Here it is the very last Monday in September. I’m with you, where did the month go? This week’s Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me theme is National Neighbor or Sons Day.
I guess all of my life I’ve had good neighbors. There’s been a couple in recent years that had some undesirable character flaws but not enough to drive me bonkers. Listen to Ray Davies sing about his Next Door Neighbour.
I feel I’ve known you all my life
I haven’t seen you for a while now
How’s the family? How’s that beautiful wife?
And you’ve become downtrodden
Get your wealth together
Get yourself together
You ran off with an Essex blond
You’ve broke the bank to keep two women
You’re over extended, now, it’s all gone wrong
Still, you shouldn’t be broken hearted
We can still climb together
A step at a time together
Brown, your world was turned upside down
And everything changes
But behind front doors people think that they can hide
Live and learn, at least we try
Oh, give it a try
Ba, ba, ba, together
And we can go miles together
All of my next door neighbours
Put a smile together
And we’ll go miles together
All of my next door neighbours
I wonder what became of him?
They say he threw the telly through the window
He went berserk and jacked the whole world in
Our rows and our rifts together
But let’s learn to forgive together
Jones, you were my next door neighbour
Brown, you were my next door neighbour
I want my Sweet Child O’ Mine (Sheryl Crow) to know that he can always Count On Me (Bruno Mars) and that he’ll always be my Sonny Boy (Andrew Sisters)! It’s National Sons’ Day, so I thought the best way to honor him is by sharing a song of one of his favorite groups. I give you Wrong Side of Heaven by 5FDP.
Five Finger Death Punch supports the armed services and entertain the troops. I like that they spotlighted the poor treatment our veterans receive in this country. Prisoners and the homeless get better care than they do which is shameful. The first time DS introduced this group to me, he let listen to them covering Bad Company. They did a nice job.
This month’s honorary co-hostess is ME!!
DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians. Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

I’m going to wind things down with a new question meme I was invited to join, Monday Madness. If you’d like to play along, you’ll find the questions to borrow, here. Below you’ll find how I finished this week’s questions.
1. My uncle once… scared the life out of me!
2. Never in my life have I… ever seen such a mess as our world is in right now.
3. When I was five my parents… lived in a 3 room house with no running water or indoor bathroom. Seriously!
4. High school was… fun for the most part, except my senior year. I was in at a different school and didn’t know anyone. I felt like an outsider.
5. I will never forget to… thank God for all blessings big and small.
6. Once I met 7… my mind is a total blank on this one. I’m a SAHM who doesn’t like getting out much. The likelihood of meeting that many of anything at one time sort of boggles my mind.
7. There’s this boy I know… who went to college for one thing but wound up doing something totally different than expected as a career choice.
8. Once, at a bar, I… got all vegetables for my dinner. That’s the only kind of bar you’ll find me at but these days I don’t even go to those kind of bars. People aren’t careful enough to suit me.
9. By noon, I’m … ready for a lite lunch.
10. Last night I … had home-made pepperoni Stromboli and salad with home-made Italian dressing for dinner. Yum!
If you enjoyed Monday Madness then you may also like Stealing Sunday. I had time, barely, to complete that set of questions and if you’re interested in reading my responses. I did more than I normally do in Blogosphere this weekend which isn’t my normal M.O. but I thought it would be nice to break ground doing something a little different for once. That’s a wrap for now. Catch my newest edition of Tickle Me Tuesday tomorrow and have a boogietastic week! XX
, Cathy

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…Ray Davies is great, I need to check out his music. Thanks!
Love your mewsic selection, Cathy, and I enjoyed your answers to the questions.

Thanks! I’m happy you enjoyed the mewsic and Q&A session this week, my friend!
Most welcome!
Hi Cathy!
Better late than never, right? Very nice selections today. I really enjoyed the theme. Sure glad that I’m your blogger neighbor!
Late? You’re fine, girlfriend. I’m the one usually running late. I finally got caught up with everyone who linked up yesterday. It’s great boogieing with you, dearie. Have a good week!
