
31-01-2025 Vol 19

Monday’s Musings with Blog Buddies

Mondays are busy with Monday’s Music Moves Me and I haven’t in a loooong time linked up with several memes I enjoy. Today I’m changing things right here and now. That being said, I’m heading over now to link up for Monday’s Quiz About Me. Why not join me?

This week’s question  are:

1. What room in the house do you try your hardest to keep clean?

The living room is the focal point of our family life. This the room I try to keep in order. This is our safe haven… Our place to unwind… Our place to de-stress. Our place to feel totally at home in!

2. How do you describe your blog to someone you just met?

My blog is like spending time with a friend in her living room. I do a lot of interactive blogging that incorporate my interests. Now, if you haven’t joined my circle of friends, I invite you to follow me and I’ll be sure to do the same. It will be great fun getting to know you better!

3. What was your lie from last week? (If you didn’t play last week, What was your favorite cartoon you watched as a kid?)

 4. What is your favorite kind of salad? (post a recipe if you got one)

Generally speaking, I prefer a tossed salad of lettuce, tomatoes, onions, black olives, cucumbers, broccoli, and  a bit of shredded cheddar cheese topped with just about any kind of dressing. While I’m on a diet, I’ve been using Kraft fat-free Italian dressing and that’s good. But, if I love the creamy cheddar cheese dressing at my favorite restaurant – Copper Cellar. Oh yum, is that delicious!

5. My question, Is it beginning to feel like autumn in your neck of the woods? What was this morning temperature?  
We are experience autumn here in the Tennessee Valley. This morning is the chilliest we’ve had at 49 degrees. I had to put not only my sweatpants on, but a sweatshirt, too. I just this time of the year!

Today’s quote contribution for Monday Musings link up….

 “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” ~Albert Camus


My Miscellany Monday ramblings begin here.… This morning, this little poem was penned pecked out on my keyboard just for you. 


Consider This

©2012 Cathy Kennedy


I’m amiss of the days that slipped

Memories of yesterday I wish

Today is a gift

That’s why its a present

And tomorrow’s dreams

Are things I’m hopin’


Never have regret. Take time, to stop & smell the roses. Yeah, I know it’s a cliché, but soooo true!

Rounding up things is Monday Listicles10 Things in My House

  1. Not my children.
  2. Silence.
  3. Memories.
  4. Photographs of my children.
  5. The lingering aroma of Pumpkin pie coffee.
  6. An empty coffee cup – oh my!
  7. The autumn nip on my fingers.
  8. Fall candies – candy corn mix, Necco peanut butter kisses, & chocolate footballs.
  9. Weekend laundry – Blah, this is what I should be doing instead of blogging!
  10. The ever so dreaded dust bunnies!

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12 thoughts on “Monday’s Musings with Blog Buddies

  1. Oh this is wonderful I stopped by to follow ya and got a great sense of you…

    Following ya now and forever from the GFC Hop. If you’d please… I’d love it if you’d join me for the ride at


  2. Pumpkin pie coffee, that sounds amazing!! I’m so jealous.

    Love the poem. Definitely something we need to remind ourselves of more often. 🙂

  3. It was 73 degrees in South Florida this morning, with humidity of 93%. Our high today was 86 degrees. So no, fall hasn’t arrived yet. I’m looking forward to it, though!

  4. It is not quite fall here yet. The temperatures are still in the mid 80s though the humidity is gone and that is AWESOME! Thanks for hooking up to the MQaM – we’d be happy to have you join every week!

  5. It is definitely beginning to look like Autumn here in Ontario, Canada. I have noticed that some maple trees are starting to change leaf colour. There is a definite nip in the air in the morning – I think it was only 9 degrees Celsuis this morning (that would be about 48 F for you), but it will likely warm up quite a bit as the sun is shining.

    oh the horror….fill that coffee cup up STAT! 🙂

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