
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Pig Humor, CTST, & Friday Fillins

Good day, kittens and dawgs! How was your week? Hectic? Stressful? It’s time to put that stuff behind us, so put you happy face on and if you can’t do it then I’m here to make you giggle or at the very least smile with my newest Friday Sillies contributions.

pig in the sun
Yep, sounds like me every time I get in the sun –fried to a crisp. Guess what I want now?
Pig funerals.
Pig funerals.

'I fancy the one with the pony tail.' 'Figures. I'll take a crack at the one with the pig tails.'
‘I fancy the one with the pony tail.’ ‘Figures. I’ll take a crack at the one with the pig tails.’
Pleeeease, don’t hate me! I couldn’t resist this one. I know, I know he’s adorable.



I’m not using my linkup this week, since it’s not doing well. If you have a funny post you want to share, then please add it in comments for others to find it. I’m going to try something new. I invite you to send your giggles (funny picture, joke, video, song, …), if it makes you laugh then I want to see it. Just email me your content! In the subject line say “Friday Sillies material” and if I use it, then I’ll add a link back to your site in my post. Can I count you in? If so, then share your giggles now!

Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins!


McGuffy Ann is hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins (click button to visit McGuffy).  Every Thursday, she posts four fun and easy blank statements for us to borrow, complete, and post on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.

Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:

  1. One quirk I have is …do, I even have a quirk? Surely, I do! Hmm, ok got it! My one quirk is I don’t like to travel by plane or boat. I like being able to keep my feet on solid ground.
  2. My favorite comic strip is The Peanuts Gang cartoons, but it’s been years since I’ve read them.
  3. I am really happy that we got some much-needed yard work done on Monday, but we have lots yet to do and the rain is going to make the grass grow out of sight before we can pick up where we left off.
  4. If I could go anywhere on a road trip, I would go to either the coast of Maine or the Pacific Northwest coast. I love everything about Maine ~ scenery, food, lighthouses, you name it and this is where I want to go every time we take big vacation, but I really want to go west to see the lighthouses and coast line.

Oops, no linky? No worries, click the Friendly Fill-Ins button and you can join the party there.


I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate The Small Things. Here’s my list of celebrations!

  • I’m celebrating making progress on brush removal on our property.
  • I’m celebrating that we got some much-needed rain, but I’m not celebrating how our grass will soon shoot up.
  • I’m celebrating the end of our bday season until December. It’s time to get back to a better maintained diet.
  • I’m celebrating every broken link repair I’ve made on my blog. It’s a tedious job, but it’s getting done finally.

That’s it for now. There’s always something to celebrate in our lives.

What are you celebrating?

See what others are celebrating this week below and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa!


To continue the Friday fun, you may want to consider joining Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!


I invite y’all to pop in tomorrow with the relaunch of my weekend music post, Saturday Songsuasion with Yves Jean.


Have a super funtastic Friday! 😉

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30 thoughts on “Pig Humor, CTST, & Friday Fillins

  1. I live sixty miles from the Oregon coast. My mother-in-law from Mississippi decided that she wanted to see all the lighthouses in Oregon. She cared not a whit about them other than checking-off that she had seen them. She got to one last lighthouse, the furtherest one from where Peggy and I live, and wouldn’t you know it, it was so foggy that day that she couldn’t see the top of it, so she had her husband drive her all the way back the next day so she could see the top. If it had still been foggy, I don’t know what she would have done.

    I quit eating meat about 30-years ago, and the only meat I missed was bacon and pork chops. Even today, I can miss pork sometimes when I’m hungry, but I’m not tempted to eat it because I don’t think that having a certain taste in my mouth justifies killing a creature who, like I, is capable of experiencing terror and pain.

    1. Snowbrush, coastal weather is unpredictable.I love foggy conditions. We see a lot of it along the Blue Ridge Parkway and in the Smoky Mountains. Under this type of weather I often think about our time spent on Cadillac Mountain on Mt. Dessert Island in Maine. The fog and/or low clouds will settle in the valley of the mountains giving it the appearance of islands in the ocean. We must follow our convictions, if eating meat bothers you then you’re right to not do it. Thank you for stopping in for a visit, my friend. Have a good day!

