
15-03-2025 Vol 19

My Wedding Music By #Bread From 1979

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me with Marie from Xmas Dolly,  head conductor and helping her to make sure things runs smoothly on the Love Train are co-conductors: Lorie from The Shewbridges of Central Florida, CALLIE from JAmericanSpice, and Stacy from Stacy Uncorked!

I love rockin’ on Mondays! I just love it when we can share the tunes rolling around inside our noggins, don’t you? There’s always a lot of music locked away just screaming to get out.

This week’s theme is “Songs played at your wedding (or the year of your wedding). If not married your favorite song when you were 21“.

DH and I married June 9, 1979, at the church we attended, Summitt Missionary Baptist Church in rural West Virginia.

His close friend, Tony Vance, (they were in a band together) song these two Bread songs, “If” and “Sweet Surrender”.


DH doesn’t play the drums anymore, but Tony still plays guitar and sings. He now jams for the Lord. Rock on, Tony! He’s the dude wearing glasses and a brown t-shit singing lead. Check out the video…



“How do I get on board of this Love Train?”

Admission to ride is totally doable for anyone. Are you ready to rock n’ roll with all the other passengers? Then here’s what you do….

  • Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice.
  • Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button.
  • Sign the linky, follow Marie & her co-conductors, grab their blog buttons, & leave a comment letting them know you’re a new follower.
  • Shake your bootie with your fellow rockin’ bloggers on the linky (below) or invite some of your rocker blogger buds to join us.

Are you ready to get dancing this week? Link your 4M blog post URL below to join the party and then boogie across the net to dance with all the others on the Love Train today. Don’t forget to visit our spotlight dancers listed in # 1 & 2 slots on the linky line-up!

Also linking up with Music Monday!



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11 thoughts on “My Wedding Music By #Bread From 1979

  1. What a beautiful couple, and a really pretty bride. Some songs I’ve never heard, but I really like. I’ve been writing down songs for my upcoming wedding this summer that I like, and your first one is really pretty. Love the last one, and that’s a private video singing to the Lord rock & roll style – yes, I like it. Very good and that lead singer has a lot of power. Yes, I do like it very much.

  2. Love Bread! Wow. I haven’t heard this in AGES!!!

    I loved your wedding photo and the trip down memory lane. I think it’s so great that your friend rocks out for the Lord now. How cool is that? 🙂

  3. Just sent your hubby’s video to my hubby. I’m sure he’ll enjoy it. How ya doin? If it’s too much for you let me know. Thanks again for covering for Lori.

  4. Oh those were the days huh? I wasn’t even born yet 🙂

    You make a beautiful bride!

    Haven’t heard these songs either.
    Thanks for sharing you and linking up!

  5. Love your wedding photo!

    Oh, and I love Bread, when I was a kid I remember my siblings listening to them.

    Tony is very good and I enjoyed his video, thanks for sharing it!

  6. You go girl, fab on the pic. You were radiant. Bread oh my haven’t heard them in a while. They’re cool. Loved your video too. Hey, do you think you ca cover for our Lorie today. She’s kind of out of it since she lost one of her doggies. Poor thing. THANKS A BUNCH! HUGZZZZZZ

  7. I love Bread… Had a few of their albums and I think even an 8 track or two. LOL I might actually still have the albums packed away. I don’t have a turntable to play them on, but I’ve seen they’re making a comeback of sorts.

    Love the wedding photo too! I remember all the guys wore colored tuxes and ruffled shirts with matching color trim on the ruffle. I don’t think anyone back then wore a plain black tux.

    Thanks for the blast from the past!

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