do differently – Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they’re kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons. Which action on the list would you say you do regularly? Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook? If you’re a positive person, what’s something you do regularly that’s not on the list? I am a positive person. I celebrate the small stuff in my life every day. A grateful heart is a happy heart. Knowing when to move on is an area needing improvement. That’s the hardest thing for me to do at times. One thing I tend to do fairly regularly is to impart positive encouragement in another person’s life, someone who is having it hard. If I can help that person to see past the now to a brighter, happier future then I’ve accomplished my mission.
4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili…what’s your pleasure on a cold winter’s day? All of these sound wonderful and I could go for any of on a cold day but I can easily narrow it down to beef stew or chili. In fact, I want to make a pot of beef stew and cornbread soon.
5. The best part of my day is…. when DH comes home. I enjoy my alone time but I am alone all day and I miss having his company.
6. Insert your own random thought here. I hope to share in coming weeks more interesting or old churches I’ve photographed. I managed to get a few last year but didn’t get a chance to share them. The below church is probably less than a mile from the vintage Texaco station mentioned above.

Thanks for making me apart of your day. Have a fototastic day and please join me tomorrow for Thursday Two Questions (#T2Q)!
Also, linking with the Skywatch Friday community! 😉
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Hi Cat! Look who’s here!!! MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! i made it before your linky shut down! My flu is somewhat gone!!! YAY MEEEEEEEEE!!!! I’m sooooo weak I had to ask the hubby to take me grocery shopping aughhhhhhh!!!! He’s worse than one of my kids in the grocery store though. I always spend twice as much when he goes ~snicker-snicker~!!! I’m so glad I did make it cuz WOW I thought they only had those train trellis’ in old western movies or Little House on the Prairie… no wait.. “The Waltons” definitely!!! ~snicker~ Sorry, the devil made me say that!!! Anyway, wow that’s fabulous is this like in your backyard or neighborhood for lack of a better word?? And young lady I’m with you on all the above especially about the part in “I HATE SNAKES”!!!! eeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu AHHHHH CHOOOO HEY… That must have been from the Last of the Mohicans! Darn devil…. ~hehehe~
The older we get the harder it is to recover from being sick. DH helps me all the time at the store. We both keep the mindset of getting in and out quick. This is a job neither of us like doing but it’s one of those evil necessities. lol I don’t know if the railroad system uses the old trellis anymore. You just don’t see many trains anymore in the countryside. We occasionally see the train passing along the bridge expansion over Broadway in Knoxville but train transportation isn’t anywhere as busy as it was when we were first married. I love the sound of a distant train, though. I recall hearing the one across the river when I was a kid. In the summer, I slept with my window open and could hear the rumbling of the cars on the track with its faint horn. Oh, the innocences of small communities of yesteryear. I wouldn’t dream of doing that now, not even in southern WV but back then that was the only way to keep cool. We didn’t have air conditioning. Heck, I didn’t even know what AC was until after my folks bought their first brand new car in 1974 or ’75. Gee, what memories! You reminded me of Flip Wilson with “the devil made me say that”, except he always said, “the devil made me do it”. lol Feel better, dearie!
I love the photos!
I agree with loving good health. Now I want an iPad 🙂
Hope your week was great!
I love the photos!
I agree with loving good health. Now I want an iPad 🙂
Hope your week was great!
I really like my iPad. It’s a great device. I keep my mewsic on it and stream it through my stereo speakers ever since my CD player tore up. DH had to get a something for my receiver to pick up the signal. I will have to ask him again what that’s called but it works beautifully!
I love the photos!
I agree with loving good health. Now I want an iPad 🙂
Hope your week was great!
I love the photos!
I agree with loving good health. Now I want an iPad 🙂
Hope your week was great!
The photographs are beautiful! It looks like an amazing place.
Thanks for the return visit and kind words, Lisa! There’s so much beauty around us even in the smallest of things like a drive out in the middle of nowhere. 🙂
Beautiful photos, Cathy. I don’t like snakes either. I don’t want to see them on TV, the internet or in a magazine. Yikes! Make it a great day!
It looks like a lovely place!
