
12-01-2025 Vol 19

My Thanksgiving Meal playlist #4M

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! Did you have a blessed, wonderful Thanksgiving? Ours was spent quietly at home. To kick off things, I’m sharing my Thanksgiving menu with you in song.

  1. “A Thanksgiving Prayer” Johnny Cash
  2. “Turkey Chase” Bob Dylan cover by Amazing Grass(fish) Fiddle banjo n’ geetar
  3. “Jive Turkey” Ohio Player
  4. “Mashed Potatoes” James Brown
  5. “My Sweet Potato” Booker T & The MG’s
  6. “Pass the Peas” The JB’s
  7. “Biscuits ‘n’ Gravy” Kelis
  8. “Sweet Potato Pie” James Taylor
  9. “Pecan Pie” Golden Smog
  10. “Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie” Jay & The Techniques


We always start our menu first  by thanking God for the blessings before us, as well as everything in our life. Then we enjoy a fine meal of turkey, stuffing/dressing, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, baked sweet potatoes topped with butter, green beans, cranberry relish, buttermilk biscuits, and concluding the feast with dessert – pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and stack cake! We didn’t have Sweet Potato pie or peas but I added these tunes because I figured someone out there did have them. 🙂

The theme this week is “freebie pick but we’re not finicky if you have tunes to share then we’re ready to boogie with you and I invite you step on the floor with my dance partners:  XmasDolly, Stacy, & Colette!

This is a weekly hop for mewsic enthusiasts regardless if you follow our weekly theme or not if you have mewsic to share then we’re ready to dance with you. Otherwise, I ask that you do not link non-mewsic posts below to boost traffic to your site. You’re welcome to leave your URL in comments with a brief description inviting me to check it out. Thank you!



[tweetthis]Tell a friend & hit the dance floor “freebie style” with the #4M gals! @xmasdolly #music [/tweetthis]

What mewsic moves you today?


I invite you hop over to McGuffy’s Reader for more “Sparks” of inspiration/encouragement. Let’s make the world a better place, one person at a time beginning with #1! 😉

I shared this quote in a not-so WW post recently. I like it so much that I wanted to share it again with you.

Keep those tunes playing and your body swaying, I’ll see ya around the cyber block! It’s almost that wonderful time of the year again, next week, we’re decking the halls all December long to holiday mewsic. No Scrooges are allowed, so leave your bah-hum-bug self at the door and rock around the Christmas tree with the 4M gang!






















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35 thoughts on “My Thanksgiving Meal playlist #4M

  1. What a delicious playlist! Perfect for that calorie-free second (or third & fourth) servings. Have a great week, Cathy!


    1. Mary,

      I prefer the calorie-free Thanksgiving meal, too. 🙂 I always get in such trouble this time of the year with all the good foods around. It’s hard to resist the temptations! Thanks for dancing with me, my friend!

  2. Ooh, clever! I hadn’t heard a lot of these. If you get tired of Kelis’s song, next year you can substitute Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “Buttermilk Biscuits”. See what I did there?

    Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful!

    1. Kim,

      LOL, you’re too funny! Thanks for stopping by to dance with me. Next week begins our Christmas mewsic season and I hope you’ll join me for some fun!

  3. What a great play list for Turkey Day! Paired with a nice glass of wine…it would make for enjoyable meal preparation! I especially love your Spark today. Isn’t it wonderful how a little gratitude can change the attitude?!

    1. Lisa,

      Thanks for popping over for a visit, some tunes, and my “Sparks”. Being humbled by circumstances change the attitude resulting in more gratitude in one’s life. An experience I know first hand and am always reminded that what I have can be gone in a snap.

  4. And the winner is . . . Pass the Peas and Sweet Potato Pie.

    We had a fun Thanksgiving with 28 people. My family just gets bigger and bigger every year, and we all meet up for Thanksgiving in a different city each November. This year was my turn. I have five years before we head back to Memphis. So much fun! Next year in Florida, followed by D.C., Detroit, Charleston, and then back to me.

    1. Joyce,

      Whew, you sure do have a big family and what a great idea to take turns hosting the dinner. Thanks for dancing over, my friend. Have a good week!

    1. Patricia,

      I think it’s important to give thanks before every meal, every day not just Thanksgiving. After all, it’s fro God’s good hands all things are given to all. Have a good week, dearie. I’ll see you soon!

  5. Way ta go girlfriend! Leave it up to you to coming up with something so very clever like a musical dinner!!! WOO HOO!!! IT’S LIKE CLANG CLANG CLANG SOUPS ON BOYS!!!! hahahahaha Great choices my love!!! Glad you have so much to be thankful for my friend & thanks for sharing. hugssssssssssss

    1. Marie,

      I’m thankful for many things, including dear friends like you! Thanks for stopping by to to dance with me yesterday. I’m running behind but I’ll catch up today! 😉

  6. Nice song choices and a great spark. I like that you say what you are thankful for before the meal.

    1. Ellen,

      Saying grace before meals is something I’ve done since childhood. I’m thankful for my grandparents and parents with their Christian influence to guide my young heart. Everything I have is because of the One who loves me best!

  7. Love that Johnny Cash song, the words are so beautiful and I hadn’t heard it since I lived at home with my parents (many years ago). Thank you for sharing it.
    Your spark is perfect and so true.

  8. Good stuff here! The music and the Sparks, all inspiring. Thank you, my sweet friend! HUGS!

  9. Thank you for sharing music! I always appreciate that. And on that note, I want to promote my new favorite young *true* rock and roll band, Palaye Royale. I swear those boys should pay me to promote them. ~grin~ I really want them to succeed and share their talent with the world.

    1. Darla,

      Thank you for hitting the dance floor! 😉 Hey, it’s okay to promote your new fave band. I listened to Palaye Royale a little this morning. I have to admit, I can’t take looking at these youngsters but the lead has a good voice and the mewsicians are talented. I’m sure they won’t have any trouble with success in the industry. Thanks for sharing this new-to-me band. Have a great week, my friend!

  10. Hi, Cathy!

    You put together a creative play list of songs that contribute dishes to the Thanksgiving feast. Most of these are new to me and I enjoyed listening. The food title recordings I already knew include “Jive Turkey” which I remember from watching the Ohio Players perform on Soul Train and The Midnight Special, James Brown doing “Mashed Potatoes” and “Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie” which is one of the greatest hits of the Shady Dell. Our holiday dinner included turkey, filling, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, tossed salad, biscuits, pumpkin pie and cherry pie.

    Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Some of these tunes are new-to-me, too. It was great fun to pull a food playlist together. Mmm, cherry pie! DH loves cherry pie!! This boy is a huge lover of all things baked. I fear everyone underestimates my words but he could eat his way across the country in donuts, cakes, and pies without batting an eyelash. He seriously loves stuff like this! The real killer is, he isn’t fat. I can’t sniff anything (or so it seems) without gaining weight. lol Thanks for stopping in this morning to list to my mewsic!

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