Am I ever thankful Rain gives us examples to go along with her art prompt. After scrolling through her suggestions, I knew what I wanted to do for this week’s Mechanical theme.
I stumbled on an image I wanted to do for Rain’s Harvest theme and didn’t have time but it so happens the idea works purrfectly for this week’s.

Photographing my doodles always makes the image too dark so I did a little photo-editing using the ‘newspaper’ effect in Pixelmator with this one.
I like the graininess in the newly vamped illustration, what do you think? It’s funny in an interesting way of how one’s memory gets jogged. While drawing this picture, I was reminded of a time when I was a little girl a whole lot of years ago. If I darned guess how old I was I’d say I was between the ages of 6-8. Anyhow, one summer day Anita and I were helping Robbie cut grass. You might recall those names from the Magic Slippers story I shared. We were really too young to be messing with Robbie’s Dad’s lawn tools but there we were cutting the grass. I can’t even remember what I was doing when I yelled at Robbie to give me the grass sickle. It’s beyond me why he did what he did next but chalking it up now as youthful ignorance. Robbie threw the sickle across the yard. I had to be two or three yards from him. The sickle hit my leg on the side just above my knee. At first, I didn’t react. I just felt a hard blow. A nearby neighbor, Mrs. F happened by at the time to visit Robbie’s mom and saw my leg. It was her gasp of terror and shrill voice that scared me too death. I looked down saw the blood and went home crying to Mommy but not before seeing the look of horror on Robbie’s face that said, “I think I’m in trouble”. No doctor’s visit needed. Shoot, my folks couldn’t afford to take me every time something happened. If it looked like I wasn’t going to die then it was home remedies every time and this was no exception. The wound was washed, iodine applied, and covered with a bandaid then back to playing again. To this day, I have a small scar on my leg reminding me of that incident and the dangers of not using yard tools wisely.
I have one more contribution for today’s prompt. I sketched this in June for Father’s Day for DH. Dad’s deserve a break, too! And, what better way is there to have a pretty girl cutting grass in short shorts and heels. Okay not so practical but it’s a dreamy vision nonetheless.
Thanks for stopping in with your coffee for a peek at my masterpiece and …oh yeah for not spilling it on my artwork. lol It’s been a super pleasure to share my sprinkle of talent I have with you this morning. If you like to see what others are bringing to the art play date, then I invite you to high tail it over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry!

This is DH’s off Friday, so I’ll be MIA in Blogosphere but I hope you’ll join me on the dance floor with First Grade Songs – songs that were popular the year you were in first grade (or when you were 6 yrs old) on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday!
, Cathy
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Aww, I just love your drawings and artwork! I am trying so hard to use Mr. Linky, but I can’t even upload a file manually from my computer (as opposed to the web option). Can you tell me how you were able to create an image for me and then link it up? I have resized the images I wanted to use, but nothing worked. I have a Macbook, do you think that might be the issue? Or some settings on my blog? I got the blog settings error last week; this week I’m getting a different error. Any insight is helpful, as I can’t find any info or fixes with a Google search. I may have to try again later. But I’m hoping to get the issue fixed before Monday!
Have a great weekend!
There is a limit on the size of the file, maybe 2mb. I have an iMac so I don’t think it’s your computer. I did notice when I tried pulling an image from your blog, I got an error that your blog settings didn’t allow other sites to it. I suspect that’s my LinkyTools can’t access your blog. If you want I can send you the picture I created to see if you’re able to load it. If that doesn’t work then it has to be a setting on your blog. I’m happy to manually add you again if the problem isn’t fixed. Just let me know, k?
Lovely sketches, as always, Cathy!
If you’re wearing stilettos, you can mow and aerate the lawn all at the same time.
That cut from the sickle must have been pretty deep. Ouch!
Debbie, I believe that’s the very think I mentioned to DH that I can aerate the lawn as I mowed. LOL Honestly, I can’t say how deep that cut was at the time. The scar is about half an inch long. It’s not a thin scar so it might have been deep enough for stitch to help hold the wound together as it healed but like I said if wasn’t on death’s door then Dr. Mom took care of everything.
Hey, Cathy! Great artwork, girl! I was an accident-waiting-to-happen type of child. I’m surprised I survived some of it. Keep rockin and enjoy your time spent with DH.
Excellent drawings and what a walk down memory lane! Yes, kids get into all kinds of things, don’t they.
You sure have a handle on how to draw pin-ups and there doesn’t seem to be a situation (picture prompt) that you can’t find an appropriate pin-up for. I like both versions of your sickle lady, but the newspaper version makes me think of the black smear that I get on my hands if I rub across a newspaper. Your sickle tossing friend probably remembers that incident as well as you, but for different reasons. Hope he learned his lesson. I think you were lucky that a bandaid was enough to cover your wound. I think every kid must have a “playing with tools” story that always ended in a close call. Mine was trying to dig a hole with a shovel in my bare feet … do I need to tell you what happened? Ugh … not something I like being reminded of. So your artwork is always delightful and I am guessing that DH loves the idea of a sexy woman in shorts cutting his grass … Ha, you make me smile
Andrea @ From the Sol
Love you artwork but I hear yard work isn’t much fun!
Ouch. I’m sure that taught Robbie not to throw sharp objects. I hope.
Nice artwork. Brings to my mind my summers working at a construction yard in Maryville where we would sometimes have to cut the weeds with scythes and sickles. Hot tedious work that I probably couldn’t do for long now.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
The newspaper effect. I have to check on that one. I don’t think Photoshop has it.
Nothing like dressing up to mow the lawn. Love the outfit and love the heels. Beautiful.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Hi Cathy!
I LOVE your pinups!!! I really love coming here to see them each week, I hope you keep doing them, very original. Your sickle lady is great, and I love the effect on the second photo, it looks like she’s sickling at dusk (is sickling a word???) I love the little detail of the pumpkin with the tied up straw (or wheat?)…love it! And your lawn mowing pinup is so cute! What a great card for your DH, and she’s wearing heals lol…so fun! Thanks for joining in! And thanks for the linky. I’m going to do a few tests to see if my linky code will show up properly on two different blogs and I’ll let you know!
Hi, Cathy!
I’m a little late because Mrs. Shady and I went outdoors at first light to do work around the property before the blazing heat sets in. We are still away from home, across the state, with house renovations going on daily indoors and out. It is a busy and chaotic time, but I am determined to adhere to my blogging routine as much as possible.
Once again this week I enjoyed viewing your torrent of talent on display in his art post. The girl cutting wheat with a sickle triggered one of my childhood memories as well. It is one of my oldest and most distant memories, the day I spoke my first complete sentence. We were riding by a farm pasture in the car. I looked out the window and saw a man using a sickle or scythe to clear the land. I uttered the words, “Farmer cut weeds.” I was going to ask you if a scar remains as a result of that scary incident from your childhood. You already answered that question. That small scar is a reminder of how tough and brave you were back then and, I trust, still are today. Nevertheless you are very lucky that Robbie didn’t toss the sickle higher.
The drawing of the girl cutting grass “in living color” (and in short shorts, halter and high heels) is superb. She seemed to be enjoying the experience so much she closed her eyes in ecstasy. DH is a very lucky man to have a wife like you who celebrates the female form and enjoys surprising him with artwork of this nature. The quality of this glamorous sketch is proof that you have the skill to make pinup art your theme for the A to Z Challenge, if that’s what you decide to do.
I hope your week is going well, dear friend Cathy. If you aren’t running Friday Sillies this week then I will make every effort to be here for 4M Monday on Sunday. I wish you a super Thursday and a safe and happy weekend!
Wonderful take on mechanical th is week Cathy!