Michael Grimm ~ The Red Album

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  More than half of August has slipped right pass me.  The end of summer gets pretty hot and the humidity sure makes things worse but I’m trying to not complain…much.  No matter what the weather brings, we can enjoy the music so let’s get this party started.  Our theme this week is whatever music moves you


Michael Grimm was introduced to me with his appearance on season five of America’s Got Talent.  I fell in love with his vocals immediately and was so happy that he won AGT that year.

To refresh my memory which season Grimm’s was on AGT, I came across some articles mentioning that he was hospitalized last year with some mysterious illness which required heavy sedated and on a ventilator during his stay.  The most recent updates on his health published in July 2023 revealed Grimm’s is on the mend. 

“I’m doing much better. This has been an eye-opening experience for me in a big way, brother,” Grimm told the Las Vegas Review-Journal on July 7. “That is putting it the best way I can. I’m still repairing, but I have my loved ones here with me.”

US Magazine July 7, 2023


None of us are immune to health scares.  This serves to reminds me how precious life is and to not take anything for granted. I hope you’re doing well and back to your old self again,  Michael!


 Now, it’s your turn. What music moves you today?

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.


In closing, here’s my responses to Friday’s Friendly Fill-ins.

1. I am so not looking forward to the long trip to the northeast but I’m very much looking forward to our vacation!

2. Ghirardelli natural,unsweetened cocoa is surprisingly delicious. For the past two  years, we’ve incorporated collagen and inulin powder into our nutritional supplement routine.  To mask the bland taste of the powders, we add cocoa.  At first it was a bit bitter but our taste adjusted and now think it’s rather good.  Cocoa, especially natural, unsweetened (not Dutch processed) is higher in flavonoids which are very good for you. The real surprise to us to learn is it contains 2g  of fiber per tablespoon.  That’s impressive.

 3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says “ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!”. Seriously, our place is so small and is made smaller with all the stuff we’ve accumulated.  We have no place for anything. The obvious thing to do is declutter and we’ve tried that but still too much stuff.  Perhaps this can be remedied if we ever get moved.  The housing market is so awful, though!

4. I would consider heavily the possiblity of getting a job if it meant that I could help us get into another place sooner. However, returning to work outside the home comes with expenses. I don’t believe in all honesty that I can earn enough to make up the difference and contribute to a new home mortgage.  It’s a horrible situation, is it not? Maybe, we’ll win the lottery! 

I apologize for the problem with my “like” button and linky party not displaying for some of y’all last week.  I think these issues are now fixed.  If not, let me know.  You’re welcome to leave an emoji or a short comment.  I’m easy going.  This will flag me of your visit. One more thing,  I noticed some of y’alls Gravatar profiles aren’t linked to your website and I am unable to find my way to you.  Have a boogietastic week!



Lonely Lighthouse (do-over) at Sunset Brushstrokes , original sketch shared in 2019

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27 thoughts on “Michael Grimm ~ The Red Album”

  1. Great mewsic, CK, we didn’t know Michael Grimm, but we sure felt like in a fairytale while we listenend💗We loved your painting too, it speaks to us😸😺 We didn’t know you wanted to move. Maybe Granny forgot. We sure hope you find another home soon. Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead and thank you for the mewsic🐾😽💞

    1. I’ve been wanting to move since our children were small. It’s so easy to out grow your space. I wish we had been a little wiser with our buying decision but we were too young to understand everything. Now, we know what we want and won’t just settle for any place. Unfortunately the cost of homes is outrage but I do believe we’ll find the right place if we persevere. 🙂

  2. He’s quite good and I like the last song..love the Muppets and this is a great song. The cocoa drink…nope…lol. I have too much stuff as well and would love to declutter but my hubby balks at what I wish to get rid of. The housing market is disgusting. I’m not sure how it is on your neck of the woods but it’s so expensive here. People who bought homes 3 or so years ago, bought at way too high prices. When the banks upped their rates, the mortgages went way up and now, many are having to sell. Don’t get me started on the landlords or the groceries…greed took over.

    1. Birgit,

      The housing market is horrific here, as well. You’re so right, greed took over. However, I think it’s more than that. I believe this a plan designed by those wishing to topple globals economy. If socialist or communist countries can seize hold of the real estate industry completely then that’s one more way they own ya! That’s gloomy but it’s a possible reality that none of us like to think about. The cocoa drink isn’t a fun beverage, it’s for your health. I’m just surprised that it tastes as good as it does.

  3. You’re blog is working fine from my end, Cathy, and I like the new layout. Is it possible you can add on to your existing house? Hugs!

  4. I meant to say enjoy your holiday it’s always good to get away on a vacation! As to decluttering it’s hard and moving is a very stressful and expensive option….just work on the basis of you have not needed a thing in two years throw it out.🌞💜💜💜

    1. The idea of use or lose it is a wonderful concept but it doesn’t work too well around here. Someone, not naming any names, always thinks there might come a time when something will be of use. 😀

  5. You sound like you’re under a bit of stress. I hope it works out one way or another. And yes re the health scares. That can change on a dime. I’ve spent 3 months having scans and proceedures and then reinvestigating and it’s all come to nothing – which is good, but it means I’m back at square one….however, it all seemed a lot worse for awhile there.

  6. Everything is working as it should now, Cathy. 🙂 I absolutely love Michael Grimm and was thrilled when he won America’s Got Talent! I didn’t know about his illness, maybe COVID? Good to know he’s on the mend! I enjoyed all the songs, especially 5, 7 and 10. We have a small place too and a lot of stuff, so I know exactly what you mean! Real estate prices are through the roof, though, and we paid off our mortgage, so I wouldn’t want to move at this point. I hope you have a fabulous vacation, despite the long trip!

    1. Yeah, I don’t know what he had but hopefully he’s recovered by now. Our mortgage is paid off, too. We hope to find a place we like and then sell this place. The money would help tremendously on a new place.

  7. This is a new singer to me. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers except I am sorry you can’t afford to move right now. We have been using a lot of no sugar things lately and they are good. I hope you have a wonderful vacation. XO

  8. He does have an excellent voice. Seems a lot of weird sickness going about now days. I have a traveling job that keeps me interacting with a lot of strangers. Does get a little scary sometimes.

    1. I can imagine how scary it can be to work in a public environment all the time. You just never know what someone is carrying and I don’t think we’ll ever understand everything there is to know how stuff is transmitted even though we’re given assurances. I trust the CDC or anyone else in authority to speak the truth.

  9. The “like” icon worked! I listened to several songs. Michael’s health scare was scary indeed as is (I imagine) the experience of having been on a ventilator. I hope he’s successful in restoring his good health and singing voice. He seems to have an impressive range of genres – one of the songs had such a soleful vibe; I can see where Bill Medley was one of his inspirations. I think I didn’t start listening to AGT until after the season he was on as he didn’t seem familiar. Alana ramblinwitham

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