      1. Coastal weather and high mountain weather are both subject to swift and dramatic changes here in Oregon, but it wasn’t that way in Mississippi (not that Mississippi had mountains). I think it likely that there is no place on earth where a warm and sunny day is more beautiful than on the coast of Oregon, partly due to the relative rarity of such days. In many ways, the coast of Oregon is a hostile place where human life is concerned, and there is no month of the year in which one need not pack extra clothes when visiting the coast.

        “We must follow our convictions, if eating meat bothers you then you’re right to not do it.”

        If I sounded snootily moralistic, it wasn’t because I have earned the right. After all, I eat eggs, fish, and dairy products, and all of these things require killing. I believe that the only ethically justifiable diet is that of vegans, but it’s diet that requires more dedication than I am willing to give.

        1. Snowbrush, I love dramatic weather changes! It’s awesome when we’re in the mountains when the fog or clouds roll in; it’s especially nice in the summer as it provides so much need relief from the valley heat. Nah, you didn’t sound snooty about your dietary habits. I love ALL types of food too much to deny myself any of these pleasures. lol Thanks for visiting and I hope you’ll join me for more mewsic, furrrtography, hisssterics, or mewsings. Have a mewtastic week!

  2. I am so very sorry that I am late, but it is important that I visit. Life has been a little stressful lately. I love your fill-ins and I do read your posts, even when I can’t comment; sometimes it is hard from my smart phone. Thank you for being a part of Friendly Fill-Ins. I appreciate you. Hugs.
    Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~

    1. Annie dear, no worries, really! It’s sometimes hard to manage everything. I’m happy you were able to fit a visit in to my place. I prefer making most visits from my computer, but on occasion I will use my iPhone. It’s not as easy, but it gets the job done if that’s what I want to do. Anywho, it’s a pleasure to join in the Friday Fill-ins fun! 🙂

  3. Oh gosh I thought I wrote here because I love the piggy humour… had me at bacon or for that cutie at the end…bacon bits

  4. Oh my gosh – “bacon seed”!!!! That was way too adorable.
    We definitely need some rain around here. I am not complaining that it held off during our camping trip – but it still hasn’t rained a week later. Lots of farmers around here praying hard. Maybe I should have the kids do a rain dance in the yard? LOL

    1. Les, that’s funny you should mention having g your kids do a rain dance. I remember when I was kid, we would do that. I have no idea why unless we just liked pretending we were Indians or we just wanted to play in the rain. Thanks for bringing an old memory to the forefront. ? Feel free to hop back over to dance with me with Monday’s mewsic line!

  5. Oh my – your piggy funnies are just too funny – hahaha – still laughing here while I read the rest of your post. I missed the fill ins once again 🙁 I like your answers. Visiting Maine and the PNW are pretty high on my list, too. But mostly I would love to do a real long roadtrip across the US, coast to coast.

    1. Claudia, I’m glad I was able to tickle your funny bone with these Friday Sillies. A road trip across the country sounds nice. We daydream about traveling around the US someday in a small RV. Maybe in our retirement years this is something we can do. 🙂

  6. I just went to a local county fair, and all the bacon… The pig cartoons were kinda on topic for me.

    1. Liz, I haven’t had bacon in years. This is one of those foods I purposely avoid because of the high calorie content and low nutritional value. Plus, it’s a real heart stopper. Literally. But, I do love the taste of it and am getting closer to breaking down to buy a pound to fix. lol

  7. What cute pig jokes! The bacon seed is so sweet. Yay for rain and removing irritating brush. And link fixing is so tedious! Sounds like a busy, great week.

    1. Tonja, When I moved from Blogger to WordPress, I didn’t think about my internal links needing replaced. That’s the biggest problem, but another is a lot of YouTube vids didn’t migrate properly or have since been taken down. So, I have to recreate the ones I originally used and sometimes I have to be a PI to figure out what I used. lol

  8. The pig funnies were hilarious! I especially liked the sunscreen one. Thanks so much for the laughs! Yay for rain even if it brings a growth spurt in your lawn, congrats on removing that pesky brush and fixing your links, and good luck with getting back to a sensible diet. I really need to do the same. *sigh*

    1. Lexa, The sunscreen comic is funny. lol We got more morning showers and we can’t get outside to work like we wanted today,either. Oh pooh! Thanks for popping in, now I’m headed over to see you!