The rivers in western North Carolina and the Smoky’s are littered with kayaks and rafts during the summer months. It’s nice to watch them safely from the shore cause you’ll never catch me in a boat on calm waters much less rapids. 🙂
Wow…love the pics! Did you know that the Creek Indians named the river after the Copperhead snake? Apparently there are a lot of them around there………………………………
ps I tweeted you 😉
– Lisa
I did not know this factoid but I’m not surprised there are Copperheads around the river. I hate snakes a lot, even green snakes. They just give me the willies. I nearly stepped on a copperhead coming off the trail at Abram’s Falls in the Smoky’s many years ago. Copperheads were plentiful in the hills of southern WV where we grew up, too. Our parents/grandparents killed a few during the gardening season every year. They are really hard to see especially in the woods. I can’t stand snakes. Did I say that already? lol Have a good day. Thanks for the tweet-out and visit! 😉
What a sweet husband you have! I just love, love, love how you described him. <3
You got DH pegged. He’s the sweetest! I couldn’t ask for a better husband if I wanted. God gave me the bestest (for me anyhow) ever. Thanks for visiting. 😉
More pictures calling me back to Tennessee.
I try to be positive as much as I can remember to be. Generally speaking, I have a fairly positive outlook towards most things in my life. Better to feel good than bad.
Tossing It Out
I prefer being chirpier and on the sunnier side of life. It’s difficult to be with a person who is hostile or blue a lot. I understand circumstances may cause someone to be down but I can’t wrap my brain around someone with negative energy 24/7. I rather am positive, too. There are so many health benefits to being a happy person.
Love the photo of the old church! You can just imagine the gospel singing and preaching that went on in there!
Such pretty places, i do hope you get to share more of those old churches. They would be fun to explore.
Everytime we’re out on an adventure I’m looking for old churches and other interesting sites to photograph but we haven’t been out in some time with it being so wickedly cold. I keep reminding myself that spring will be here before I know it and I try (really I do) to live in the moment without wishing my days away. Thanks for dropping by!
Lovely photos. I’m in love with my cat Sissi too – meaow 💕 We share curiosity too – it keeps inspired in life. Wishing you a lovely week!
I’m delighted for your return visit. Thank you for the compliments on my pictures. I agree curiosity does bring inspiration to one’s life. Have a good day!
Looks beautiful, peaceful and fun! Have a great week!
It was a peaceful, lovely drive. I’m always amazed with the new or forgotten places nearby. Have a good week and thanks for stopping by!
Great nature shots ~ love the bridge!
Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Very beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting.
Great shots. You take wonderful photographs.
Love your list of things you love. Especially your good health.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥
When there are many who do not have good health, I am extremely blessed and thankful for mine. 🙂 Thank you for visiting today!
Great photos. Do trains still use that bridge? it looks dangerous. Nice to learn more about you. I want to make some soup now 🙂
Ellen, I don’t know if the railroad system still uses this old bridge anymore. I’d be surprised to find that they do. It doesn’t seem like trains are used much anymore. I remember when we were first married, we’d get caught by a train not far from our house nearly every time we had to cross that track. It’s like they knew we were approaching. lol Yeah, I want to make some soup, too.
Cathy .. I missed the house for a second before you mentioning about it. Beautifully captured my friend.
So glad you came by for a visit and thanks! 🙂
Lovely photos now I want to go rafting heheh!
Have a rafttastic day Cathy and thanks for trespassing by 😉
You may want to wait until spring to go rafting. Just saying is all…it’s awfully cold now. 🙂 You won’t catch me on a boat. My feet are staying on solid ground! I’m happy to trespass your place because you normally don’t shoot at me. 🙂
I had to laugh that you are happy when your DH comes home ! 50 years later you are happy when he leaves you alone for an hour or two because since the retirement he is always home, lol !
We’re about 10 years away from retirement. When DH was unemployed I thought it would be hard to have him at home all day but I discovered that I enjoyed having him around. We did our own things but did a lot together, too. It was nice. 🙂
Your photos are all beautiful !
Thank you, Gattina! So, glad you came by for a visit!
The list of things you’re loving right now, sounds very pleasant!
Love, love, love the picture of the old church house.
Thank you for visiting, Maryann! I will scoot over to see you next!
That photo of the old church is gorgeous. Enjoy your week.
I really like churches! Thanks for stopping by for a visit!
Nice to know those random facts about you.
Beautiful photo, BTW.