
15-03-2025 Vol 19

My favorite vacation spot – the Pine Tree State #bloghop

Originally posted in 2012, I decided to edit and share again. We all have our favorite vacation destination.  Ours is New England, specifically we LOVE Maine!  In the early to mid 80s, DH got interested in New England.  It took us five years before we actually moved from wishful thinking to actually doing anything about it. June 1988 we celebrated our 10th anniversary and we wanted an extraordinary vacation. We committed ourselves in April of that year to visit the Pine Tree State with our 11-month old baby girl, DD#1.

Our destination was Boothbay Harbor, Maine but we planned to visit nearby states. We drove nearly non-stop, except for filling the tank and bathroom stops, the entire 2,000 miles.  We capitalized on our time when not on the road ~ diaper changes, got snacks out, breast-fed, swapped drivers, … “How did DD#1 do on the long trip,” you ask.  She did beautifully!

Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Boothbay Harbor, Maine

We crossed the Maine state line 18-hours after leaving Knoxville. We stopped at the Welcome Center and  I’ll never forget that moment.  The woodsy pine smell filled my nostrils and the gentle waves of the morning fog rolling in made me feel like I was in a story tale.  The nippy air felt more like fall than early June.  Unprepared for the temperature change, I left Knoxville 90º conditions wearing only shorts and a t-shirt. but I did pack accordingly for Maine’s unpredictable weather swings and despite the chill against my skin it was exhilarating…almost breath-taking.

Arriving in Boothbay Harbor a couple of hours later, entering the quaint seaside village transported us into another world.  The absences of city noise was almost deafening, but the peacefulness engulfed my soul with a relaxing sense.  Our hotel was right on the harbor and the ocean was literally under us.  We had a spacious corner room with windows on both sides with two king size beds.  Exhausted, we collapsed into bed for a few hours.  I count myself blessed that our baby girl who slept most of the 20+ hours trip; rested quietly beside me until I got up refreshed.

Portland Head Lighthouse


Mt. Washington Inn Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

We spent the next 9-days eating blueberry pancakes for breakfast and fresh coastal seafood for dinner, scouting and visiting lighthouses, a day trips to Bar Harbor to visit Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor or Mt. Washington Inn in New Hampshire, and having ice cream at the world famous Ben & Jerry’s in Vermont.  This was the first of three trips to Maine.  We returned in 1997 on business and again in 2004 for our 20th anniversary;  all as nice as the first.  In fact, when we talk sometimes about our next vacation we speak of going back to The Pine Tree state, our favorite vacation destination.  Who knows… maybe next time, we’ll get to see the ever elusive moose.


What’s your favorite vacation spot?


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*none of these images belong to me. they are on loan from various internet sources*

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30 thoughts on “My favorite vacation spot – the Pine Tree State #bloghop

    1. Alex, Maine is really nice. I wish we could visit every year. That would be super duper! I’ll definitely see you tomorrow for BoTB.

  1. Hi Cathy – thanks for popping over to my blog – my vacation post is up today if you want to return 🙂 Maine looks so white and clean – here in the UK we associate it with an up-market seaside look we try to cultivate in our bathrooms with white and blue expensive fluffy towels and lighthouse ornaments – you’re probably thinking we were all a bit odd? I think I would love to visit and see things for myself and you obviously have spent many happy times there which is great 🙂 Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Hey, we Yankees do the same in our bathrooms. lol Well…I don’t,but I’d love to! I think the theme is rather nice and definitely makes me think of Maine. Thanks for stopping by. I will check out your favorite vacation spot now!

  2. I’ve always loved New England!

    Precious Monsters

    Paranormal Romance Blog Hop

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Jolie! The name of your blog is cute. I visited the other day, but I’ll be back soon to check out what’s going on.

  3. The Pine Tree State is one of my very favorite places also. The first time I visited ( longer ago than I care to admit) I fell in love and a friend and I decided we would try to see as much of the state as we can. We have been to Acadia twice, rented a cabin on a lake, been skiing in winter, done Portland, sailboat trips, Boothbay Harbor, Blue Hill, Red’s Eats, Moosehead Lake and all the way to Quoddy Head Light. It’s beautiful no matter where you go! And we still have lots to see!

    1. Jill, we visited many of the same places as you, even Quoddy Head Light. We had a real interesting experience while there. Out of the blue a hail storm hit and we had to make a made dash to the car. I was carrying my then 3-year old son and our daughters almost 8 & 10 running as fast as their little legs could carry them behind me. DH was far behind us, but soon caught up. It’s a good thing because he had the keys to the car. It was an exciting sprint!

  4. What a wonderful place… never been there, but after your photos, I’d love to visit:)

  5. Cathy, Maine sounds truly lovely. I’ve vacationed many times in PA., but that’s about as close as I get.

  6. Maine is a personal fave. I babysat in Boothbay in high school – my first big away job. We have also vacationed in Maine. I love New England.

  7. I was born in New England and have always loved it up there. I think all the trees fill the air with oxygen and make you feel more alive. Thanks for sharing the great pics! You should definitely go back again soon! 🙂

    1. Marilyn, you would love it there! It’s a beautiful and inspiring place! I think it would have been cool to visit it in the day when Bar Harbor coast was filled with cottages (Mansions) that belonged to the elite class.

  8. We have been wanting to visit Maine for a while. Glad I found your recommendation!

    1. Britta, thanks for stopping by. I hope you and your hubs get to see Maine. It’s a gorgeous state. We went two times late spring and once in late fall. The weather was awesome each time, even when it was rainy and foggy. I loved it! Also, your gravator profile does not have your website URL. BUT, I found you on the net and will visit you soon. I fixed it here, so others passing through can more easily find you. 😀

  9. Hubby has always wanted to visit, and yet we haven’t yet. I’ll have to show him your blog, that should motivate him! Lovely!

    1. Yolanda, you won’t be disappointed should y’all decide to go. I’m not a seafood lover, but I loved having the local seafood. It was fabulous! Visiting the lighthouses during our last visit in 2004 was one of my favorite things. We stationed ourselves in Bar Harbor that time and I would like to do that again.

    1. Donnie, it was the best time! Definitely quite special. We had a really good time in 2004, too. Thinking on these times is what gets my heart stirred to go again. It would be nice to do, but like I told Margaret it’s hard to think about the cost involved. Maybe, we’ll go again after we win the lottery! lol

    1. Margaret, it’s gorgeous up there! I would really like to go again, but oddly I hate the idea of paying a lot of money to do it now. It’s funny because we were so strapped for money while the kids were in the house and now that they are gone our finances are less tight, but yet I don’t want to shell out the bucks on something that will be gone in a few weeks time. Maybe, I’m being ridicules and a whole lot too practical. lol

  10. Traveling with an 11 month old, you are good! Those lengthy trips are wonderful, it gives you enough time to relax and really feel like you are on vacation.

    1. Amanda, I don’t know how we were so blessed with a kiddo who traveled so well, but somehow we were with not only one, but three. I was always amazed at how well the children did in the car. However for me the long road trip got tiresome and it wasn’t until we reached our destination that I could unwind and enjoy the fun.

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