
23-03-2025 Vol 19

Nasty Canasta

Wiki lists only one character in the Looney Tunes series for today’s alpha letter.  I remembered the character once I saw a picture.  The tough, hulking outlaw has a dopey expression but he’s a mean one.  I figured I could illustrated a dumb look but I managed to get a fearsome looking character.  Had my job been the other way around then I’d probably would’ve come up with a stupid looking fella. 🙂  Here’s how my brain perceived Nasty Canasta.  

Nasty Canasta pencil sketch

Nasty Canasta appears in the Looney Tunes line up in 1951 in Drip-Along Daffy.   The first clip isn’t the entire short like I thought but Porky Pig singing in the opening had me in stitches and I had to share it.

I’m unsure why the first clip isn’t the entire thing but in this clip Drip-Along Daffy confronts Nasty Canasta.

In the 1954 short, My Little Duckaroo the Masted Avenger faces Nasty Canasta.

In Nasty’s first two short appearances the illustrator made him meaner looking than I first thought but in the third film it’s obvious Nasty’s looks and speech that he’s goofier in Barbary Coast Bunny (1956).

All three of these cartoons were reruns in the 60s & 70s and I remember them well.  They made me laugh then and they make me laugh now.  What’s not to like about these old cartoons?  Not a single thing!

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your day.  I hope you enjoyed the giggles.  Please leave a direct link for today’s post in comments to ensure others can find an easy way back to you.  I’m heading over to the A2Z headquarters to see who’s joined the party now.  I hope to see you again tomorrow for the next letter in the alphabet in my Looney Tunes Art Sketch series! X💋X💋 Cathy


Nasty Canasta Pixelmator Pro Artist 02 filter

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21 thoughts on “Nasty Canasta

  1. Huh, I don’t remember this character, but thank you for teaching about him. He definitely looks like no one to mess with, so of course that is exactly what the other characters need to do! Have a great day.

  2. I vaguely remembered him when I saw your picture, which was spot on. Loving all this reminiscing which is taking me back to simpler times.

  3. I don’t remember this guy, but you sure got him down with your sketch. Looks perfect to me.

    I so love these cartoons. Such fun.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Oh these were so funny Nd perked me up for this morning since I am in a lot of pain. Thank you! I love your drawing and you caught him so well from the first clip. I love the whole John Ford style look of the old west. I laughed at the name of the saloon and the masked avenger with Tinfoil..hahahaaa. I love that Tinfoil is bored with his master’s talking and burps. These are so priceless!

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy N-day, dear friend! You are digging deep and coming up with cartoon characters I vaguely recall or not at all. I only vaguely recall seeing Nasty Canasta in my cartoon watching years, but didn’t know his name until now. One glance at your drawing tells me he’s a bad hombre and you wouldn’t want to do anything to get him riled up. With his hat cocked at such a severe angle I’m thinking Nasty would need to drill two holes in the brim to see where he’s going. 🙂 Shucks, a 5 million dollar reward in the days of the old West would equal a gazillion dollars today. 🙂 I watched the cartoon clips and laughed at the sight of Custard’s Last Stand and the horses shooting at each other. Two more observations: Daffy is always jealous/envious of other L.T. characters because they consistently get more credit, praise and attention. We also have Porky Pig, another L.T. character that has a speech impediment to go along with Daffy’s slobbering lisp, Elmer Fudd who replaces his Rs and Ls with Ws, and Tweety’s signature line: “I tawt I taw a puddy tat!” I enjoyed The Masked Avenger and his sidekick confronting Nasty at his hideout Robber’s Roost. I can see how the character Barney Fife from The Andy Griffith Show might have been inspired somewhat by Daffy Duck’s lame attempts to be a law enforcer and deal with bad guys.

    Know what? After looking at your drawing and seeing Nasty Canasta in these cartoon clips, it occurs to me that he looks at lot like Bluto from the Popeye cartoons, only dressed in Western wear instead of a sailor suit. 🙂 You’re right. Nasty’s personality changes in later episodes, and he starts looking, sounding and behaving more like Fred Flintstone or Ernest Borgnine.

    This was fun, Cathy. Thanks for the giggles, dear friend. I’ll be back tamale to meet your “O” character. Until then have a super day!

  6. Just stopped by to cheer you on through your A -Z challenge this year – something which has passed me by! Loony Tunes is a fun theme – three cheers for you you’re doing well!
    Wren x

  7. I totally forgot about Nasty Canasta… good one. That was funny watching Bugs pushing a rock, pushing a rock (AKA GOLD). I remember Saturday morning cart☺☺ns. They sure don’t make them like they used to. Moral is always right….don’t steel carrots from a rabbit. I hope you have a fantastic Friday… take a peek at my Needful Things … er useless clutter, if you get a chance.


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