The first month of the New Year has proven inconclusively that it is winter with bone chilling temps forecast to reach -2°F in the Tennessee Valley by tomorrow morning. I have been belly aching over the return of Spring. It cannot come quick enough to suit me. Enough of my whining you say. I totally agree with you. Who wants to hear about my silly sorrows when I know there are people in other parts of the country or our neighbors to the north in Canada who have it so much worse than we do.
I’m running a bit late today, but hanks for joining me for Monday Morning Musings.
How has your New Year been thus far? Other than the weather, I have no complaints to speak of. I think I fixed the problem with my blog for search engines to find me now. The solution that I used is to insert the Google tracking code into each page on my site. Only time will tell the tale, if this is works or not.
We started watching two TV series. The current season of Reign on CW and an old ABC series Desperate Housewives. I surprised to learn how much I like both. Reign is a historical setting series based on Mary Queen of Scotland. Netflix has all eight seasons of Desperate Housewives. We are currently on season one, but are lovin’ it so far. The lives of these housewives are totally off the chart of norm. That’s what makes this show so much fun and humorous. Two different TV series, but equally entertaining in its own right.
Feel free to link up for my NO-RULES blog hop!
The holiday season threw me completely out of whack in more ways than one, but I am slowly climbing back on the saddle. With that, let me begin my daily hops with Monday Listicles.
Stasha from The Good Life offers up a weekly prompt to compile a list of 10 things. This week’s prompt is 10 NEW THINGS.
My list includes….
- New year for a new beginning
- New attitude to see goals through
- New plan to make a new direction
- New fleece jackets to keep me warm
- New fleece socks to keep my toes warm
- New cookware pieces to make jobs in the kitchen easier
- New rubber-stamps to create new greetings thorough out the year
- New gift card for dinner at Carrabba’s – yahoo!
- New ideas for this year’s gift giving opportunities
- New time to spend with those I love
Each week, Heather, puts on loan FOUR QUESTIONS for anyone to borrow and answer for their blog post, and then she gives you the option to add a fifth question of your own for your visiting bloggers to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four questions you answered. Don’t forget to grab the MQAM badge for your blog/post from Acting Balanced and to link up to the fun!
1. It’s National Hobby Month – will you be starting a new hobby or just keeping up with current ones? What are your hobbies? No, I won’t be starting any new hobbies. However, I do hope to start on all of my hand-stamped greeting cards for 2014 this month. I want to do all birthday cards and special occasions first, then I hope to launch in on making Christmas cards. Yeah, I know we just got over Christmas and here I want to start it all over again. One of my goals for this year is to make hand-stamped cards for everyone on my Christmas card list. This has been a real challenge for me for the past 2-3 years to do, which I’ve gotten worse about. That being said, I hope to make a change this Christmas.
2. January 6th is Bean Day – what is your favorite bean? Bean recipes to share? My over all favorite beans has to be pinto beans. It’s so funny. I grew up eating pintos. It seemed like my mother made them all the time and I really hated them by the time I moved out, but years later I found myself making them. It gives me a sense of comfort when I have a pot of pinto beans for dinner. Plus, they are really good for you.
3. Wayne got a question from a student yesterday… and we’d love your input – “I just got good news – I got a promotion into management – the problem now is that I’ve moved to a salary position after working hourly. I used to get paid for overtime so now I make less money – what should I do?” That really is a tough one. Unfortunately, that can be a real killer with some job promotions. It could be entirely possible that with the job promotion that a salary increase will take place. That’s definitely a question worth asking. I think, if I were in the student’s position then I would ask the boss this question, and if the answer is no then the student needs to ask him/herself is this a place he/she wants to be now. Should the answer be no, then perhaps it’s time to look for another position. I wouldn’t quit until you secure another job and when such a time presents itself, then I would leave on good grounds with my former employer. There is no sense in burning your bridges when you depart company. The best of luck to Wayne’s student!
