Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Tomorrow is election day. Many of you are sighing with relief waiting for it to be all over. It’s been a wild ride but there’s so much on the line this time around. It’s more than Red VS Blue, Dems VS Repubs, or Left VS Right. It’s about keeping our way of life as Americans.
I thought it fitting to share songs of inspiration. Tunes that speak the American dream, and dreamin’ in red, white blue. When I was little I dreamed of being a teacher, a wife, a mommy, a nurse, an actress, a singer, and even the president.
Walt Disney said it best.
America is the land that dreams come from and hope for a better life.
ONLY IN AMERICA Brooks and Dunn
Without dreams, hope is gone. This is the very reason Americans hold dear the ideas our country offers to every person.
AMERICA Simon & Garfunkel
My parents raised me with the idea of America’s greatest and while I didn’t understand everything, I knew people from other countries saw America as the promised land with aspirations of reaching her one day. I always felt America is the promised land.
Did you vote in Revolution BOTB showdown yet? It’s not too late. The polls close tonight with the results shared tomorrow. I’m linking with the ? party hosted by the Monday’s Music Moves Me crew and you’re welcome to come with. Thank you for including me in your Monday. You’re invited back tomorrow for a little Cathy Chats after you cast your presidential vote! ☆☆☆
Dear God, please keep ALL Americans safe at the polls and Your hand on the Trump’s & Pence’s families. There are a lot of wicked people among us. Steer the angry, hateful evil-doers away. Place in each a strong resolve to do what’s right for their families and America and finally I ask for Your protection on our election keeping it free from corruption. In His precious name I pray. Amen.
This week’s music theme is whatever music moves you and this is a great opportunity to share with you the…
11 thoughts on “If you can dream it you can do it, Only in America music tribute”
Love the photo and great inspirational spark and music!
Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Interesting that I”m just getting to see this post.
It’s a new day and we have a new president elect.
I hope to see good solutions.
I don’t feel too connected this election as I did last time. I realize that no matter what, God is in control and reigns.
I’m not surprised at all the people again saying they will leave. If you can leave your country so easily, then bye!
Apparently there is no patriotism within, and surely they wouldn’t be missed.
A country should be able to work together for good, not run away or try to separate and make things worse.
I was so glad when I came to America so that I could vote. In my country, it was a life or death situation to vote.
I do hope it remains safer to vote in the USA.
Missed the b.o.b.
Thanks for sharing Cathy. Have a blessed week
Colette, I believe in my heart Donald Trump loves ALL Americans. The liberal media always paint a dim picture of him but you got to look through the smoke screen, straight into his eyes and you’ll see not only goodness but has a deep passion for this country. He has a long, hard road ahead of him. He’s wise and will pick excellent people to help him along the road to making this country great again. The sad thing is there are many folks who don’t understand the importance of voting for the person who wants to put America first – bring jobs back to the US, cut taxes, make health insurance affordable & competitive, secure our borders, rebuild our infrastructure, protects our basic rights such as freedom of speech, right to bear arms, and religion. He doesn’t discriminate on gender, race, or religion. In fact, he actually pays women who do similar work as men more in his organization. He’s said some stupid stuff in the past but I think he’s truly sorry for that and has changed. As a nation, we need to pray for Trump every day to find ways to keep his contract with the American people. This is going to be difficult because the establishment will fit him all the way. The same establishment who bent over backwards to give Obama everything that literally is destroying our country. Thank you, my friend for stopping in for a visit and may God bless America!
My husband did business with Trump. He refused to pay his bill and was highly condescending to Mitchell. I’m praying for Clinton!
Joyce, Hillary concerns me deeply. If she’s elected, she will totally collapse our country into ruins granting amnesty to illegals and letting more than half a million refugees into our country (many who want to do harm to Americans), shutting down coal mines, pushing jobs out of the country, keeping a failed Obamacare, AND she faces several possible serious charges – perjury, bribery, obstruction of justice, racketeering, fraud, illegal use of a nonprofit organization, & pay for play. On top of all this horrible stuff, she has some bad medical problems. Hillary needs prayers for many things but not for the presidency. I’m sure you’re saying we can agree to disagree and that’s ok. We’re friends and friends respect each other.
I agree with your prayer. All Trump supporters and all Christians need to pray hard for the spirit of God to move across this nation and bring a Trump victory.
I’ve tweeted your post as well as tweeting the Trump ad and putting up on FB. Some people are probably getting sick of my Trump promoting and I’ll likely lose some fake social media friends, but that will probably be good for me in the long run.
Lee, I appreciate you sharing my post. I know folks are tired of the whole election campaign slamming stuff and I am, too. But, we’re really in a battle for our lives. The left play dirty and are ruthless. It’s been wonderful to see the support Trump is getting from all walks of life. I felt it my responsibility to share with my FB, Google+, and Twitter communities things that may sway the undecided or to convert a Hillary voter for Trump. At least I can say I tried to help in some small way, instead of being idle. Your attitude about your social network friends is the best way to handle it. True friends stick with you no matter what. If someone gets offended that easily then good riddance!
Oh did you see the other day Trump was making a speech and this young man got out of hand and Trump says how much is she paying you $1500 ??? Then the next thing that happen is the guards were hurrying Trump off of stage cuz the guy had a gun. Scary!!!
Marie, No I didn’t see the incident but I know what you’re talking about, though. It is frightening. We have prayed for God’s protection over Trump and his family, as well as Mike Pence and his family throughout the campaign. Liberal politicians and supporters want to stop the Trump Train. They are so corrupt and wicked. They have lived above the law so long they think they’re untouchable. If Trump wins, you can bet he’ll go after them all and that’s when we’ll need to keep praying for God’s hand to be upon Trump/Pence. May God these men and their families!
