
19-03-2025 Vol 19

NY Giants, Fingernail Health,Horse Meat,Text via Email, & Joe Paterno in RTT

The New York Giants face the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl. I…we’ll be rooting for the Giants, as we are big fans of Payton Manning and his little brother, Eli. Go Giants!

DD #2 will be getting married in less than a week. I came up with the cool idea of making her a wedding cake. It’ll be something simply, but hopefully pretty to help celebrate this joyous occasion. She & her soon-to-be husband are getting married at the courthouse. The small extras we’ve come up to make her special day more memorable seem to be adding fuel of excitement not only for them, but us! I’ll show you the outcome of my creations next week, but  you’ll have to bear in mind this is my first attempt at something of this size. I’m eager to get going, though.

Did you know, your fingernails can give your doctor insight of possible medical problems lurking in your body? I’ve read about this some years ago, and was recently reminded of this while watching an episode of the daytime TV series, The Doctors. To learn more, read here!

This morning, I finally took care of getting some old, badly damaged American Express Travelers Checks process for reimbursement.  A few years back, my husband put his pants into the wash with his wallet. Yep, his wallet! Talk about money laundry. Uncle Sam’s money script held up to the wash, but the travelers checks tore. Tip: If you don’t use your American Express Travelers Checks in a timely fashion, you may want to deposit them back into your bank account. This is what we should have done a long time ago.

Who likes hamburgers? Personally, I love a nice, juicy burger with the works. Have you heard the news, horses may soon be slaughtered for meat in the US?  In some countries horse meat is a delicacy. Honestly, I’m not sure how to feel about this issue. I don’t think buying horse meat is something I’m ready to buy. It’s kind of like deer meat, who wants to eat Bambi? I’m just saying.

Have you ever wanted to send someone a text message from your email? If so, then you may find this link helpful. You’ll find examples of how you may accomplish your task of sending a text message via your email.

Chickenpox parties? Chickenpox lollipops? Read about my random on this from last Thursday Don’t Forget the Carrots – Chit Chat & Hodgepodge post. Just scroll to the very bottom to read question #8.

Penn State former head coach, Joe Paterno died this weekend. He was wrongfully fired, in my opinion, over the way he dealt with reporting the alleged child rape of a fellow colleague.  An incident, which I felt was a horrible injustice to him by the institution.  Our prayers are with the Paterno family. God bless!

Thanks Stacy for keeping the randomness alive while Keely @ UnMom is taking a break!

Things are in slow motion today due to sleeping in because we didn’t get into bed until almost 1am, now my whole day is shoot to pieces. It’s time to climb on my exercise bike and cycle myself into a more fit me! Until next week, happy random!

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7 thoughts on “NY Giants, Fingernail Health,Horse Meat,Text via Email, & Joe Paterno in RTT

  1. I”m still not sure who I’ll be cheering for in the super bowl. I’m still broken hearted about the Saints.

    That is true about the nails. I really wish I could see a doctor for an all round check up.

    We are having sloppy joes for dinner! 🙂

    I think Joe knew he should have done more for that child and that’s why he died of a broken heart…plus his sickness.
    It is sad though that he had to die in such a cloud after being such an inspiration.

  2. I am no football fan, but I am an AI fan. I think you are too. I love hanburgers, especially when they are good and juicy. Taking care of those traveler’s checks is a good girl…why would you let the $ sit there to rotten away. 🙂
    Have a great day.

  3. Venison (Bambi) is actually very delicious if prepared properly. Horse on the other hand just doesn’t go over quite this well… we have so many horse farms here and love seeing them. I just couldn’t imagine eating one of those wonderful creatures!!!

  4. A lot of my friends are Giants fans. Giants fans are kind of annoying, not like Bucs fans. We’re pretty humble because the Bucs never win. If Bucs ever win again, I’d like to believe we wouldn’t act like Giants fans. Just saying. 😉 j/k

    I don’t like the idea of eating Mister Ed or Biscuit. Not cool. I think there should be disclosure on menus if restaurants start serving horse hamburgers like they do with “grouper” now.

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