4. Have you ever bought a gift that you regretted giving later? I cannot think of a gift that I have given that I have regretted. Often times, I have wished that I had more money to spend on a person, but I always do my best with what I have without any regrets. I hope others feel this way to about their gift giving. What it boils down to is, the gifts from the heart is all that matters when giving or receiving. That sounds cheesy, but that’s precisely how I feel.
My question is…
What’s your number one resolution for the New Year?
I’m curious, is anyone else experiencing problems with Blogger? I can’t seem to upload photos or insert my linky tool codes. *sigh* Oh well, hopefully this problem will work itself out soon.
Do you like music? Would you like a fun, loving group of loyal bloggers to visit you week after week after week? If you’re nodding your head yes like I think you are, then you’re gonna wanna check out my Monday’s Music Moves Me post and be a part of the dance floor shaken’!
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I’m not a fan of this weather either and am looking forward to Spring. How neat that you make handmade cards. I used to a few years ago and enjoyed the hobby, but being ultra busy got in the way. I’m not sure I’d even know how to do it right if I started it back up.
Thanks for stopping by my blog on Monday. I’m running a bit behind, so I’m just now finding my way over here. I hope, by now, your weather has warmed just a bit, as ours has. Still cold, but not ‘bone chilling’ cold!
My New Year’s resolution is to ‘live in the moment’. So far, so good. When I feel myself starting to think ahead and worry, or look back with regrets, I remind myself to ‘live in the moment’.
Yes – I have been having a lot of trouble with Blogger lately. My Coffee Chat link up almost didn’t happen because I could not add the linky to my chat post. I had to use the 2nd link they give you — the one that says hey use me dummy if you cannot get the first one to work. haha
Also, when I am in draft mode — there are all kinds of errors that happen lately and then the post won’t save. very frustrating.
I am working on a new blog design…but I am almost wondering if I should consider a move to WordPress. But I have no idea how to do that.
I would not be very good at making my own cards….but I have resolved to be better this year about sending post cards or letters and such to blog friends. I had wanted to do this last year, but you know…life. But this year I am making it a priority.
black beans are my favorite – with melted cheese and lots of cayenne pepper
Happy New Year, Cathy! I, too, am ready for spring. As I know that is not possible this time of year, I would at least love some above-freezing temps
I totally agree with you. Above-freezing temperatures would be nice. I think the forecast for today’s high is 43°, but then today it slips into the upper 20s. That’s not good, but it’s better than single digits for the lows. Brrr, I hate the cold!!
Thanks for stopping by!!! One of my fans sent me the Gilligan theme song I will be joining your monday quiz more often Hugs to you
I think your blog theme is really cool & it brings a smile to my face.
I have so much that’s new right now, but I too recieved new kitchen tools and am eager to try them out.
Great list of new things!
I’m so ridiculous about TV, rarely watching it (unless it’s a kid show with my son). I know my oldest and his wife were talking about all the ones they love!!
Thanks for hosting the hop.
I had no idea yesterday was Bean Day, but ironically, I had made soup with four different kinds of beans for dinner!
And from your Listicles – aren’t new cookware pieces the best?!
Seems there is a day for everything now! I love black beans and rice – my hubby spruces them up a bit by adding green pepper and some other things – so good with pork tenderloin!
I’ve been having trouble with the linky codes too but I’m with wordpress now. I got so frustrated last week I was considering going back to blogger but I think I figured it out – I have to be in html view for the linky to work.
Yes, you have to be in html view to insert the code. I can insert the code this way, but when when I click preview (and it hasn’t been doing this) it will not show my post from the point of where the linky is supposed to display down. I don’t know, if this would clear itself up after I actually publish my post or not, but I may try it just to see. Thanks for sharing!
Yay, my linky code is working! For some reason, it is doing what I said and when I publish my post then every thing looks good.
Hi Cathy! Thanks so much for visiting my page and leaving a comment! It is good to meet you!! Looking forward to following your blog!! Peace & hugs! Terri D.
It’s always great to meet a new friend in Blogosphere. I’m happy you decided to join my circle of friends!