Cathy, I absolutely love it. Your prayer is amazing, love the tunes you’ve chosen. I should’ve thought of that myself with voting day so close. Good choice. I pray to God Trump gets in. Killary would just not be good for our country… hahaha don’t get me started… LOL
Marie, I’m happy you enjoyed my music and post. It’s scary what the liberal elite get away with and yet many Americans don’t care. They really don’t care. Why else would these same bozos wind up in office time and time again? Like DH said, it’s the heart that must change before real change can begin elsewhere and he’s right. Let’s pray hard tonight and all day tomorrow for a revival of hearts for ALL Americans as they head to the polls to vote. Nothing is impossible with God.
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Love the photo and great inspirational spark and music!
Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Interesting that I”m just getting to see this post.
It’s a new day and we have a new president elect.
I hope to see good solutions.
I don’t feel too connected this election as I did last time. I realize that no matter what, God is in control and reigns.
I’m not surprised at all the people again saying they will leave. If you can leave your country so easily, then bye!
Apparently there is no patriotism within, and surely they wouldn’t be missed.
A country should be able to work together for good, not run away or try to separate and make things worse.
I was so glad when I came to America so that I could vote. In my country, it was a life or death situation to vote.
I do hope it remains safer to vote in the USA.
Missed the b.o.b.
Thanks for sharing Cathy. Have a blessed week
Colette, I believe in my heart Donald Trump loves ALL Americans. The liberal media always paint a dim picture of him but you got to look through the smoke screen, straight into his eyes and you’ll see not only goodness but has a deep passion for this country. He has a long, hard road ahead of him. He’s wise and will pick excellent people to help him along the road to making this country great again. The sad thing is there are many folks who don’t understand the importance of voting for the person who wants to put America first – bring jobs back to the US, cut taxes, make health insurance affordable & competitive, secure our borders, rebuild our infrastructure, protects our basic rights such as freedom of speech, right to bear arms, and religion. He doesn’t discriminate on gender, race, or religion. In fact, he actually pays women who do similar work as men more in his organization. He’s said some stupid stuff in the past but I think he’s truly sorry for that and has changed. As a nation, we need to pray for Trump every day to find ways to keep his contract with the American people. This is going to be difficult because the establishment will fit him all the way. The same establishment who bent over backwards to give Obama everything that literally is destroying our country. Thank you, my friend for stopping in for a visit and may God bless America!
My husband did business with Trump. He refused to pay his bill and was highly condescending to Mitchell. I’m praying for Clinton!
Joyce, Hillary concerns me deeply. If she’s elected, she will totally collapse our country into ruins granting amnesty to illegals and letting more than half a million refugees into our country (many who want to do harm to Americans), shutting down coal mines, pushing jobs out of the country, keeping a failed Obamacare, AND she faces several possible serious charges – perjury, bribery, obstruction of justice, racketeering, fraud, illegal use of a nonprofit organization, & pay for play. On top of all this horrible stuff, she has some bad medical problems. Hillary needs prayers for many things but not for the presidency. I’m sure you’re saying we can agree to disagree and that’s ok. We’re friends and friends respect each other.
I agree with your prayer. All Trump supporters and all Christians need to pray hard for the spirit of God to move across this nation and bring a Trump victory.
I’ve tweeted your post as well as tweeting the Trump ad and putting up on FB. Some people are probably getting sick of my Trump promoting and I’ll likely lose some fake social media friends, but that will probably be good for me in the long run.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Lee, I appreciate you sharing my post. I know folks are tired of the whole election campaign slamming stuff and I am, too. But, we’re really in a battle for our lives. The left play dirty and are ruthless. It’s been wonderful to see the support Trump is getting from all walks of life. I felt it my responsibility to share with my FB, Google+, and Twitter communities things that may sway the undecided or to convert a Hillary voter for Trump. At least I can say I tried to help in some small way, instead of being idle. Your attitude about your social network friends is the best way to handle it. True friends stick with you no matter what. If someone gets offended that easily then good riddance!
Oh did you see the other day Trump was making a speech and this young man got out of hand and Trump says how much is she paying you $1500 ??? Then the next thing that happen is the guards were hurrying Trump off of stage cuz the guy had a gun. Scary!!!
Marie, No I didn’t see the incident but I know what you’re talking about, though. It is frightening. We have prayed for God’s protection over Trump and his family, as well as Mike Pence and his family throughout the campaign. Liberal politicians and supporters want to stop the Trump Train. They are so corrupt and wicked. They have lived above the law so long they think they’re untouchable. If Trump wins, you can bet he’ll go after them all and that’s when we’ll need to keep praying for God’s hand to be upon Trump/Pence. May God these men and their families!
Cathy, I absolutely love it. Your prayer is amazing, love the tunes you’ve chosen. I should’ve thought of that myself with voting day so close. Good choice. I pray to God Trump gets in. Killary would just not be good for our country… hahaha don’t get me started… LOL
Marie, I’m happy you enjoyed my music and post. It’s scary what the liberal elite get away with and yet many Americans don’t care. They really don’t care. Why else would these same bozos wind up in office time and time again? Like DH said, it’s the heart that must change before real change can begin elsewhere and he’s right. Let’s pray hard tonight and all day tomorrow for a revival of hearts for ALL Americans as they head to the polls to vote. Nothing is impossible with God.