
27-03-2025 Vol 19

Mondays Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday with #AlexBoye

Image share inspired choice for Awww Mondays because you know you wanna turn that garden hose on yourself, right? It’s heating up and it’s not officially summer yet.

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday!  

Before I get into things allow me to point out yesterday’s post, my 9-year blogversary. To celebrate this special occasion, I set up a Kindle version of my children’s book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes, to offer as a free download through June 5th and hope that you might claim your copy before the offer disappears.  😉

With the calendar, change brings a new honorary co-host who is none other than the 4M brainchild herself, Marie!  As you may know, she’s having computer/blog issues and while she doesn’t have a post up, she plans to play along by leaving comments.  This week is ‘your choice song picks‘ week, so anything goes!  Are you ready to dance?

I introduced you to today’s featured artist in a previous BoTB which he coincidentally won and I wanted to share more of his mewsical talents with this 10 African-infused song playlist.  Let’s give it up Alex Boye!


playlist 1. Lemonade 2. Imagine Dragons “Believer” (cover) ft. Southern Virginia University 3. Remember Me 4. Warrior Song 5. Heart of a Lion 6. Coldplay – Paradise (Peponi) The Piano Guys Ft. Alex 7. A Million Dreams (The Greatest African Showman) 8. Bend Not Break 9. Winner 10. Baba Yetu (The Lord’s Prayer in Swahili)


On behalf of the 4M gang, I invite you to hit the dance floor below!


🎶  This is a mewsic linky party, all other posts are subjected for removal or labeled – NO MUSIC! 🎶

That’s a wrap, for now, folks. Have a blessed day and I’ll see you on Tuesday with Cathy Chats ‘nothing but giggles’ edition!

X💋X💋, Cathy

Have a sparkletastic day!

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49 thoughts on “Mondays Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday with #AlexBoye

  1. That is a cute photo. Everytime I see an elephant, I remember my daughter’s Kindergarten teacher. She loves them!
    And yes to the garden hose being on!

    I love your music choice and list. I alwys enjoy Imagine Dragon’s believer 🙂

    Thanks for rocking the music train and for your prayers. I appreciate it.
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Colette,

      I’m delighted you enjoyed Alex’s playlist. It’s already been hot enough to turn a garden hose to cool myself off but I’ll stay indoors out of the heat. Have a good day and thanks for joining me on the dance floor, dearie!

  2. Love, love, love this song! Thanks for sharing this Cathy. I had never heard it before and now it’s on my playlist because this is just a super cool upbeat groove!

  3. arrgh, I’m going to try again to post my comment. Now I have to rebuild the whole thing from scratch because I’m at the hospital now and their internet connectivity sucks! I will try to remember everything I said in the last one. It went something like this:

    Wow Cathy, I really like this guy Alex! He a great entertainer for sure. He did a fantastic job with the Imagine Dragons’ cover of “Believer”. And that Southern Virginia University is outstanding! What a fun opportunity for those students!

    I also liked Alex’s “Heart of a Lion”.
    “Bend Not Break” is a very moving song as it addresses a highly topical subject.You know what else is moving? That elephant! The babies are so cute and he or she sure is enjoyin’ that bath! Thanks for sharing.

    Congrats on reaching your 9 year blogin anniversary! Curious as a Cathy has been around for nearly a decade, imagine that?! Way to go Girl. Do something special for yourself this week . You’ve earned it bigtime!
    Have a great week,

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele,

      Don’t you just hate it when you comment and something happens to it? That’s happened to me while networking on-the-go. It’s frustrating but you don’t have to worry about a thing, darlin’. If you don’t have time to boogie with me you know I understand, right? 😉 Speaking of hospitals, I just found that Marie has been in since May 30th but is now home. She dropped me a quick message on FB saying she had a virus. Feeling weak currently and will try to get around to comment asap, Poor thing! Anywho, thanks for dancing with me, my furriend!

  4. I love that quote which is so true and now, I just don’t have these people in my life any more. The music was fun to listen to and the baby elephant is so sweet

  5. Great music again, CK, we love the African influences. Granny had goosebumps of The Purrayer, so touching <3
    Pawsome Spark, CK, we feel that way too 😀 The little elephant is so cute and yes, we could use some coolness here too…feeling hot hot hot… 😀 Cool Pawkisses for a happy week ahead from me and my Granny🐾😽💞

    PS Unfortunately we can’t read your book, our kindle wants us to buy/get only Dutch books…so stoopid🙀

  6. Very cool music. He’s even Coldplay approved. I’m posting on Wednesday cos Google/YouTube was down in my area yesterday so I couldn’t load my playlist. Bummer!

