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Leap of Faith

Let’s give Mary from Jingle Jangle Jungle a round of applauds. 👏 She volunteered to be this month’s guest co-hostess.  The final theme for February, Mary is giving you two choices.  The first one is to spell pistachio using Song Titles (or Artists/Bands if you prefer) since it’s National Pistachio Day or  go with number two to build your picks with “leap” or  “jump” song titles since it’s a leap year. 


4M co-hostess are featured in my right side bar underneath the banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you (your choice)! To access the party, add your music post below, and visit others on the dance floor. Let the party begin! 


This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.


On behalf of the 4M gang, we appreciate Mary for filling in this month.  You gave us two fun theme prompts for February.  Feel free to do it again or if you just want to shoot music ideas this way then you know what to do. 

A new thing I’m doing this year is a monthly birthday salute to you.  If I happen to know yours then I’ll give you a shout out and if not, please share yours with us in comments.  Robin from Songbird’s Crazy World turned another year older on the 18th. Happy Birthday to you!

Reri Grist celebrates her 92nd birthday on the 29th! Reri is a leap year baby, so she’s really only had 23 birthdays.

On Friday, I saw the new ENT doctor. He says there is no immediate need to rebuild the eardrum. Repairing it won’t help my hearing. He wants to see what happens when the ear tube falls out and there’s no telling when they’ll be. It’s been in for five years already. My next appointment is in three months. I was hoping that this might boost my hearing and it left me disappointed.  Everything progresses a certain way for a reason and I will trust in God’s perfect timing. Thanks for your concerns and prayers.  

I’ll be back next time with a new art sketch for TAD, until then have a boogietastic week! 



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  1. That kitty is so cute and that meme is fantastic, Ck. We also liked the song Leap of Faith😻We hope effurrything will turn out fine for your ears, maybe even without the drums🙏 Happy Belated Birthday also for Songbirdie🎉Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to you dear furriend🐾😽💞

  2. Happy (belated) birthday, Robin! How thoughtful of you, Cathy. I’ve always believed birthdays are very special days for everyone who has one 😉 I was born on Mother’s Day, so once in a while I have a double-celebration on May 8th 😉
    I’m sorry that you’re having hearing difficulties and pray there is help for it.
    Loved the music – thank you!

    1. Diedre,

      No doubt, your mom thought you were just the perfect Mother’s Day present when you were born. 🙂 My two youngest were born in May. It’s not often but sometimes Mother’s Day falls on their birthdays. My son’s is the 2nd and my daughter’s is the 14th.

      Thank you for your prayers. At least I do have some of my hearing for which I’m thankful. I need to stay vigilante to protecting my ears.

  3. Sorry about for ear issues. Sending you positive thoughts. This was a great theme. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

    1. I hope your hearing improves…. My hubby has intermittent hearing problems, no jokes about selective hearing 😉!
      I remember my sister loving West Side Story. They took me to see it …it was my first non Disney cinema visit 💜💜💜 I loved it too. 💜

      1. I know with God all things are possible but as it stands they tell me hearing loss is just that, it’s lost. You can’t get it back. I may be forced at some point to getting hearing aids. I’m just not ready to do that yet. I remember when they televised West Side Story when I was a kid. I thought it was a cool production. I really loved musicals in those days. It’s funny anymore I’m not too keen on them which is really odd considering how much I love music. Thanks for joining the party, Willow!

  4. ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Robin,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

    Awww on the cat taking a nap. So adorable.

    Love this weeks music picks.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Hugs. ♥

    1. That’s my granddaughter’s kitty. She really looks like she likes being snuggled up but her expression made me think she wants the light off so she can sleep. lol Cats are funny!

  5. So sorry to read about your ear issues. I’ve had hearing aids for ten years now due to hearing loss. Praying for you. I am embarrassed that I didn’t include the Delbert McClinton song. I have that album and several others by Delbert. He was one of my early favorites in the blues genre.. Have a blessed week.

    1. Hearing aids will most likely be in my immediate future but I’m not quite sure when. They audiologist says I’m a candidate for them now. I’m having a hard time with going that way, though. Part of me is afraid if I get them, then it’ll train my brain to depend on them and then my hearing will only get worse faster. Have you found this to be true?

      There’s a lot of music out there, so don’t be embarrassed. I usually forget songs altogether and it’s these searches that refresh my memory. 🙂

  6. Oh, Cathy! I am sorry to hear about your ear issues. I hope you can find a resolution soon.

    My birthday is in June.

