
17-03-2025 Vol 19

#TSWD March 2017 Edition

For Today…. Looking out my window…the sky is gray with the gentle drizzle of rain falling softly upon the eve.

I am thinking…about the recent mews I got from DD#1 which I’m processing and not ready to share with anyone just yet.

Today DH rolls from hourly employment to full-time. We are ecstatic he was offered a full-time position. God is good!

One of my favorite things…is music.  There isn’t a day that passes without the sound of mewsic playing throughout the house.  It moves, inspires, and uplifts my spirit!

I am creating… art sketches for the April A-Z Challenge.  I am not an artist.  In high school, I took art but never thought I was very talented.  Looking back I think it was largely due to lack of confidence and I was afraid to try. Art is an expression which you must feel.  Last year, I decided it was time to rekindle this long-forgotten passion and surprisingly I discovered I have some talent. I’m hoping to grow my abilities with this month-long blogging exercise and hopefully, you’ll want to be a part of the experience.


I am wearing… sweatpants, long sleeve t-shirt, fleece socks, and hoodie.  The weather is still cool but it won’t be long before I can shed some of these layers.

I am reading listening to… my iTunes “Rock Mewsic” playlist with various artists. Currently, Sheryl Crow “Always On Your Side” from her Wildflower album is playing.



I am hoping...before the year ends, we’ll be in a new home.  This has been a long-time dream of mine. DH and I talked often while he was laid off that when he gets another job that we need to do something about making this dream a reality. I’m trusting God to present to us the house He wants for us.


I am learning…that I don’t have to be purrfect when it comes to my art.  This is a learning process and it’s okay to experiment until I get it right.


In my kitchen…I’m trying to figure out what I want to fix for dinner tonight using chicken. I think I may make one of DH’s favorites – fried chicken stripes.  I also plan to make a fresh batch of buttermilk biscuits which will be an excellent addition for dinner tonight.

Post Script… I’d like to invite you to join me on the dance floor with Monday Mewsic Moves Me. If you have mewsic to share then this is the place to do it each week and if not, then just enjoy the tunes! 😉 

Shared Quote… This isn’t a quote but it’s some great encouragement to inspire us to be the best that we can be!

A moment from my day… This is the last sketch entry in my art journal for the A-Z Challenge. I hope to have all the sketches completed this week, then I can go back and do additional sketches or other fill-in material if the inspiration strikes!


In closing…I want to share a recipe I discovered last year this time and made for St. Patrick’s Day.



Thank you for visiting today. I will over to see you soon! Meanwhile, I invite you for a return visit tomorrow for Tuesday Tunesation! 😉



About  The Simple Woman’s Daybook  hosted by Peggy. This is a monthly meme, each edition is published the first Monday of each month but you are free to link-up as many times as you wish during that month and you’re invited to join.














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9 thoughts on “#TSWD March 2017 Edition

  1. That recipe looks good, I wish I didn’t give up chocolate for Lent. That is a great sketch, I look forward to your sketches for the A-Z challenge.

    1. Alex, I’m very excited about going with sketching for my A-Z theme. I put me off during those child raising years and I’m really ready to spread my wings. I saw in my youngest daughter a bit of me, only I thought she was far more gifted artistically than I was when she was a kid. I kept telling her to take advantage of honing her hobbies because once she left the nest there would be little time to leisurely dabble in life’s pleasures. I thought for sure she’d go to college to pursue a degree in art or writing but that didn’t happen. God has a plan for everything, though. I won’t question the direction He’s taking her. It’s now my time to do more with the gifts God has given me. Thanks for popping over!

  2. I am glad that your husband is now full time.
    It’s a wonderful blessing!

    You have quite the gifts Cathy. I would love to see your artwork. My son loves arts.
    I recently sketched a princess for a little girl as a surprise for her. She then said she wanted the other princess and it’s been many months and I can’t sketch it. Simply because she asked me. Weird eh.
    On my own it’s good. If asked, then I have nothing.

    I hope you do realize your dream of a new home.

    Oooooh my! There is your sketch! It is very good!!! Keep going!

  3. So much going on! You sound like you are very busy with things, but you always sound like you’ve got a lot going on. I keep changing my mind about my A to Z theme, but I’d better cinch it soon.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, my life is mostly busy with blogging. This is what I enjoy on an ongoing basis. Somewhere along the way, I hope I can tie all of it together for a work-at-home opportunity but so far nothing has come to mind. I’m open to inspiration along the blogging trail. Who knows maybe this year something will click! Thank you for visiting today and yes you better get your theme nailed down, Mister! lol

  4. Tina Arena has a gorgeous voice, kind of like Basia’s or Lisa Stansfield’s, and I like the groove she sets down. Have to look up more of her…

    1. John, thank you for stopping by. I’m not sure if you meant to comment on my Monday Mewsic post on THIS post but that’s ok. Tina has a very nice voice and I was happy for Michele’s introduction. I’m always eager to find new talent. I’m not familiar with Basia or Lisa Stansfield, I don’t believe. So, I will have to check them out.

  5. What a wonderful combination. Cheryl Crow & Sting and a beautiful mellow song… the words people don’t listen to the words much anymore, but I do totally love it. Thanks for sharing it’s just one of those feel good songs!!! Ending up with a hug and a kiss on the forehead… totally awesome. Thanks Cat…………

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