  7. I downloaded your book! I had no idea you were an author 🙂 Thank you for the introduction to some new mewsic. We’ll be joining a little late this week, on Wednesday.

    1. Melissa,

      There you go, you learned a little something new about this gal. I’m glad you got a copy of it. I didn’t do a grand job with the Kindle version. I scaled many of the images down trying to manipulate them to fit the content and I’m not 100% satisfied with the layout. I may reset it later. I just wanted to make it available for my peeps. 🙂 Thanks for joining me on the dance floor. I’ll see ya later on in the week when you get a chance to link up. 😉

  8. “Redemption, you’re welcome Alex” LOL LOL LOL…he’s trying to be Will Ferrel I think and he really pulls it off lol. That was a very cool, uplifting and sweet song for me to hear today! Thank you! The video had me giggling to the point of tears!!! 🙂

  9. I often do Music Mondays. I like your idea too. I may have to jump in.

    1. Paul, Please do join the fun with the 4M crew. Anyone is welcome to the dance floor. We have a theme every other week but we’re not snobs, we’ll boogie to anything. 🙂 By the way, you do not have your blog linked to your Gravatar site, so if you want folks to find a trail back to ya then you might want to update your info or leave a direct link in comments to your site. Thanks for dropping by!

  10. What a darling baby elephant, definitely Awww-worthy! Love the happy tunes too!

    1. Jolene,

      Thanks for the congrats on my blogversary. I’m not sure where the last 9-years have gone. Never did I think blogging would have such a huge impact on my life. I love the community of fine folks who I share a lot in common and enrich my life a little fuller.

    1. John,

      Yep, he came from humble beginnings and those who lean on excuses to why they can’t do something need to say if he/she can do it then so can I. It’s just a matter of one’s attitude. Thanks for joining me, my friend!

  11. Happy 9th Anniversary Cathy and Happy Monday! I will be sure to check out your book! I never heard of Alex before but love the vibe of Lemonade! Is that Will Ferrell in the video or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

  12. Well, when you carry your own hose with you at all times, it is only natural that you want control of the spray.
    I may have heard an Alex Boye song on the radio but he is virtually new to me. His arrangements are complex and a couple of the videos are works of art. Thanks for bringing him to my attention. Have a blessed week.

  13. Already groovin’! Will enjoy this I can tell. I’m loving Mondays since Old School Blogers started – hearing some brilliant new music. Thank you! And hats off to you for being a SAHM – you probably contributed some wonderful human being to society because of it. Not too much of that going on in the UK any more – babies all go to to nursery☹️. Thanks again for this great music.

    1. Karen,

      Thanks for stopping by to boogie with me. I hope my time spent at home with my kiddos was effective in helping to shape who they are or will be once they settle. Kids have to discover who they really are through purrsonal trials despite guidance received. Wouldn’t it be grand if kids listened? You’re welcome to hit the dance floor with us next week. The more the merrier!

  14. Send us some of that heat, please! 🙂 We’re still below seasonal, here. Alex Boyé has an interesting sound and I enjoyed your playlist, Cathy, especially “Remember Me”. Have a good week!

    1. Debbie,

      I’d love to send you some of this summer-like heat. Maybe, I can cajole the sun to crank up the heat over your neck of the woods. 🙂 Thanks for dancing with me, my friend!

  15. Sorry to sit out another mewsic week, but I had another review to complete and one more next week. XO

    1. Ellen,

      No worries, my dear, The dance floor is open anytime for you to join me on. I’m delighted you came by to listen to the mewsic! 😉

  16. Awww on the baby elephant. So adorable. I linked you to Awww Mondays already.

    I just got a free copy of your book too. Thank you.

    Love the picks this week.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Thank you for linking me up. You’re welcome for the copy of my children’s book. I hope you enjoy it. It’s just my tiny way of saying thanks to everyone for spending these last 9-years with me. It’s been such a joy thus far and I’m looking forward to many more years in Blogosphere with everyone. 🙂

  17. I like the African vibe but I also have to admit my favorites were the covers – especially of Paradise, Believer, and Lemonade. But Winner also won me over with its sound. It’s such a happy song! Thank you for your continued exploration of Alex Boye. This playlist should get a lot of people dancing.

    1. Alana,

      The African vibe is really cool. His style is a bit different which I really enjoyed. “Lemonade” is a really happy song and puts ya in the groove almost instantly. Thanks for boogieing with me, my dear! 😉

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