
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Odd Headline Mews #humor + Friendly Fill-ins

Hello, Kittens & Dawgs! How was your week? Mine was good. I’m getting thing accomplished around the house and am prepping for April’s A-Z Challenge.  Speaking of the latter, I’m thinking about putting all my Friday material in one post in March while I work to bring my A-Zing together. What can I say, I’m here to keep you on your toes and mine, too. 🙂  I’m glad you came by this morning for your weekly dose of laughs. Set your coffee down and let’s get started Odd Headline Mews!








Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins with Annie and Ellen. Every

Thursday four fun and easy blank statements are posted for us to borrow, complete, and share on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.


Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:

(1)  I wish the days where men were more masculine and women were more feminine would come back in style.  I blame liberal indoctrination.

(2)  I always have a flashlight in my purse (or wallet for men).

(3)  I think that I will have oatmeal with cinnamon and pecan pieces for breakfast this morning or eggs and toast; I’m undecided. Alternating between cereal (hot or cold) and eggs each day keeps me from getting bored.

(4)  The casual use of the f-word in our culture is a pet peeve of mine. I can’t stress how much it annoys me to hear the unnecessary use of this word in movies. It doesn’t add any value to the story and it takes away my enjoyment.



Are you looking for my Skywatch Friday and Celebrate the Small Things posts? I published it earlier this morning, just click here! 😉



For more social media network fun and inspiration join these ladies below!


That’s a wrap for now but you’re invited to hit the dance floor (mewsic theme – “SONGS FROM 1980s GRAMMY WINNERS”) on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me.


Until next time, have a laughtastic weekend!

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18 thoughts on “Odd Headline Mews #humor + Friendly Fill-ins

  1. We are so alike in the way we feel about the state of society and its cause(s). I am not one to use the “f” word. I think it is poor grammar and offensive. (I have never taken God’s name in vain, ever, either.) Oh, I do cuss, though, but very minor.
    I have a flashlight, too! I didn’t name everything in my purse. Ha!
    Your funnies are great. I loved the cat and dog one. We had a dog who was very sensitive to fire and smoke. She tried to save people from the stove!
    Thanks for being a part of the fill-ins. HUGS!

    1. Annie, your dog tried to save people from the stove! That’s good. Poor thing just didn’t understand, huh? How very sweet! I wish I could say I never took God’s name in vain but when I was a kid I did if often until my daddy told me if I ever used the Lord’s name in vain again I was in deep trouble. Let’s just say, he put the fear of God in me with his tone and since that time I NEVER used God’s name frivolously. I don’t swear but sometimes a word slips off my lips when it shouldn’t but it takes an awful lot before that happens. I guess I’m human, huh? Hugs back to you, dearie!

  2. The cat starting the fire one!! LOL.
    I get people’s sensitivity to the “f” bomb, but for me working in a male prison for years rather desensitized me to it. Kinda sad, but I also just kinda learned to tune them out too.
    You know I’m not sure that I’ve really thought about it, but since you mention, there is something attractive about a man just being apologetically “male.” Just owning it, even if its’ not perfect in the eyes of this world. I bet there’s a freedom in that for many of them.

    1. Les,

      Unfortunately, over-exposure to anything makes one less sensitive. I see a bigger problem with the callous use of the f-word. I worry that our society will complacent about the elderly or terminally ill and won’t think anything of it when some organization promotes euthanization. Some might this is a stretch but I do not underestimate the way evil works. We need to be on guard. Subtleness is the way the devil changes the heart to accept stuff. I love it when a man is totally male! I like the special treatment. It’s not I can’t do things for myself but I feel appreciated. 😉

  3. Those headlines made me smile! You are right about the use of the f-word. My Nana only used that word one time in her whole life, and so when she did, you knew she meant it! The way they throw such language around you never know when they are serious.

    1. MessyMimi, Not that this word is acceptable in my book for any reason, but that’s the problem the casual use of the word bears no reflection on the conversation tone most of the time. It’s just crazy. So, happy you stopped by!

  4. Every Monday, Jay Leno did “Headlines!” when he hosted The Tonight Show. It was the only night we would watch, because they are hilarious! Sometimes it’s worth reading the paper just to look for goofy stuff. One time, Mary was reading an article about how the 911 operators were being overworked with calls that weren’t emergencies, and to please call using the non-emergency number or you’ll get a fine, etc. Nowhere in the article did they tell you what the non-emergency number was…

    I agree with your fill-ins, and I’d go a step further: I miss the days when men were gentlemen and ladies were ladies. Again, liberal indoctrination…

    1. John, Women these days hate to act like ladies. They think it’s some sort of awful disease thanks to feminists. I think a lot of men just gave up trying to be gentlemanly because of lack of appreciation from the “he-woman” population. It’s truly sad to see this sort of decline in the roles of the sexes! 🙁

  5. Happy Friday, Cathy; Those headlines are pretty funny. 🙂 I used to love that segment on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show, years ago. I’m not sure what you mean by “liberal indoctrination”, but aren’t you glad that women have emerged from the depths of domestic servitude and second-class citizenry? I was in the thick of it, back in the 70s, trying to overcome those attitudes in the corporate world. If you’re talking about sexual orientation, that’s a personal matter and not something I would pass judgement on. Everyone one has the right to live their lives as they see fit, in my opinion, and it doesn’t affect me. Explicit language doesn’t bother me either, except when it’s bleeped out. Ruins the flow of dialogue. 😉 It certainly does get tiresome when overused, though and shows a lack of imagination. Looks like we have a few differences, but, to each their own, yes? I’m glad we’re friends, regardless.

