Leatrice Joy

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  This week’s theme you have your pick of two National Day celebrations – Gorgeous Grandma or Vanilla Ice Cream Day. I think I’ll run with “Gorgeous Grandma Day”.  

While shuffling through files and folders on my computer over the summer, I came across my grandma’s obituary.  I remembered her telling me she was named after a movie star who’s name she shared, Leatrice Joy many years ago.  I never looked into this until now.  Joy (November 7, 1893 – May 13, 1985) was a silent movie star and is believed to have started the bobbed hair style in the 20s.   

I had hoped that Joy was a singer but she wasn’t credited nor did I find proof that she was so I looked for music from silent film era when I found the full feature of her first motion picture she came out of retirement to do as a supporting actress to a young Marilyn Monroe in 1951 in, The Love Nest and just for fun I found that she appeared on the game show To Tell the Truth.  

My grandma wasn’t a movie star but the light she carried was far brighter than anything on the big screen.  She was reunited with grandpa in 2012 a few days before my birthday.  I believe she watches over me now like she did when I was little. 




This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.


Remember music themes are only suggestions.  I don’t care one way or another.  The important thing is to share whatever music moves you. Now, it’s your turn!

Simply click the like button to let me know you stopped by or if you want to leave me a message then that’s fine while I’m away from Blogosphere. I will do all returns asap.  Have a boogietastic week!



I reworked my original faerie last year to use for my sister’s birthday artwork in June and then I made adjustments to it to create my daughter-in-law’s birthday card since hers is in late fall. The seasons has changed once again and while we don’t have falling leaves yet, I’m sitting the mood. I used my image at Lunapic to create this animation. I just love autumn weather!

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