Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic
Moves Me on Sunday! The April A to Z Challenge went off without a hitch adding no extra gray locks to my head. Now that’s behind me for another year, we are now in a new month with a brand new 4M honorary co-host, Michele from AngelsBark. Luckily for everyone, this is ‘your choice song picks‘ week. Are you ready to get this party started? Slip on your blue suede shoes or hit the floor in your socks, I don’t care cause all I want to do is, dance with you!
Today’s artist, Lisa Loeb, popped up on my radar probably from a share by one of you with the song ‘I Do‘ on the playlist below but she’s been in the mewsic business for a couple decades or more. Her first biggest success came with the platinum single, ‘Stay (I Missed You)‘, from 1994. I listened to Lisa’s originals but what caught my ears were two different covers ‘Dream a Little Dream’ and ‘Rainbow Connection’ from one of her newer albums. That being said, why not listen for yourself songs from ‘Lullaby Girl’!
On behalf of the 4M crew, you’re invited to join us on the dance floor!
This is a mewsic linky party, all other posts are subjected for removal or labeled – NO MUSIC!
I may pull back a bit in Blogosphere while I settle things down a bit but hopefully, I’ll have things going again soon. Meanwhile, keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon. Have a sparkletastic day!
, Cathy
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I haven’t listened to Lisa Loeb in a while – thank you for bringing her back to my radar! Love all your song choices! And the “milk mustache” is adorable!
Thanks for the dance – and Happy Mother’s Day! 
That milk mustache kitty is stinky cute. I’m happy that I reintroduced you to Loeb. She has a lovely voice. Thanks for boogieing by and for wishing me a happy Mother’s Day.
Hiya Cathy!
Isn’t Lisa Loeb great? The two songs you mentioned are my favorites of hers. It’s too bad we don’t hear more from her any more. This has been a great week for music, I’d say. Thanks for the dance!
It has been a great week for mewsic. What I found so interesting is how 4Mers were so connected on not only the type of mewsic but in some cases identical songs! There were a few times I thought, “Surely they planned this or one liked so much and decided to share it again.” But…I think it’s just one of those happy coincidences. We’re all so deeply connected and have similar tastes that it’s bound to happen more often than you realize. Lisa Loeb is great. I can’t believe she’s new on my radar despite her more than a quarter century in the mewsic industry. I’m telling you being a mother has weird consequences like messing with your memory cells big time OR at least this has been a problem for me. Maybe others can relate to this, too. It’s crazy or may I’m crazy? I don’t know which it is, do you?
Hiya Cathy! It’s so good to be back!! And I LOVED the milky kitty! That is adorable and gave me a huge smile as soon as I saw it.
Thanks for the introduction to Lisa Loeb. I never heard her before. She has a wonderfully beautiful voice. I really liked her take on Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop”. That was my favorite. I also really liked “O-o-h Child”. I’m definitely going to add her to my “Must Get” music list!
And thanks again for being such a great friend and reaching out with all your encouraging words while I was “hiatusing” (I doubt that’s a real word but you know what I mean). Love ya! <3
Michele at Angels Bark
Awww pretty kitty… it’s nice to see healthy kitties I’ve been seeing so many FB that aren’t so healthy along with dogs too… it’s a real bummer! Anyway, I’ve never heard of Lisa Loeb before, but what soothing music. I love the list that she sings too. it’s good to listen to music like this once & a while. She has a nice whisper to her voice that’s quite soothing. Thanks for sharing… hugs Hope you had a nice day and everything went right for you. hugs
I like a soft whispery for voice. Lisa’s isn’t super whispery but it’s quite nice. I’m glad you found time to boogie with me yesterday evening. I know your week is very full so know you’re in my thoughts and prayers to your daughter for her upcoming surgery.
That is exactly what kittens look like when you are trying to teach them to drink the formula out of a bowl.
She has a lovely voice, thank you for highlighting Lisa Loeb today!
I don’t know if I ever saw a kitten drink milk from a bowl but this kitty sure is cute and so funny.
Such a sweet kitty with a moustache in full extension…MOL
We never have heared of Lisa Loeb, she’s lovely
Pawkisses for a wonderful Monday

I’m delighted to introduce Lisa to you and Granny. I am also glad that you liked her style.
Great song. Love Lisa Loeb, Thanks for sharing it.
Anytime, I’m happy you enjoyed Lisa’s playlist.
I think that goes beyond milk mustache and straight to milk goatee! What a delightful video for a very rainy Monday morning in my part of the world.
I agree, that’s not just a mustache – it’s a full goatee!
