
10-01-2025 Vol 19

Something a little different

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus

It’s almost mid-August.  Summer is moving by faster than I imagined it would but I think this every year. I’m glad you stopped by for Monday’s Music Moves Me.  Our weekly theme is your choice whatever music moves you

I thought it would be fun to do something a little different.  Today, I’m bringing back Max Raabe as CAAC’s feature artist performing for the 4M party.  You might remember Max as one of the contenders in this past April 1st BOTB. He didn’t win but he has really cool vibe and is sure to be loads of fun. Are you ready to get this party going? Hit play to begin!  

Playlist tracks: 1. Mambo 5 2. Tainted Love 3. Supreme 4. Lady Marmalade 5. We Will Rock You 6. Super Trouper 7. Blue 8. Another Day In Paradise 9. Let’s Talk About Sex 10. Dream A Little Dream 11. Sex Bomb

Love or hate Max Raabe’s style, you gotta admit that his style is a fun change.

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain music (at least one song) or your URL is marked “No Music”.

4M co-hostess are now featured in my right side bar underneath the banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you – your choice. To access the dance party, add your music post below and visit others on the floor. 

I had my Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation procedure on Friday.  Every thing went well.  I go for my follow up next month. I’ll be anxious to see how I do with it.  Our oldest daughter is under the weather which means she isn’t able to go to work which comes at a bad time having just moved into a new apartment.  Poor darling! Please keep her in prayer, if you would. Thanks! This is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic day.  X💋X💋, Cathy


A Spark of wisdom and humor to make your day better. 🙂

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower is broken. ~James Dent






















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38 thoughts on “Something a little different

  1. That singer made us MOL, CK, it looks like he’s fooling effurryone, very funny😹We hope that the treatment helps, and not only temperarely, like we seen before. So all our Healing Pawkisses go to you and your daughter today and hope you both feel better soon🙏Have a wonderful day🐾😽💞

    1. Granny & kittens,

      I’m not sure if the Eustachian tube Dilation procedure will need repeating or not but I don’t understand how the Eustachian tubes can stay stretched forever. I’m going to ask my doctor next month about this, though. Thank you for the healing purrayers and pawkisses. I’m doing well. I’m happy you decided to join the pawwrty, furriends!

    1. Lee,

      Thanks for dropping by and for reminding me of your mid-month battle. I might have forgotten had you mentioned it. I’ll head over to your place right now before I forget. 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness, Mambo V!!!! Oh my goodness, I remember that one was going around everywhere! hahaha All types of versions! Good one Cat… and holy cow I didn’t know you had the whole album! hahahaha Definitely DIFFERENT!!! lol Definitely different for a change! Sending BIG HUGS! Hope you’re doing well today! Cathy, were you able to get into Stacy’s blog? I couldn’t… Hmmmmmm????

    1. Marie,

      I see that you left two comments. The first was being held for approval which I did. I don’t know why WP does this sometimes for people who regularly stop by my place.

      I created a playlist of Max’s songs. I don’t believe my picks are all on one album. 🙂

      Do you get an error when you try accessing Stacy’s blog? Something like “Site Not Secure”? If so, that’s because she’s not using https. I sent her an email inquiring about this but never got a response. Either it got lost in cyberspace or she never saw it in her inbox. It’s concerning that https isn’t enabled on her site because this makes her site susceptible for hackers to gather personal information from her or her visitors.

    1. She and texted a little throughout the day yesterday. She reports she isn’t any better but she isn’t any worse. I’m hoping this is a sign that she’s at the pivot point toward to feeling well again. She says it’s like having the flu except worse because of the blisters. Poor dear! Thanks for stopping by, Diedre. Have boogietastic week!

  3. HI GIRLFRIEND, and how are you doin this rainy day where I live??? It’s been raining since I got up! We had to take my CPAP machine in to be fixed. Yes, I have sleep apnea, but it was just the filter needed readjustment. That’s why it was making so much noise. Bummer! LOVE LOVE LOVE your choices here girlfriend! You sure know how to set up and put em’ down!!! hahahaha Mambo No. 5 I remember this one. They sure make fun of it, but it’s enjoying too… hahaha!!! Have a great week my dear and if you need something that I can help with please don’t hesitate. HUGS

    1. Marie,

      I’m glad you were able to get your CPAP machine fixed. My sister has sleep apnea but they don’t have her on a machine. She probably needs to be which is concerning. We got some rain early yesterday morning then it cleared up most of the day and by evening we had another round of it. That’s the way things go this time of year, though. I’m tired of the heat. Thanks for stopping by to boogie with me, my friend!

