
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Mid-week music, Remembering the fallen, and another Road Trip Report

It’s mid-week.  Buckle up because I’m packing this post full!  I’m gonna start things off with Mary’s WSC playlist consisting of her this week’s prompts for you to listen to while you read through my responses to Joyce’s hodgepodge Q&A before winding things up with my A2Z Road Trip updates.  Are you ready?

Hosted by JingleJangleJungle

I’m going with all new-to-me songs.  I’m including links where I found my inspired song picks for your reference.  For Mary’s song title prompt she’s looking for a room in the house and I found “Something’s Cookin’ in the Kitchen” by Dana. The lyrics are cute and fun.  The next prompt is a type of gem mentioned which I used ZZ Tops’, “Pearl Necklace”.   The final prompt she’s asking for a harmony,  I picked “For Your Love” by The Yardbirds.  


Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. We’re approaching Memorial Day Weekend in the US of A…will you mark this in some way? If so tell us how. According to a list found here some things you might do in honor of Memorial Day would be-shop in a Veteran owned business, learn to play a patriotic song, watch the Memorial Day concert, take a virtual tour of the White House, write a letter to a soldier or a soldier’s family, fly a flag, attend a Memorial Day parade, donate flowers for a soldier’s grave, put together a care package for a soldier, and take a moment of silence at 3 PM (the National Moment of Remembrance)….of the ideas mentioned are there any you will try?   Usually for all patriotic holidays we try to catch the PBS programs but we’ll turn stuff off when they squeeze in the political correct junk.  Our heroes who fought to keep this country free, who paid the ultimate price, or those still in service aren’t doing these things so our nation can crumble within thanks to politicians and other parties bent on keeping our nation divided. 

East Tennessee Memorial
Cherokee Veterans Park

2. What’s something recently that made you ‘come to attention’? How easily it is to pull something in my lower back.  A couple of weeks ago I was cutting weeds.  I wasn’t bent over too long but the angle and time spent was enough to set off what I think was my sciatic nerve.  Thankfully, the pain has nearly diminished and I’m taking measures to keep it that way.

3. In what area of your life do you need to ‘soldier on’? House hunting.  Right now most prices are above market on nearly every listing.  If that’s not bad enough, most home have something that’s unforgivable and on our no-no list.  It’s not an easy job but I keep telling myself it’ll be worth it when it’s all done. 

4. As a long weekend approaches and summer draws near, what’s a favorite food from your childhood you think about adding to the menu? Watermelon but I’m the only one who can eat it.  DH has a slight allergy to melon.  It makes his throat itchy and swells.  I think it bothers his digestive tract, too.  I got one last year so I won’t get one this time.  I still think about it, though.

5. Your favorite patriotic movie? Right now, I can’t think of any movie titles.  I am fond of the older WWII films like Kelly’s Heroes and the Dirty Dozen.  

6. Insert your own random thought here.  After this week, I’m undecided how often I will post my A2Z road trip updates but I have plans to bring these to you mid-week.  Anywho, here is my Road Trip report #2.

Road Trip #2

Last week I finally caught up on all of The Memory Tourist (Lissa) A2Z posts.  She didn’t have a theme nor did she join the Master List but instead marched to the beat of her own drum spinning creative random A to Z posts allowing the voices inside her head sometimes to take form in her writing style.  She’s a talented artist and I’m learning she’s equally so as an author.   If you missed her last month,  you will find a list of her A2Z posts in her Reflections post and I encourage you squeeze her into your reading schedule. 

My method to catching up doesn’t follow any particular order but that’s okay.  I’m loving the carefree rhythm I have going with my road trips and I’m actually squeezing in opportunities to colorize my Looney Tunes illustrations.  Here’s my Procreate re-invented Wile E. Coyote browsing the ACME catalog <–link to pencil drawing].

In my original sketch I failed to add a background which I wish I had done so but it simply didn’t cross my mind until I began recreating it in Procreate

This is my last full week for my regular scheduled blogging routine.  Starting Monday, I will roll over to my summer time schedule which pretty much means once a week.  I have plans to keep folks boogieing on the dance floor each Monday and roll out a Battle of the Bands at the beginning of the month.  Anything else I do will be frosting on the cake as the old saying goes.  To stay in the loop of what’s happening with me, I encourage you to join my email subscription for immediate notice of all new content that publishes. 

What are your blogging plans for this summer, will you scale back or take off? Do you have vacation plans? If so, tell me about them! 

I invite you to join my Wild Wednesday linky party where just about anything goes!  Baby, Don’tcha Worry (did you know that’s actually a song title?) this is all family friendly fun.  This is just a way for my peeps to prompt their mid-week or favorite posts.  Have a wild and wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

This linky list is now closed.

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

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31 thoughts on “Mid-week music, Remembering the fallen, and another Road Trip Report

  1. Wow! What a fun packed post, Cathy! We don’t do anything special for Memorial Day, except we do put out The American Flag. I don’t slow down with my own blogs during the summer months but I am bowing out from some of the other blogs that I write for. I need to concentrate on my own blogs and get more involved with, since they have revamped their site. I have over 200 posts on their site, which I need to upgrade so I will spending more time there.

