
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Naughty or Nice #Christmas playlist

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

For December the Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me theme is Christmas each week except for the last Monday of the month.   All-aboard the Christmas Express. No Grinches or Scrooges allowed to ride, if you’re mean and grumpy, then you don’t wanna ride this train cause it’s meant for the jolly folks only.

Last year I composed a 4M Naughty or Nice post and this year I’m doing the same thing inspired by these 42 Sexy Christmas Songs list.  Let’s get this party started!

Naughty or Nice playlist tracks include:

  1. Shimmy Down The Chimney 🎄Alison Krauss
  2. Mistletoe Jam Everybody Kiss Somebody 🎄Luther Vandross
  3. Oh Santa 🎄Mariah Carey
  4. Let It Snow 🎄Boyz II Men ft. Brian McKnight
  5. The Nice List 🎄Dia Frampton



This month’s honorary co-hostess is Marie from Xmas Dolly


Marie thought it would be fun to share some favorite childhood Christmas mewsic. I often think about the old singers of yesterday like Perry Como this time of the  year and how I loved watching his Christmas specials every holiday season. 😉

DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

We’re on the home stretch.  Christmas is only 4-days away. This week is going to be busy for each of us. Slow down, enjoy the moments. They’ll be gone before we know it.  Have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy





















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34 thoughts on “Naughty or Nice #Christmas playlist

    1. Eugenia,

      Thanks for telling me about your email change. I updated my contacts just now. I hope you and your husband have a lovely Christmas, dear friend!

  1. I totally love this! Great tunes and never heard this tune either. There’s another for my long list. So I went for a quick doctor’s visit today that turned out not so quick. I believe I told you about the pain and numbness in my leg… well, the pain flared up today and tests began & got wrapped up and new medicine called, “Duloxetine” at 60MG. So that knocked me out for a couple of hours… and all I can say is, “What did you get for Christmas”? “BUMMER”! So now I’m on this new medication my leg is swelled up and to top it all off………………. I JUST ATE SOME GREAT PIZZA! hahaha Anyway, sorry about that… love that 2nd tune… made me laugh… and I needed it. Mistletoe jam… everybody kiss somebody. Thanks girlfriend I really needed that. So anyway guess I gotta work on my blog some more, but it was fun to come back for at least one day of Christmas 🙁 I was really looking forward to it and then I forgot about tunes when we were kids……….. WHAT A BUMMER!!! WELL you held it up for us… thanks girlfriend you’re duh best… love you lots! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    1. Marie,

      I’m sorry to read about your medical woes. Meds that knock you out aren’t fun but for at least a short while you don’t have to suffer. That’s not a permanent solution and I assume it could become habit forming which definitely isn’t good. I love good pizza! I already got my Christmas present from DH but I won’t spoil the fun. I’ll let everyone know next week. I am working once again with Blogspot with the hopes of learning a few things to help you out of this pickle, so please let me know what to do and if I can I will, girlfriend. Now, take it easy and have a joyful Christmas week, darlin’!

    1. Mimi,

      Yep, Santa has that special magic to make around this great big blue planet in a single night, so this pup, all the boys, and girls on earth have nothing to worry about. 😀

    1. Brian,

      Anyone old enough remembers those bygone glory days of fabulous Christmas specials from the 70s & 80s. As much as I enjoyed watching Mariah Carey’s Christmas special this year, it doesn’t hold a candle to those programs of long ago.

  2. I’ll get that pup anything it wants if that letter to Santa doesn’t get there in time. Adorable.

    I love all the old crooners from days gone by. Some great music indeed.

    I hope Marie is getting her new site up and running. I miss her.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs this Christmas week. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I think this pup would be happy if just got to play with you or to get some hugs.

      Marie is still dealing with site problems. Hopefully, we’ll see her back where she belongs soon!

