
10-01-2025 Vol 19

Multi-Tasking Thursday

This is multi-tasking Thursday for me.  Today, I’m running short on time.  Yeah, I know it’s still early. Please, kindly cut me some slack. Thus, I give you my production of a dual post. “Yay me!” pat self on back Is that allowed?

This is my attempt to be kind to myself.  Blogging is about letting go and having fun, right?  No stress allowed!  This would defeat the purpose of creating this blog that I started, right?  With that in mind and keeping with what I’m commented to bringing to you, my friend… a little piece of me on this crazy Thursday.

One of Lynnette’s Blog party questions is: If you could live anywhere at all (and take all your loved ones with you), where would you go?


Permanently or temporarily?  If the question is temporarily then I would love to live in a lighthouse on the coast of Maine.  The romantic mystery which surrounds lighthouses is intriguing.  Have you ever been to Maine?  It’s a gorgeous state.  We have vacationed there three times.  The last two times we focused on Mount Desert Island.  We stayed at a motel in Bar Harbor, which was nice.  We spent much of our time in Acadia National Park, which is breathe-taking!

For years, we daydreamed about moving to Maine.  Our children loved the notion.  It would be a wonderful summer vacation home and I’m sure our family would love to gather there, especially during the seasonably warm days of July and August.

I must admit, there is a slight appeal to spending Christmas in a cozy cabin in the mountains of Maine,  thought.  The harsh reality is Maine has brutal winters.  I don’t believe I would like riding the cooler months of the year out in Maine.  They can begin seeing snow as early as mid-October like we witnessed in 1997.  Extreme cold and LOTS of snow don’t make for a happy camper with this gal.  Oh sure, the photographs in our issues of Down East Magazine are beautifully picturesque and paint whimsical images of fun, but I know once late February arrived with little to no sign of spring in sight then I’d be like, “I’m so out of here.”

As for permanent residence, then I’m totally content where I am where it’s not too hot, it’s not too cold, it’s just right.


Now for my Thursday Two Questions…

  1. Do you have a fantasy spot you dream about just picking up to move to?

2.  What’s keeping you from making the move?

Now…I have to work on my 31-DBBB challenge assignment, do my house chores, exercise, get ready our weekend events, slop the hogs (not really), … Honestly, some days (most) are a handful to juggle!

Happy Blogging!




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13 thoughts on “Multi-Tasking Thursday

  1. Temporarily any place on the shore. Permanently- any place on the shore. Reality- Mountains of NC in summer, Florida in the winter. Ain’t life grand…lol…

  2. Hello! *smile* I am from Thursdayz Two Questions.
    A place I would love to pick up and relocate to would be…off the top of ma head, Savannah, GA.
    I haven’t been there…but I seriously fell in love with it from the movie “Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil” *smile*

    Now, what keeps me from just going there is a few thingz…for starters, ma son is still in school. Finances. Transportation. Job….yet, I am working on making the moves to get there. I wanna get out of ma comfort zone and branch out! *smile* Enjoy the rest of your Beautiful Thursday!

  3. @JamericanSpice…thank you! That was so thoughtful of SelfSagacity to do that for me. Hawaii would be a lovely place to visit, but I don’t know if I would like to live there. I prefer living near the mountains and having four seasons. But, the beauty of selecting a home that suits us IF we had no restrictions then we have the freedom to do just that. =D

  4. Congratulations on being featured.

    That is true about blogging. Life is just a busy.

    I would love to live in Hawaii.

    The money is what keeps us from being able to just pick up and go.

  5. @mZE…at least you have a plan on working toward getting to your dream spot. Most of us only dream about it, but you’re striving for it. Good going & good luck!

  6. Hello! *smile* I am from Thursdayz Two Questions.
    A place I would love to pick up and relocate to would be…off the top of ma head, Savannah, GA.
    I haven’t been there…but I seriously fell in love with it from the movie “Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil” *smile*

    Now, what keeps me from just going there is a few thingz…for starters, ma son is still in school. Finances. Transportation. Job….yet, I am working on making the moves to get there. I wanna get out of ma comfort zone and branch out! *smile* Enjoy the rest of your Beautiful Thursday!

  7. @Self Sagacity…a warm island sounds nice…peaceful…relaxing, BUT you’d never get me there. I have a terrible fear of flying or sailing.

    @Linda…oh there are so many wonderful places in the USA to see. I’d love to a RV to travel around the country. Maybe I can use that $1,000,000 I posted about yesterday to buy one and to just that! =D

    @Donnie…At least you get to spend part of the year near the shore. That’s more than what some get to do in their life time.

  8. Temporarily any place on the shore. Permanently- any place on the shore. Reality- Mountains of NC in summer, Florida in the winter. Ain’t life grand…lol…

  9. Cathy…thanks for the comment on my post. I would love to see Maine!!!! Especially in the Fall.

    I love to see lighthouses in movies and read about them in books. I have also seen some up close and I think they are neat.

    There are so many wonderful places to visit here in the United States….many of which I have never visited. I’d like to do some trips soon and see the beauty.

    Have a good day.

  10. I have a dream spot yes. Living on a island very warm, warm weather, plenty of seafood.
    Family is here, I can’t take off and leave them, I can’t take them with me because they will kill me in the process.
    Thanks for playing along with TTQ today.

  11. The mountains are slightly covered with trees, but they don’t grow as close together as they do back East. We start complaining the forest is too thick when the trunks are within a foot of each other. Even our mountains don’t get the same amount of water y’all do back East. Lots of snow, but 4 feet of snow can bring as little as 2 inches of water. The Western Slope is a desert, so the trees are few and far between.

    I love the Outback! The dangerous animals tend to stay away from humans. But, come Spring in Alice Springs (dead center of Australia) the flies come out. They are so thick you can put your hand in front of your face and never see it.

    But, to each his own. 🙂

  12. @Amanda…Isn’t Colorado and Utah treezy? I’ve not venture any further west than St. Louis, so visiting your neck of the woods would be an interesting treat and as you may recall I voiced a desire to see many of the sights out west. Australia is one of those countries, I’d prefer to stay away from because it seems every time you see a PBS progam about the world’s most dangerous animals, then Australia is spotlighted. No thank-you! Plus, that means, I’d have to get in a boat or airplane, which isn’t going to happen in this life time. I’ll stay here, if that’s okay with you. =D

  13. I’d love to move home to the Western Slope of Colorado, or maybe East Utah near Cisco. The only thing stopping us is my husband’s career. If you’re asking places we can be stationed it would be Alice Springs, Australia. I love Alice Springs, except the bugs.

    Maine is great, too! But it’s got too many trees for a Westerner like me. I get claustrophobic in that many trees. To each his own, though 🙂

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