  9. Love those funnies! I’m with John – the Walmart one is my favorite. 😉

    The hubby has the same quirk as you in regards to planes – though it’s not wanting to keep both feet firmly on the ground, it’s the whole going through security fiasco and minimal leg room on the planes compared to years ago. 🙂

    Oh yes! I would love to go back to Maine – it’s been about 20 years since I was last there! If you come out to the Pacific Northwest, we can do some road trippin’ together along the coast. 😉 Have a great weekend, Cathy! 🙂

    Quirks, Comics, Happiness and Road Trips – Friendly Fill-In Friday Fun

    1. Stacy, I’ve never traveled by plane, so I can only imagine the headaches involved with going through security. I’m petite so leg room shouldn’t be too much of a concern for me, either. Another thing about flying that would drive me up a wall is being confined in a tube with wings. I just wouldn’t make a good passenger on an airplane. Well, if we make it out your way, then I’ll be sure to let you know. It would be fun to hang with you. Thanks for stopping in today. I just got home a short while ago. Have a good weekend. Next stop…your place!

  10. Very cute piggies 🙂 Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Peanuts is one of my favorite comics too and I am with you for keeping our feet on the ground. We need a lot more rain, we only got 1/4 inch I hope you get your trip to Maine.. Have a great weekend!

    1. You’re most welcome. Thank you for having me along for the fun. We got a little rain today, but that’s about normal this time of year with the heat and pop up thunderstorms. You have a good weekend, too. I’m hopping over to see you next!

  11. I like the Wal-Mart thingy, too. A pig lives in my neighborhood. Sometimes I see him in his backyard. He’s quite a large pig. I met his family. I can’t remember their names, nor the pig’s name. I have been told by other neighbors that sometimes he escapes from the yard and he’s a biter. One woman up the street got up one morning and the pig was lying on the porch at her front door. She called animal control, but they never showed up. They probably thought she was crazy.


    1. Janie, I don’t like animals that nip at you. I remember years ago, a friend had a pig as a pet and I thought that was the craziest thing because growing up in a rural WV pigs were livestock not pet. Eventually the piggies grew up to be hogs, which became food for the family. Cats and dogs are pets. Anything else just doesn’t register as a pet to me. lol

    1. John, Can you imagine how hysterical that would be to watch? That would be a rib breaker, laugh-out-loud moment for sure! Thanks for popping in for a visit. See ya soon!

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Mrs. Shady and I often talk about visiting Maine or even moving there to retire. I would love to visit the Pac NW, too. I know that the region experiences many rainy days per year but I have learned to love rainy days (and Mondays 🙂 One of my happiest memories goes back to a vacation at the seashore and a day it rained long and hard. The “bad” weather ruined the plans of thousands of beach goers, but I thoroughly enjoyed sitting for hours under an awning listening to the pounding rain, breathing the fresh, cool, damp air and watching sea birds frolic. The inclement weather forced me to slow down the pace and just “be” and I still think of that rewarding experience decades later.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom, as much as we love Maine I would not want to live there year round. Their winters are harsher than what we are use to and that’s the one thing we dislike as time goes by. We grow less tolerant of the cold every year. A summer home along the coast of Maine would be super nice, though. Maybe, we could own a lighthouse?! That would be so cool! I agree rainy days can turn into nice ones, especially when used for reflecting or creating. These time should be used for opportunities you’d otherwise put on the back burner because of other pressing or exciting things that take precedent. When I was younger, I relaxed on our covered porch enjoying the passing thunderstorm or if it was just a heavy rain then I liked playing in the summer showers. The other day, we got home from the store with threatening clouds over as we hurried to unload the car, but the heavens opened up spilling down. At first, DH said let me check the radar to see when we’ll get a break and I said, “Let’s just go for it. It’s not a hard rain and it won’t be around long. We can pretend we’re playing in the rain again.” And, so we finished up bringing in our bags which didn’t take long and soon after the rain stopped. Sometimes seizing an opportunity is a rewarding, fun experience. Thanks for stopping in, my friend. Have a good weekend!

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