Lots of good music! Always fun to stop by and say hello. Have a wonderful week. HUGS and LOVE
Hello, Hello, Anne!
Soooo happy you made it by to sample some mewsic and visit. Have a boogietastic week!
Great topic, Cathy. I really had to think about it. And I love what you did with the topic, great playlist.
I’m glad I caused you to think about the theme. I like it when they do me that way, too. Have a boogietastic week, dearie!
Nioce choices on the music. Sorry I haven’t been joining in, I will soon. XO
Don’t worry about not joining in on the dance floor. When the mood hits, then join the party. Thanks for dancing with me, though.
Excellent music and your answers sound a lot, on some of those, like mine would be. Not much of a bar person.
Hope you have had a great Monday!
Thanks for popping over, Mimi. It’s always nice when you visit.
“Wrong Side of Heaven” is a song with a message that I wish more in our country would listen to it. Five Finger Death Punch has done a lot for vets suffering from PTSD, from helping with housing initiatives for them to hiring them as temps needed when their tours come to town (or did, before the pandemic). Some just say the words. Five Finger Death Punch walks the walk. I give respect as the daughter of a WWII Vet who suffered a head injury in his service. Perhaps compassion is part of being a good neighbor. Ray Davies’ entry has some interesting lyrics, too, but now I wish I had taken on the topic of vets in my post, too.
Yes compassion is part of being not only a good neighbor but a decent person. Did your dad recover completely from his head injury? DH’s dad served in WWII but the war came to an end practically on the eve of his deployment. The Lord works in mysterious ways. 5FDP pro-military advocation is the reason I like the group in general. Their mewsic is a bit of hit or miss with me, some songs I like and others not so much but that’s ok. They are doing good things.
Hi Girlfriend, Doesn’t look like too many of our people are out and about today… or maybe that is the problem. ~hehe~ Not to many people dancing. Well, finally feeling better today. Praise Jesus, and I’m glad that’s over with. Well, must get supper goin’ I’m making Beef Stew today. It’s a bit nippy here… how’s about by you? Anyway lovey, have a great evening. Love ya! Hugs…
I got sidelined yesterday doing things and before I knew it was time for us to leave for my doctor appointment. Today, we both have dental appointments. It’s a dreary wet day, too. Blah! Oh you asked about dinner. I did a quick fix, tomato soup with a few added spices along with my home-made pimento cheese sandwiches. Yum! Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me, darlin’!
Hi Cathy. Sunday Stealing isn’t always that long, it was a long one, but I really enjoyed it. Loved your answers to Monday Madness! Have a nice week.
Thanks for letting me know that SS isn’t normally this long. I’ll certainly check in again. It’s great having you on the dance floor with me while you read through my MM responses.
The song about how our military is treated is amazing- brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting it!
Our vets deserve our respect and better treatment than they get. It’s pitiful.
Great song list. Yes, can’t believe how quickly time flies!
Me, either. The holidays will be here before we know it.
Enjoyed the songs and it is always fun to come to your blog. Yes this month flew by.
This month really need sprout wings flying right off the calendar! Thanks for swinging by for a little boogie time with me, darlin’.
Great songs, both of these (I haven’t checked the links–I’ll do that later)! Thanks for guest hosting this month!
It was fun filling in as guest hostess. I’m glad you enjoyed my song picks for today. I’ll see you at your place soon.
OMC Ray Davies…I wished he was my neigbour…maybe Bruno Mars on the other side…MOL…we liked that band Five Finger Death Punch, CK, can’t remember if we have ever heard of them. Great playlist and great theme! That spark is sparkling and I feel just like that pussycat now, after the dance…MOL…Pawkisses for a wonderful Monday and week ahead

Great to see you today! If you had neighbors like Davies and Mars then you’d be dancing all day long, wouldn’t you? Thanks for boogieing with me, furriend. Have a pAWWWsome week!
I really enjoyed your songs! I’ve never heard either of them. Always fun to learn new music.