    1. Robin,

      Old singers like Perry Como is hard to beat. Last night, we watched an old Andy Williams Christmas special on Amazon Prime. His voice was soooo beautiful. DH reminded me President Reagan declared Andy Williams’ voice a national treasure. It’s certainly a treasure for sure!

  3. Great Christmas tunes. Thank you for hosting. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. XO

    1. Ellen,

      I’m glad you found time to join us on the dance floor this week, my dear. It’s been a busy month for everyone. To this day, it’s hard for me to understand why some people don’t fancy listening to Christmas mewsic all month. It really puts me over the top when it comes to holiday fun! Anywho, great to see you at the party. 🙂 Have a Merry Christmas!!

  4. I don’t think any golden retriever has ever made the naughty list….ever!

    I love Allison Kraus. What an original song.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours. May the New Year bring a bright beginning for all.

    1. Yeah, I know it’s hard to imagine a golden retriever being on the naughty list. lol Yes, I pray for a bright new beginning for everyone in 2021, too! Thanks for joining me on the dance floor today, my friend. Merry Christmas!

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Awww-some 4M Monday, dear friend! I hope you and your family had a great weekend.

    I also hope Santa brings that cute puppy everything that’s on his Christmas list. What an awww-some image!

    I thoroughly enjoyed your set of songs, Cathy. I’ve heard of Illinois bluegrass and pop country artist Alison Krauss but never heard this holiday ditty of hers entitled “Shimmy Down The Chimney.” I read that it is a 2005 single released from her album Shimmy Down the Chimney: A Country Christmas. It halted at #58 on the Country chart. I’m surprised it didn’t go a lot higher. Once the romantic holiday themed song gets rolling it is very pleasing and soulful, a new seasonal favorite of mine. As you might recall, the Italian-American post-disco band called Change has been featured a few times on my Shady Train series. Luther Vandross was lead singer for the group early in his career and the party song “Mistletoe Jam” sounds a lot like the recordings made by the Change band. Mariah Carey’s secular sizzler “Oh Santa” is also new to my ears and I enjoyed the song and video. I will forever remember how Mariah braved the bitter cold at Times Square on New Year’s Rockin’ Eve a few years ago and courageously performed songs while stripped down to a low cut gown – simply remarkable – and reminiscent of the time years ago that another diva, Diana Ross, proved herself by singing in a violent thunderstorm in Central Park. The group Boyz II Men rose to prominence during the years I as working at that MTV station. We played their videos often and I enjoyed their version of “Let It Snow.” WOW – Utah singer/songwriter Dia Frampton is also new to me, and I love her little girl voice (as I’m sure you also do). I’m going to delve more deeply into her band Meg & Dia along with other examples of her solo work. What an excellent block of artists and songs, Cathy, a batch that avoids the commonly heard classics. It was refreshing!

    My mom loved the relaxed singing of Perry Como and I watched his Kraft Foods sponsored TV show every week with her. Mom bought Perry’s records and played them often. My favorite is “Catch A Falling Star.” Perry’s smooth, calming voice was a big part of my childhood. It’s good to know that his TV specials were a part of your early years.

    Thank you for this grade A mewsical entertainment, dear friend Cathy. I wish you and DH, your family and Little A a wonderful week and a safe and happy Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas, Tom!

      I’m happy to have you join me on the dance floor bright and early this morning. A puppy for Christmas made the list of many boys and girls. If we had a place for an outdoor dog then I’d be asking Santa for one, too. I’m equally delighted you enjoyed both collections of Christmas songs. Last night, DH and I watched a Perry Como Christmas special from 1977 on Amazon Prime. I barely recall having seen it when it originally aired. I was reminded while we watched that Perry Como had eye surgery many years ago and the surgeon was from Bluefield, West Virginia. That’s the DH’s college town and my parents’ live outside Bluefield in Virginia. Bluefield sits on the WV/VA state line. Anyway, I thought it interesting that I picked Como for my childhood mewsic choice and then we watched the show last night. What fun! Thanks for being apart of things today, dear friend. Have a fun week!

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