Good-day, kittens and dawgs! I wanted to show my appreciation by featuring each month my top commenters, let me start by saying,
My top two commenters for May were…
Mr. Shady as he calls himself of Shady Dell Music & Memories shares amazing music (old and new) and stories of life spent at the Shady Dell, a popular hangout for youngsters in the 50s. You rock my comment box with your polite and considerate thoughts, which always make me smile. Thank you for being a you!
Les from Ink Interrupted is an incredible mom of three who is always on the go. That’s a bit of redundant statement I realize because when is a mom not on the go? She’s a gifted writer, crafter extraordinaire, and camera ninja. I think you’re cool, wise, encouraging, and pretty darn wonderful. Your comments inspire and lift me. Thanks for being a sweetie!
You can show some blog love by telling others about my top meowers for May!
[tweetthis]A special thank you to my May Top Commenters #RoryBore and Mr. Shady! #topcommenters #bloggers #awesome[/tweetthis]
Comments show you care enough to let others know that you stopped by their niche in Blogosphere. I love getting ’em! So, if you wanna put a smile on someone’s face, including mine, today, then don’t forget to leave your paw prints in comments! Have a terrific Thursday afternoon!
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Sweet! Shady is a great commenter!
Mike, I totally agree with you. Mr. Shady is a fabulous commenter and truly genuine!
What a nice shout out to the people who always post. Shady is such a treat:)
Thanks for the reminder about rhododendrons – must pop down the road to Stapleford Woods, Lincolnshire UK, where there is always a glorious display along the lane that cuts through the woods.
Glen, thanks for popping over today. I hope you get to enjoy the rhododendron in Lincolnshire. Roane Mountain in western North Carolina is home to Rhododendron garden that gets international attention. We’ve been there a few times in past years, but it’s so hard to catch them at peak. It would be great fun to visit again. I may have to call to find out when the best time is to see them. Thanks for reminding me of Roane Mountain! Have a lovely weekend.
What a great shoutout. Good of you to highlight them.
Liz, I’ve been thinking about doing this sort of thing for a long time, but kept putting it off until now. I hope I don’t slip up and forget to get the stats for June. That sounds like something I might do, too.
Thank you for always being such a delightful place to visit! I wish I could spend more time at my favourite blog homes (ha), but as you say… on the go! LOL
Les, hey I know you’re one busy gal. I really admire you, really. Your personality shines through and I can tell that you’re a good mother, wife, and friend!
Hi, Cathy!
Thank you very much for acknowledging me, dear friend. It means a lot. You have become my “midnight buddy” because I know that you usually post at midnight and I am usually awake and on the computer at that time. I enjoy visiting your blog before I turn in for the night. Your posts and indeed your personality are warm and fuzzy as a kitten. I appreciate that in a friend and I always feel welcome here. By regularly visiting Curious as a Cathy I have learned a lot of geography and history. I have taken nostalgic journeys back in time via your band battles and have been introduced to new artists that have become favorites.
As the pop group Gallery sang, “It’s so nice to be with you!”
Thank you again for mentioning me, dear friend Cathy!
Ahhh, shucks, Tom! Aren’t you a sweetheart!
Seriously, this is one of the amazing benefits to come out of blogging that I had not expected when I began in 2010. It does my heart good to hear that you look forward to my posts to go live at midnight. Again, thank you for being such a loyal blog friend!
Nice Pimpage here, Cathy. You have done very well, and I am sure those folks will appreciate it. Ironically, I posed a question on Facebook today, asking if anyone had met and made a friend through me. This has been a fun day for many of us, reminiscing about times past.
Enjoy your weekend.
Myke, good question to throw out to your friends. That might be a good idea to borrow sometime, especially in Blogosphere. I have a hard time remembering how I came to know someone here. No doubt it was through one of my daily hops, but it would be nice to refresh my memory. Thanks for stopping by!
Help yourself. Feel free to pick my brain anytime. I can tell you, I came here, via Debbie D. Doglady, I am a major fan of her… I love hanging out with new people, getting to know a little about them, from time to time. I came here as a total stranger, and you have been nothing but kind and courteous. Who could ask for more?
Yes, comments are nice, but I want to make sure you know that if I don’t comment, it doesn’t mean that I don’t care. I can’t comment on every post of every blog I follow. My eyes are sensitive to light, and I have a type of chronic fatigue. When I’m awake and my eyes can handle the light, I owe my time to my clients. I have a deal with them, and it’s how I earn a living. I love your blog. You are a darling, adorable person. Even if I don’t comment, I always care about you and all my other friends in the blogosphere.
Janie, I very much stand corrected concerning my remark about caring. There are folks such as yourself with medical issues or work or any number of very important reasons that limit your time spent on leaving comments. I certainly didn’t mean to step on toes, but I did. I just didn’t think about how that sounded. I appreciate you pointing this out to me. Now, it you’ll excuse me I need some help getting my foot out of my mouth. ? You’re fabulous!
I often get my toes stuck between my teeth before I can get the foot out. You are very kind to accept my comment in a loving manner.
Janie, you’re too funny and sweet! The thing is, I feel like I know you, so I knew you weren’t being mean, but mostly you struck my sensitive side and I didn’t want my poor choice of wording to cause bad feelings in the least. That certainly wasn’t my intent, as you probably knew from the get-go. I just got caught up in the excitement of writing and didn’t stop to think about those with pressing schedules or health issues that limit their time in Blogosphere. I know I will try to not make the same mistake in the future, but don’t hold you breathe because I’m slow learner.