  4. That’s one cool pup. Love those shade and his duck. You made me say Awww.

    Love the playlist. A bit different, but I like the playlist.

    Prayers for your daughter. Hope she gets well soon.

    I’m working on Septembers MMMM.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs, Cathy. ♥

    1. Brian,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the playlist. Thanks for the prayers for my daughter and me. As for me, I’m doing well. Thanks for dropping by, furriend! 🐾😽

  5. I love this sort of stuff. I went to a similar thing last week (modern songs don in 1920’s style). You’d love Post Modern Jukebox too? Good share

    1. Lydia,

      I do like Post Modern Jukebox. I’ve featured some of their stuff over the years. I’m glad you enjoyed Max. Thanks for joining the party, my dear!

  6. The dog with his ducky is one cool cat! Just don’t tell him I said that.

    Mr. Raabe does have a fun style.

    I’m glad your procedure went well, I’ll be praying for your daughter’s speedy recovery.

    Thanks for sharing the fun Spark!

    1. Mimi,

      I won’t tell the doggie what you said. 🙂

      I’m doing quite well and I hope our daughter reports later that she is doing better. Thanks for your kind words.

      Have a boogietatic week, my friend!

  7. Interesting version of Mambo #5. I had only heard the Lou Vega version. Same with Tainted Love and Queen’s song. I wasn’t familiar with this artist. Love the dog!

    1. Thanks for joining the party, Joyce. Max’s covers of these modern tunes in his style is interesting to say the least and fun. Have a boogietastic week, darlin’!

  8. When I first heard Max, I immediately thought “Rudy Vallee”, not that I am an expert on music of the 30’s and 40’s. Max’s style was more successful on some songs (Super Trooper, Another Day in Paradise, Let’s Talk about Sex, for example) than others but he was fantastic on songs that converted well into the 20’s/30’s styles of music. It really was something different! I hope your daughter feels better soon. There are a number of weird sicknesses circulating right now. Alana ramblinwitham

    1. Alana,

      I think many of the 20s & 30s artists sound nearly identical which was so prominent in those days. It’s fun when modern singers adapt vintage styles as this. Thank you for the concerns. I spoke with my daughter yesterday. She sounds good but the rash was more bothersome. This thing just needs to play itself out is all. It’s really hard to be patient when you’re in a situation like this but that’s about all she can do. I know it’s not fun. Wouldn’t it be nice if people who are sick would do a better job in containing it? Perhaps, this could’ve been avoided had our daughter known before hand. I just pray that she feels better today. Thanks for dropping by, darlin’!

  9. Yes, I agree, very fun. My niece has a dog just like the one in the photo. xO

    1. Eat your heart put Rudy Vallee! I enjoy his music and so different. Typical weird German.
      Love the doggie. I am very happy that everything went well with your procedure. I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter being ill. She is in my thoughts and I know she will bounce back and all will be good. Moving cam be stressful.

      1. I’m sure I’ve listened to Rudy Vallee at some point but I can’t say with complete confidence, though. I did a quick swing by YT to sample Rudy Vallee. He sounds like many of the singers did from that era, so I probably have heard him and just didn’t know who I was listening to. The sound quality of the old recordings don’t capture the talent of the lost artists from the 20s and 30. It always makes me smile when modern singers tap in on the sounds of yesterday making it come alive again through their vocal ability. Max Raabe is a fun musician.

        Moving is stressful and that certainly contributed to my daughter getting sick but they are other factors. She was exposed to a friend’s kids who has(d) a highly contagious problem that the friend certainly wasn’t addressing with much caution nor was she tending to her kids’ illness with care. My granddaughter first got it but our daughter jumped in quickly to nip it in the bud and is almost completely well whereas the friends’ kids still have it, if that tells anything about that person. Anyway, my daughter woke up Saturday morning running a fever, muscle aches, and blisters. She knew exactly what she had. The medical condition is one that has no doctor prescribed treatment and usually clears up in 7-10 days on its own. I’m hoping if she takes it easy and takes OTC meds for the fever that she’ll be much better by tomorrow but I’m sure she won’t be ready to go to work. Thanks for your kind thoughts and good vibes for her wellness.

        Thanks for stopping by for a bit of music today, my dear. Feel free to join the party and have a boogietastic week!

  10. Max’s style, and that of the orchestra, are very likeable. I understand not to everyone’s taste, but it is mine.
    Thanks for sharing…

    1. Max isn’t to everyone’s taste for sure. He’s quite different but I rather like him. I don’t know if I can listen to this style all the time but it’s good for a change and it’s fun. Thanks for dropping by, my furriends!

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