    1. Thank you, Eugi! While my hearing may not get better, I think as time goes by technology will improve so that one day things might be made better for me or at least I’m hopeful. I have your birthday already on my calendar, but thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. Debbie,

      In quiet environments I do well. DH got a transmitter that connects to the TV that my shoulder speakers can pick up the sound while it also passes through the TV speakers, giving me a boost in volume without interrupting his ability to hear the TV. This has been a huge help and then when I listen to music online, I use headphones. I can hear music without the headphones but I usually keep it too loud for DH and with him working from home that’s a problem. The headphones are a fabulous alternative for me. The thing that really bothers me is when we’re with other people I miss out on the conversation so much, especially in noisy surroundings. I just feel like there in body only. I will guard safely what I have so to not make my hearing any worse. That’s all I can do. 🙂

  7. CAThy!

    Sorry to learn that you’re having hearing trouble. I’ll pray about it.

    Speaking of prayer . . .
    Have you ever seen the Steve Martin movie ‘LEAP OF FAITH’? I definitely recommend it. Great story and great music.

    Spoiler Alert: Jesus wins!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Thank you, Stephen! I’ve had ear problems since I was a baby. In my early to mid 30s I remember a doctor telling me I had hearing like an 80 year old. I don’t know what it would be compared to now but it’s awful in my right ear. I just need to keep things from getting worse at this point and my doctor sees me every 3-4 months. Anywho, yes we’ve seen the movie “LEAP OF FAITH”. Honestly, I can’t remember too much about it. I like Martin’s early work…actually, I’ve been watching a newer production with him, “ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING” on Hulu. It’s a who did it mystery drama naturally laced with comedy. It took me several episodes before I figured out that I liked it because it was so slow. I’ll see you later in the week for BOTB, my friend!

  8. Great theme ideas. I wonder why the Dr doesn’t remove the ear tube? I don’t know much about those, just curious. XO

    1. Ellen,

      My eustachian tubes are small and I was having problems with pressure equalization in both ears, the right side being the worse and because of this it was causing vacuum sucking my eardrum inward laying over on the inner ear bones. The short version is if left untreated, I could lose my hearing or worse, so my doctor placed ear tubes in both ears. The left one fell out within six months of the procedure. I believe that hard fall I took in late 2018 or early 2019 jarred it loose. The right tube stayed in place, though. My doctor said my left ear was doing okay without the tube and has since that time with very little change. Last year, he did the eustachian tube dilation which basically stretches the eustachian tube open to help with the pressure. My regular doctor was pleased with the way things look but with hearing test being so poor, he thought perhaps reconstructing the eardrum might be beneficial. The new doctor isn’t ready to just that and whenever or if ever he does the rebuild then another, different tube would be place in my eardrum but instead of through the eardrum, it would go under it. At this point, I just need to make sure my hearing doesn’t get any worse. I plan to research hearing aids just in case I decide to go this route.

  9. Sorry that the ENT Doc didn’t have better news for you. That is disappointing.

  10. That is disappointing. I hope that, in the future, they will have a better way to help you. It’s frustrating when you are told to wait for something to happen, and then that something may not trigger an improvement. I didn’t know your artist today (the first song) but enjoyed the song. I’ll be 72 in December. It will be here before I know it. Alana ramblinwitham

    1. Alana,

      I was hopeful that the eardrum reconstruction might bring improvement but when after hearing it for a second or third time with a more clear understanding of why it wouldn’t then it hit hard. The important thing is to not let my hearing get any worse. Thanks for sharing your bday with us! You’re right, December will be here before we know it. You, Stacy, and I share the same birthday month. And, we’re all pretty close together. I’ll be 63. My how the time flies!

  11. Birthdays, I don’t even want to think of it. I will be 72 in April. I’m so sorry about your ear and your disappointment. I know how that feels. That is a typical cat attitude. Have a nice evening.

    1. Nicole,

      Thanks for sharing that you’re having a birthday in April. I made a note, if you would like to share the date then that would be awesome! Life is full of disappointments, I just have to roll with the punches as the saying goes. 😉 Yep, you’re right about this being a typical cat’s attitude. lol

    1. The cat in the picture belongs to my granddaughter. When my daughter sent it to me, I knew I had to create a funny meme. Thank you for the prayers, Mimi, I really appreciate it!

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