This lady has a very nice voice and does a nice take on this song. This kitty is just so cute…love the little tyke
I think she does, too. I can’t believe I hadn’t stumbled on her years ago.
That kitten has a perfect milk mustache!
Very cute kitten. Have a wonderful week. XO
Awww on the kitty. I’ve already linked you up. Saves you time in your busy life.
Love Tomorrow. I’ve not heard that in a very long time and not this version.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect day and week, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥
I appreciate you linking me up. Thanks! That really is a huge help.
So, glad you found time to boogie with me on Sunday. Have a pAwsome week!
Happy Sunday, Cathy!
That kitten is definitely AWW-worthy. I’ve heard of Lisa Loeb but am not familiar with her, otherwise. She has a lovely tone to her voice and did a nice job with those cover songs. Thanks for sharing.
I have a 4m entry for this week, scheduled to go live just after midnight ET (adding the main blog page link here). Hope all went well with DH’s dental surgery. Have a great week!
I believe if you have your hyperlink even though it’s not been published that it will work regardless. I’ve added mine in A2Z comments last month before it went live and it worked, so you might want to try it. If bombs, then I’m happy to fix it for ya.
I’m glad you enjoyed Lisa’s soothing vocals. It’s a nice change of pace. Thanks for boogieing with me, my friend!
I already added the main blog page link (which shows the latest post at the top), but if you want to change it to the direct link, that’s fine, too. Here it is: https://thedogladysden.com/27-forever
Debbie, thanks for the direct link up. I’ll try to correct that so others can find it easily or if not they will see where you put it here. Have a good evening! PS: I changed your link address to go directly to your 4M post. Thanks!
I’m not really a cat person but that cat is darling. I could hang with her/him!
Good grief, what’s that you’re not a cat purrson?! What horrors!! lol I like both cats and dogs but don’t have either. Cats are temperamental and dogs are generally happy to a fault. I guess if I could only pick one I might go with doggie but don’t tell my inner catself of this little known fact. I’m trying to keep it hidden for fear I’ll scratch my own eyes out.
What I like about these covers (or mostly covers as I didn’t recognize all the songs) is that Lisa would sound exactly the same live or recorded – I love the simplicity of this music as far as instrumentation, which allows her voice to shine through. I am not familiar with her music, and I might need to be in a mellow mood – if I am, this is what I might listen to. (And now, I have an overwhelming urge to listen to the Five Stairsteps “Ooh Child! so goodbye for now!)
I agree you have to be in a mellow mood to enjoy someone like Lisa. At least I introduced you to someone new.
Hi, Cathy!
Mrs. Shady and I just got back from a two day road trip. I was pooped and needed some extra sleep overnight. I wanna smooch that cute kitten with the milk mustache, don’t you? Thanks for shining the spotlight on Dallas zinger Lisa Loeb, I have known about her for more than 25 years, but never took time to listen to a set of her songs. I enjoy her lovely voice and breathy singing style. On one hand her vocals are rather seductive like those of Marilyn Monroe, but her style is also ideally suited to mewsic made for children and for doing the singing for princesses and other young heroine characters in animated Disney films and similar projects. I enjoyed each and every LL song you posted here. Remember Mama Cass singing “Dream A Little Dream”? I love Lisa’s rendition. “Inch Worm” also got under my skin, and she does a fine job on the soft soul classic “O-o-h Child” originally by The Five Stairsteps. i am thoroughly impressed with Lisa Loeb. I could listen to her lovely singing all day long. It has a calming effect, doesn’t it? I also like her simple videos. She doesn’t rely on gimmicks. She simply stands or sits there and sings her song. When you have that much talent to offer, you don’t need to do more.
I look forward to our friend One-L Michele’s return tomorrow. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!
The weekends are our time to sleep in for as long as our bodies allow it. DH is sleep deprived most nights and has been for a long time. He often wakes during the night unable to drift off for an hour or more. It’s so frustrating for him. I have moments like that but nothing like him. Anyhow, I hope you had a good trip. I must be about the only purrson who hasn’t heard of Lisa Loeb before now. I didn’t realize that she had been around that long until I read a little on her and I was like ‘How can this be?”…but, there are many artists I’m unfamiliar with entering the industry around the times of any of my kids’ births. There’s so much I missed in those early years that it’s unbelievable to me at times. You mentioned how Lisa simply stood or sat singing not relying on anything flashy to catch your attention, except for her voice. That’s the way I like seeing all artists purrforming but especially women because generally when they are animated they become less feminine behaving which is so unattractive but that’s my opinion. Thanks for stopping in, my friend!
Love the Milky Way kitty and the tune too!
That kitty is a cutie with its milk mustache.
Thanks for dropping in for a visit.