
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Music Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Series Part IV Guns N Roses + BOTB Results



Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! February is the month of love, and we typically think romance with Cupid sporting hearts to pierce with his arrow. But, heart breaks are also found in February and we all know nothing hurts like a romantic break up, but a band breakup?! Well…that’s a double heart breaker ~ for the group and their fans. This morning, I’m continuing to share hits of a one the most devastating band breakups of all times in my addition of Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Series with…

Guns N’ Roses

left to right: Izzy Stradlin – rhythm guitarist, Duff McKagan – bassist, Axi Rose – vocalist, Steven Adler – drummer, & Slash – lead guitarist Hopefully, I identified the band members properly. Feel free to correct me. ~image borrowed~

This iconic hard rock band formed in Los Angeles during the dance and pop metal era of the 80s. Accredited for the revival in pop mainstream rock music during the late 80s and early 90s earned them the nickname The World’s Most Dangerous Band with their “hedonistic rebelliousness” resemblances to the Rolling Stones’ early years.

It amazing GNR music spanned three decades where drugs and huge egos were bound to collide. Despite these ginormous flaws, the band threw out tremendous hits that we all love but in the end, substance abuse and delusions of power between certain band members became their undoing.

Click the play all button to hear GNR greatest hits!


Although, I don’t consider myself a heavy metal fan I do like a few of their hits ~ Welcome to the Jungle, Sweet Child O’ Mine, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, and November Rain.  What’s your favorite Guns N’ Roses song?


The results for the last round of #BOTB featuring I Honestly Love You was a total run away. I didn’t even cast my vote. Had I did, it would have gone for the winner….Jerry Butler! He took all counts 9 of 9 votes!!!

Thanks for sharing this dance. Let’s keep the party going, link up and join the fun at XmasDolly. I hope to see you tomorrow for CathyChat. Have a tunetastic week!

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13 thoughts on “Music Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Series Part IV Guns N Roses + BOTB Results

  1. This particular breakup was really hard for me (at the time). My favorite GNR song? That’s a tough question. But I have always loved “Rocket Queen” from Appetite, and they did a pretty awesome cover of Nazareth’s “Hair of the Dog.” Have you heard it?

  2. Hey Girlfriend! You’re really rockin’ it today aren’t you! WOO HOO GUNS N’ ROSES! I mean OVER THE TOP… YOU’RE ROCKIN’ THE HOUSE! Way ta go my friend… but wow talk about one end of the guitar to the other… hahhaa Neil Sedaka and Guns & Roses bwahahahaha Can you imagine those two on the same stage??? LOL

  3. I am not a fan of GNR but definitely know some of their music! Rock on!
    Oh, and I am gearing up for A-Z too!
    I am doing double blogs this year…must be crazy!

  4. I used to love Breaking Up Is Hard To Do when I was a kid I remember my parents getting Oh! Carol too on a single 🙂

    I like your choices Cathy have a tanfabulous week 🙂

  5. Got to love me a bit of GnR! Only last week I was singing the praises of the brilliantly over the top video for November Rain! Keep the good tunes coming! Mahalo

  6. I’m not surprised at all by the outcome of the Richard/Butler showdown. But I’m still a fan of Cliff Richard and have a few of his albums. Love the song “We Don’t Talk Anymore”.

    I’ve always like Neil Sedaka and “Breaking Up” is a great song–especially this version.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Who doesn’t like this Neil Sedaka classic? This has been a fun series to do this month. Thanks for stopping in to see who won this round of #BOTB! I have my gears working and getting a wee bit exciting over the upcoming A-Z Challenge!

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