    The housing market is crazy, and we decided to wait a while before looking again. Even though we rent, there is nothing wrong with where we live.

    I hope your back gets better soon.

    Rock on and stay safe! 😘

  2. Very nice Q&A. I observe Memorial Day will be putting out my post on it on Friday. Being a vet, it is special holiday in my book. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  3. Homes are so expensive right now. My niece and her hubby sold theirs and made an $80,000 profit from when they bought it in 2015, but the larger ones they are interested in are way out of their range. Glad your back is doing better. XO

  4. Love your song choices especially love ZZ Top and For Your Love. The Sciatic nerve is very painful and rest is the best for that pain. Pain sucks! We just had our May 2-4 weekend(as we call it up here not so much because it is Queen Victoria’s birthday but because many get a case of 24 beer. Canadians have a been a strong force in the wars as well-peacekeepers as well as military. I love watermelon and might buy more this year. I love war films especially The Longest Day, Paschendale, All Quiet on the Western Front. …great films.

    1. Birgit,

      Yes, our Canadian sisters have been good soldiers in wartime and peace. It’s good that we share the same continent, is it not? Thanks for explain the significance of May 2-4. Birthday parties, mostly the cake and ice cream part, are fun and without the beer. I never cared for the stuff which is a good thing. I’ll spend those extra calories on the cake and ice cream. 😀

      1. It is great that we share this as a united front. I am not into beer either and prefer having a piece of chocolate which I shouldn’t have.

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    I thought I come by and respond to your choices in the Song Challenge, dear friend. I never heard of vocalist Dana or her song “Something’s Cookin’ in the Kitchen.” (I’m sure you recall the very old song from the late 1800s “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” which includes the segment: “Someone’s In The Kitchen With Dinah.” Turns out your featured artist, Dana Rosemary Scallon, is an Irish singer and former politician and member the Euro Parliament. At an early age, Dana won the 1970 Eurovision Song Contest performing “All Kinds of Everything.” In that 1979 video for “Something’s Cookin’ in the Kitchen,” a single that approached the top 20 on the Irish chart, Dana looks cute as a button, like one of your pin-up girls, or maybe Pat Benatar’s sister. I also love her voice. Good choice going with ZZ Top’s suggestive song “Pearl Necklace” for the gem song.

    I already racked my brains on this Challenge over on BB’s blog, but I will choose “White Room” by Cream. For the game song I’m picking two: “Ruby Baby” by Dion and “Black Diamond” by Kiss. For the harmony song I’m going with the great blue-eyed soul duo The Righteous Brothers and one of my fave’s by them – “Just Once In My Life.”

    I am happy to see the ACME products company mail order catalog making a colorful return to your blog via The Roadrunner who seems intent on finding a device with which to thwart the Coyote – possibly an anvil to drop on his head from great height. 🙂

    Thank you very much for expressing kind words for Margaret Schneider today, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I sorta thought Dana was the one who won the ESC in the 70s when I was doing my research but it really didn’t click at the time I was putting these songs together until after I published it. You can count on it that the Wile will find just the contraption to not catch that road runner. lol

  6. Hi Cathy! Great song choices this week. That first one was a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing! And thanks for playing. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Mary,

      I’m making progress but that nerve still catches me in the bottom at times. I think it’s because I’m pushing myself to move more. I may need to use the heating pad tonight.

  7. Sciatica is the worst! I said watermelon, too…we must have the same recipe book!!! 🙂

  8. I love your sketches. You’re so talented.

    I hope your back gets better and soon. I hate having issues with my back.

    I hear you on the shows that we no longer watch. We’ve dumped the television except for Netflix and Amazon Prime and if you go political on a program we just remove it and move on to something else. I’ve dumped Facebook and Twitter. My life is far more pleasant now.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      We watch very little broadcast TV. Sometimes, DH will channel surf to find something when we finish streaming something but there isn’t anything good on the air unless you watch old reruns. I’m with you, I’m happier since I dumped Twitter and although I still have Facebook I’m not over there every day. I may pop in every two or three weeks to see what’s happening. That’s how I found out recently about the passing of my great-aunt.

  9. I’ll have to check out PBS but I’m with you, I’d tune out when politics get thrown in. I totally understand the back issue. I threw mine out for a week once trying to get away from a spider I thought was attached to. my foot. I’m always aware of how my low back is doing, try to go to the chiropractor somewhat regularly and those seem to help me. Thinking of you. We are in washington and my daughter and son in law are looking for a house and it’s been a bit crazy. I will probably keep blogging. Summer doesn’t change much around here because we’re all still working the same schedule as always, and I’m trying to be consistent again with blogging.

    1. Kirstin,

      We forget just how important our backs are until we hurt it and then it’s like the whole world falls apart. I have an old fracture, don’t ask me how I got it because I have no clue, in my spine about mid way. A few days prior to my injury I noticed that area felt a little sore so I’m wondering if this is all somehow connected. I don’t want to go see my family physician just for this tiny thing right now. Perhaps, I’ll schedule an annual exam next spring at which time he always does a chest x-ray which gets the vertebra partly and he can see the spot I’m referring to. I’m sure if he sees anything odd he’ll let me know at that time. I’m just trying to keep up on my feet as much as I can during the day and that’s helping a lot.

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