It’s Monday, but that’s no reason to be blue. What marvelous and glorious things did you do over the weekend? We had the privilege of taking a day trip to the mountains.
We travelled north I-81 toward Johnson City, Tennessee. The scenic drive across the Tennessee and North Carolina mountains is beautiful. We wanted to get on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Boone, NC. Yeah, it’s a long drive, but it’s always nice to do when the mood hits us.
Once on the parkway, we travelled south toward Asheville, NC. I took this picture shortly after getting on the parkway just south of the Blowing Rock exit. Price Lake is a quaint spot nestled in the mountains. If you look closely, you can see a couple in a rowboat on the water, isn’t that cool? Also, did you notice the blooms on the bushes in the foreground? I believe this is Mountain Laurel and it was in full bloom throughout the mountains. The blossoms are so delicate and beautiful. I couldn’t resist snapping a shot using my macro feature on my camera. It turned out pretty well, don’t you think?
One of the last photo opportunities came as we were leaving the entrance to Mt. Mitchell. It had rained while we were at the top, as we approached the bottom we spotted the clouds resting on the mountains. You can see a small patch of color in the right part of the sky. This is part of a rainbow. Isn’t this awesome or what? Definitely God’s country!
The rest of the time we were on the parkway visibility was drastically cut(not uncommon of an event on the BRPW). Fog settled across the mountains in large, dense patches making our traverse slow. With night falling, we weren’t too concerned about what we couldn’t see. We allowed ourselves to soak up the mysterious ambiance which surrounded us.
However, we did get an interesting treat. We saw a small bobcat. He darted from one side of the road to the other only momentarily lingering beside the road before disappearing into the brush. A real moment to treasure. This is our second encounter ever to see a bobcat on the parkway.
I’m participating in a cool meme called, Not so Moody Monday. I’ve meant for weeks to join in and am now finally doing it. What a better way to beat Monday moodiness than to share of yourself, right? At the beginning of the month, I began answering a series of thought-provoking questions I stumbled upon at The Organic Blonde and out of fear of boring you to death, I decided to break this post up. If you want to continue reading this series with part 3 then click HERE.
In closing here is a little mood lifter...
I hope Mr. Blue Sky is with you today! =D
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great view and flowers! (:
you did a fabulous job with your photos, just beautiful! I think your flower came out gorgeous as well!
Thanks for stopping by! Cute blog
@50fe119385f4c4821afa33c63e482085 Many thanks! I’m a novice photo bug. I simply do it for the fun of it,nothing serious.
@50fe119385f4c4821afa33c63e482085 Many thanks! I’m a novice photo bug. I simply do it for the fun of it,nothing serious.