  6. Those are funny headlines, Jay Leno used to show stuff like that all the time- I miss that show. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I enjoyed your answers and feel the same way about 1 and 4. I just had oatmeal with a little stevia on it, yours sounds so much better.
    I am prepping for the a-z challenge too , I look forward to that every year. Have a nice weekend!

  7. If the Los Angeles paper had provided more stories like rather than stories bashing Christians and conservatives and less stories promoting homosexuality, I might have kept it. For me the last straw was when they didn’t even have a single story about a Christian event that had 30,000 plus participants while there was a front page story about some homosexual event that drew about 200 people. It’s a very biased paper like most liberal media.

    I’m with you on all your fill-ins. I’m disgusted with all this gender nonsense. The transgender issue is utterly absurd. Like has been pointed out, science shows that male is male and female is female and for me it’s refreshing to see those roles.

    I try to rotate my breakfast schedule as well.

    The flashlight in my wallet comes in handy at times, but it sure is uncomfortable for me (just joking on that one, but sometimes I do carry a pen in my pocket that has a light).

    The “f-word” has gotten so out of hand. Can’t stand it when people try to be “funny”. But seriously the other “f word” is so casually overused that there is no longer an impact to it but an obscene annoyance. I especially dislike when young kids are using it like I hear them do around here.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. I just noticed your answers to the fill-ins and I agree. I just heard that the president is reversing the transgender bathrooms so that is good. I am sure there will be protests for that too.

    2. Lee,

      Our society has gotten so politically correct that the media feel it’s their moral obligation to prompt homosexuality/transgender issues. It’s more like an “in your face” kinda thing. Reporting news today isn’t so much about the facts but what feels good. I’d like to see more conservative, Christian-oriented articles published, too. For now, our area isn’t as far left as other places and this makes me very happy. I don’t know how much longer the Bible belt will trend to the middle and right with the rest of the country falling to pieces, though. It’s okay to not like these things but to love that person’s soul and try to move forward with that. All I want is for stuff to not be forced on me or anyone else and that’s one reason why so much of this has gotten out of hand. The offhanded use of the f-word by kids is disheartening. I’d like to see kids begin a movement labeling that word as “uncool”, then maybe we’ll hear it less often. 🙂

  8. Hi again, Cathy!

    Your Headline Mews gave me the giggles.

    You and I think alike in more ways than one might suspect, dear friend, and I do not want to debate you. I just want to address your “liberal indoctrination” comment and assure you that very little actually separates us. Like you, I wish that I lived in a country (and world) where more men fit the traditional description of maleness and more women looked and acted more feminine. The difference between the way you and other conservatives react to what we have today and how I react to it is simply this. I have learned to separate what I want and what makes me feel comfortable from what I believe to be good and right and fair. I believe in my heart that it is good and right and fair to allow people to be themselves, to choose a lifestyle, manner of dress and means of personal and artistic expression that fits them and makes them feel comfortable in their own skin. They should not be required to conform to a narrow description of male or female that I find aesthetically pleasing and makes me feel more comfortable. As long as they do not try to change me and my lifestyle, then I believe it is good and right and fair to give them the freedom to lives their lives as they see fit. That’s what it boils down to.

    I eat oatmeal at least once a day and sometimes times twice a day. Like you I am tired of hearing the F word used so often to spice up dialogue in popular movies and song lyrics in mewsic. There seems to be a rule, a quota, a certain number of times per hour that the word is required to be used to keep the audience’s attention and convey the impression that the people uttering it are cool and hip. For a few years it worked, it seemed cool, (see the series Weeds), but lately I think it makes most people cringe to have the F bomb dropped on them.

    Thank you and enjoy your weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m glad you liked this morning’s giggles.

      I appreciate your comments. We do share a lot of the same basics. What I see too often happening is young people flocking away from these things mainly without knowing it because they hear and see things swaying them to be less masculine and feminine. Personally speaking, I’d love to see a strong influence of manly men and lady-like women in our world. People will do what they want but I think social pressures reshaping boys and girls God-given mindset to a new norm is unsettling. Does that make sense? We need to love and respect ourselves for who will are not what others want us to be. Ultimately, the way a person choices to live is between that individual and God. I try to see past the exterior to see someone’s inner light anyhow but I’m a bit old-fashion.

      I am totally with you on the overuse of a certain four-lettered word. Right now it seems to be a trendy word and I’m hoping that trend fades. I guess we’ll see in time if it goes out of style. I hope you’re right that most people don’t like hearing this word dropped on them. If so, then that’s a good first sign.

      Have a good weekend, my friend!

  9. Oh my, these headlines are funny and sad all at once. I wonder is the house arrest is his box?? They better give him an actual room to be in. I wish they brought gloves back in style. I always thought the fashions were so pretty back then plus it’s a great way to keep sickness away. I carry money in my wallet…who da thunk? My pet peeve…people who don’t close cupboard doors or drawers….ughhh close them! 🙂

    1. Birgit, I remember wearing white gloves for Easter. When our girls were small, I bought them white gloves for Easter and they looked so adorable wearing them. Keeping one’s hands away from one’s face is a great way to keep down sickness. Of course washing your hands after being in public should be a common sense thing to do but so few people seem to understand this basic necessity of good health. I keep money, not a lot, in my wallet, too. You never know when you’ll need cash on hand. Oh, you’d hate me because I’m terrible about not closing drawers or cupboards. I drive DH crazy leaving these open. 🙂

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