I’m glad you found time to visit, check out my responses to the Monday Madness questions, and sample my tunes spinning on the ole virtual jukebox. Have a boogietastic day, my friend!
Your comment on #2 is sure the truth! I watch the news and just shake my head. What has happened to us?? I’ve actually heard of Five Finger Death Punch. I couldn’t tell you the name, but I’ve probably heard at least one song, too. My son and his wife are fans. Have a blessed day!
Thanks for the return visit. 5FDP have a gritty sound and I enjoy a few of their songs. It’s good to hear that your son introduced you tot hem, as well.
Very nice songs. Thanks for sharing them. Enjoyed them all.
Hey Patrick,
So happy you joined me on the dance floor today. I’ll be scooting over to visit you soon.
I’m with the kitty. I feel the exact same way. So adorable.
Love your playlist. Well done.
Enjoyed your Q&A. I learned more about you.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥
Thanks for joining me, Sandee! I hope you have a wonderful week, darlin’!
We have a good neighbor on one side and a not so good one on the other. Those were interesting answers to those questions!
Good neighbors are blessings. We’ve been fortunate to have good ones over the years.
Ha, ha, that kitten is pretty funny. September has flown by, but October is always a fun month, so bring it on! We love our neighborhood except for one moron, but it seems every neighborhood has one of those types that causes trouble just because they are not the brightest bulb.
September did fly by. I’m looking forward to October weather. We’ll get a sample of some cool temps this week. I believe later in the week we’re expecting nightly lows to be in the low 40s. I might have to get another blanket out.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy 4M Monday, dear friend! I hope you and your family had a great weekend.
I enjoyed the clever song “Next Door Neighbour” by Kinks frontman Ray Davies, a song from his 2006 solo album Other People’s Lives. As I listened, it occurred to me that I haven’t known very many of my neighbors since childhood. Back then I lived in a close-knit suburban neighborhood. Everybody on the block knew one another and were friendly, and block parties were common. I have moved more than two dozen times over the years and couldn’t tell you the names of 99% of the neighbors I’ve had since the 60s. In Ray’s song two sets of lyrics in particular resonated with me:
We can still climb together
A step at a time together
We had our tiffs together
Our rows and our rifts together
But let’s learn to forgive together
That’s what it is going to take.
Thanks for posting that song by 5FDP for National Sons’ Day. I like the Vegas-based metal band, too. It’s interesting that their bleak message song “Wrong Side of Heaven” envisions God as female: “I spoke to God today and she said that she’s ashamed.” “I heard from God today and she sounded just like me.” The shameful plight of U.S. military veterans has been a major topic of concern ever since the Vietnam War era.
I appreciated reading your Monday Madness fill-ins. I don’t know if I ever told you, but Mrs. Shady was very poor as a young mother. She and her former husband and little ones lived in trailers in PA, Western Maryland and West Virginia. Your dinner of home-made pepperoni Stromboli and salad with home-made Italian dressing makes my mouth water. You must be a fantastic cook and I’m sure DH appreciates your kitchen skills.
Thanks for the entertainment and words to ponder, dear friend Cathy. I wish you a happy Monday and I’ll be back tamale for Tickle Me Tuesday!
You touched on a few of the lines that develop unity between neighbors. Something which we need among ourselves in these divided times. We’ll never be able to agree with everybody on everything but working together can make a huge difference in how things get settled.
I often wonder, since we’re made in God’s image that perhaps God is neither male or female but He, yes I think of Him as male, I know He values the strengths of each sex. That’s why one of each was placed in the Garden of Eden.
I did not know that Mrs. Shady once lived in WV. I know what it’s like to grow up not having much. My parents didn’t have a lot but then that was the way of life for many in rural WV. We were happy despite our limitations and we never begrudge another for having more. I still feel that way. Well…I don’t know about being a fantastic cook but I do enjoy dabbling in the culinary arts. It’s very gratifying. Naturally, I cooked while the kids where home but our budget was tight and I often I felt stressed so I couldn’t cook stress-free. It’s a nice thing for me now. Thanks for visiting today, dear friend. Have a great week!