
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Presenting @LillyGoodman!

Good morning, kittens & dawgs! I’m so glad to see that you survived Black Friday to hop over for some weekend mewsic. This morning’s featured artist is another ReverbNation discovery. This young woman is a Latin R&B, Contemporary Christian artists. Her lovely vocals was an instant like to my ear and I hope you’ll enjoy her as much as I do. Give it for Lilly Goodman!



Lilly has a soothing voice. Her style is just what I needed to help me unwind from this busy week. Show a little love by spreading the mewsic? of Lilly Goodman to your friends! ?

That’s a wrap for this week. I hope you enjoyed your visit and I appreciate you including me in your weekend.  I’ll see ya on Monday for Mewsic Moves Me. Have a songsational Saturday!






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2 thoughts on “Presenting @LillyGoodman!

  1. Hi, Cathy!

    I had a wonderful time sipping black Guatemalan coffee and listening to your featured mewsical artist Lilly Goodman. She’s new to my ears and now they are hungry to hear more of her songs. My favorites in this set are “Sin Miedo a Nada” (“Without Fear of Anything”), “Iniqualable Sensacion” (“Unparalleled Sensation.”) and “Ni Por Un Momento” (“Not for a Moment”). Lilly’s voice is pure and pleasing and her recordings emit good vibes. They are uplifting and nourish the soul.

    As you know I am into Romanian pop this year. I now own several CDs by INNA, Alexandra Stan, Elena and other Romanian artists along with one by the Russian girl group Serebro. All of the discs include songs recorded in the native language and I find it refreshing to listen to them. Foreign language mewsic massages the brain and cleanses the palate.

    Thanks for the early morning concert and for introducing this fine artist, dear friend Cathy. Have a great weekend!

    1. Tom, Mmm, just the mention of coffee makes me wanna another cup! I’m delighted you enjoyed this morning’s featured artist. I love latin mewsic even though I can’t understand a single word sung. Songs sung in another language does somehow seem pure. I had never thought of it that way before until now and I like the way you said it “massages the brain and cleanses the palate”. Very good observation, my friend! The one thing with much of your mewsic cravings is I get a good introduction and education with your artists/song picks where I’d otherwise might not and I continue to look forward to the new-to-me selections in future posts. Thanks for the visit this morning. I’ll be by a little later to see what’s going on in your neck of the woods. Have a good weekend!

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