
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Lyrical #Challenge, Day 3

Mary from Cactus Haiku nominated me for this challenge and it’s been loads of fun.  Thanks, girl for passing the torch this way!


1 Thank the person who nominated you.
2 Share one of your favorite song/lyrics one at a time for three days.
3 Nominate three other bloggers each day.

My first song choice I was reminded of sweet things with “My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Mewsic, my second song choice I used with DH in mind, “How Do I Live” by Leann Rimes and today my connection is inspirational and perhaps even spiritual in nature with (click link to read lyrics) “You Raise Me Up“.


I believe the songwriter, Rolf Løvland, wrote these words for his mother which was performed at her funeral.  When I hear the lyrics, it fills me with encouragement to be all that I can be with God’s help to be the kind of person I need to be for those in my life.  How do you interrupt the lyrics? Do you fill inspired by them?


My last batch of blog buds I’m sharing this challenge with include Ellen from 15andMeowing, Melissa from Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries, & Mews, & John from The Sound of One Hand Typing.  This is an open invitation to my nominees to accept or decline without regret, just do it if it feels right and don’t worry about a thing.


That’s a wrap for the lyrical challenge.  I’ll be back on Friday with my fully charged Friday Fun Stuff full edition, so please come back to join me for some giggles and more!


I borrowed image 34184933 from & using Pixelmator inserted the song lyrics for the finishing touch.

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7 thoughts on “Lyrical #Challenge, Day 3

  1. I hadn’t heard this song before. I love the instrumental play between the violin and the orchestra. I actually like the music in the video better than the lyrics (rare for me because I’m a lyrics person) as the lyrics feel like a church hymn and I imagine a chorus doing it but smaller without as many instruments. I don’t think an organ or piano would do it justice. I like the symphonic quality of the music. When I hear it, I feel like I’m a top a mountain, with the skies all around. The feeling of the immensity of life, of nature, of the world and the AllSpirit. I don’t know if I’m explaining it well.

  2. There is something about a violin playing that song. My daughter was an excellent violinist and I never tired of the beauty she could make out of words.

  3. I had the profound pleasure of seeing Andre Rieu twice and he is brilliant! The performance he gives to the audiences around the world fills one with wonder. He is a brilliant violinist and such a great leader of his orchestra. If you ever get a chance to see him, I would do it.

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    “You Raise Me Up” is a powerful song. Josh Groban might have had the U.S. hit with it, but I loved the video you posted here featuring a glorious violin performance backed by full orchestra + inspiring “B roll” – an exhilarating piece to start my day!

    “You Raise Me Up” reminds me of the Bette Midler hit “Wind Beneath My Wings”:

    Did you ever know that you’re my hero,
    And everything I would like to be?
    I can fly higher than an eagle,
    For you are the wind beneath my wings.

    Congratulations on completing the Lyrical Challenge, dear friend Cathy. Have a terrific Thursday!

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