
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Monday Morning Musings #13

This week has started off decently weather-wise. However, that will change as the day progresses. Winter really stinks! I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but I can’t wait till spring arrives.

Last fall, a flick featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone hit the theaters. DH and I eagerly waited for it to be released on Blu-ray. The release date is February 4th. However, iTunes has it for sale now. Over the weekend, we bought the digital copy. Have you seen Escape Plan yet? Here’s a brief synopsis:

Stallone plays Ray Breslin who turns from a prosecutor to breaking out of maximum security prisons. Is he on the wrong side of the law? Not hardly. He makes it his life work to closely study prisons protocols to find security vulnerabilities. Breslin accepts a job to test an off-the-radar, privately funded high security prison for $5M. Will he crack the penitentiary?

Before Breslin knows what happened, he finds that he’d been set up for incarceration forever. No one knows his true identity inside the system and his team on the outside doesn’t know his location. Breslin’s new challenge becomes a fight for his life to do the impossible – break out of jail!

Breslin teams up with inmate Emil Rottmeyer (Schwarzenegger) to find the weaknesses of the seemingly impenetrable facility called The Tower and to learn who placed him inside this nightmare while coming up with an Escape Plan to free both men.

If you’re a Schwarzenegger and Stallone fan, then you will like this flick. It was entertaining and worth the buy. Overall, I give this movie a ….

What things were you into over the weekend? Let’s get Monday started, so grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage while you settle in to read my responses to a few of my favorite Monday memes on Monday Morning Musings!


My first blog hop takes me to Stasha from The Good Life has a fun Monday Listicles. Today’s  prompt was submitted by Coletta.

10 Names You Would Have Named Yourself 

At one time, I would have definitely say Not Cathy, but after 52 years the name has grown on me. So, I will keep it! However that being said, what 10 names would I choose for myself?

  1. Catherine or Cathleen
  2. Zella
  3. Lisha
  4. Diantha
  5. Carmell
  6. Rose
  7. Letha
  8. Veronica
  9. Scarlet
  10. Joetta, after my mother. You just don’t get any more unique than this name, huh?

Zella…okay, maybe not, but one of my BFs from junior high had this name. Needless to say, there was not another with it in the whole school…perhaps even in all of McDowell County school system. Point being, a unique name like those from #2-10 would have been a good choice at birth over one of the most popular names of the 60s. Do you know how many Cathys there were in my class each year? At least three others and one of those girls even had the same last name. The only difference was she spelled her name with a ‘K’.


Each week, Heather, puts on loan FOUR QUESTIONS for anyone to borrow and answer for your blog post, and then she gives you the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four questions you answered. Don’t forget to grab the MQAM badge for your blog or post or both from Acting Balanced blog!


Oops, no MQAM questions? Come back later, as soon as Heather makes these questions available then I’ll update!

Do you like music? Would you like a fun, loving group of loyal bloggers to visit you week after week after week? If you’re nodding your head yes like I think you are, then you’re gonna wanna check out my Monday’s Music Moves Me post and be a part of the dance floor shakin’!

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14 thoughts on “Monday Morning Musings #13

  1. Your mom’s name is lovely. I like Kathleen, it suits my mother in law very much and I would have used it as a middle name if I had a daughter.

  2. LOVE Joetta! I almost want to have another baby so I can use that name! almost. haha
    I never encounter anyone with my name (my real one that is, of course there are no other Rorybore’s because it’s made up.) I didn’t think my real name was that unique, but I suppose it it. I was named after a famous actress, so you’d think it would be more common.
    I definitely would have picked something like Scarlett: sassy, fiery – yep, that’s my alter ego. LOL
    I have a little weak spot for Stallone and Arnie action movies. Hubby would definitely be interested. we will have to catch this one. I watched a movie with similar idea called Lockout – with Guy Peirce (ADORE!!) and it was pretty good.

    1. My dad’s SIL liked Joetta so much so that she named one of her daughter’s after my mother. You do have a unique name. I bet I know which actress you were named after, too. What woman doesn’t have a weak spot for Stallone and Arnie? lol I thought they both looked better in this movie than they have in other more movies made in recent years. I was glad to see that they didn’t have them try to do super crazy stunts that wouldn’t be believable for someone their ages to do, you know? I am thinking maybe we watched Lockout…and then again maybe not. I just watched the trailer and no I haven’t seen this. Netflix has it so I added to My List for us to watch tonight. Thanks for the tip!

  3. That plot with Arnold and Stallone sounds very intriguing. I have to wait for it to come into our library.

    And those are very interesting names!
    I should write down the ones I have so I don’t lose them.

    1. I do prefer my name better now than I did when I was a kid. I think I look like a Cathy. None of the other names really suit me, even though I think they are nice. Isn’t it funny how things just grow on us…kinda like my nose did. lol

    1. My great-uncle’s daughter was given this name. I always thought it was so beautiful and even a little romantic sounding, whereas Cathy just seemed so plain. Catherine Rose would sounded nice together, don’t you think? 🙂

  4. I don’t know if I could come up with 10 names I would rather call mine, but I can tell you that I hate Teresa, and am happy that my nick-name is Terri. However, my dad wanted to call me Paula, and I’ve always liked that name. I think I could be a Paula. I also like the name, Miranda. An interesting exercise!! I, too, have been waiting for MQAM today. Looks like they may not get to it!

  5. My cousin is Mary Kathleen. She has gone by Mary, Kate, Mary Kate, and Kathleen. She’s currently Kathleen and I hope she stays that way! But I was always a tad bit jealous of the flexibility of her name!

  6. I have a Katherine who goes by Katherine and I hope she always does. It does have some nobility to it. I also like the name Scarlet from your list. It reminds me of my neighbor’s daughter. Great list!

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