
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Labor Day Salute With 70s Rock 4M

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me 105th edition!This week’s theme is “Freebie” pick. This means simply, you share whatever tunes you got stuck inside your head or just those that are stirring your soul to boogie. It’s time to get this party on the show.

Like millions people across America, today is a holiday. To honor the hard workers everywhere, here’s my personal salute.

The holiday weekend is all about fun times. What better way to have fun than to shake your bootie, right? Friday we had a busy day of running errands and on the way home DH had Sirius radio set on a 70s station. Those oldies really got my motor running. I hope these will start your engine, too.

Was that fun or what?  Don’t contain your electric experience, shout it from the tree tops to all of your musical friends to come join party each Monday.

Are you ready to get dancing this week? Admission to ride the Love Train is totally doable for anyone.  Are you ready to rock n’ roll with all the other passengers? Then, here’s what you do.

  • Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice.
  • Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button.
  • Link your 4M below, follow us, & leave a comment.

Head conductor of the Love Train is Marie of XmasDolly & her co-conductors are the lovely: Callie of JAmericanSpice,  Stacy of Stacy Uncorked ,  Cathy Kennedy’s Blog (my old blog), and this month’s honorary co-host, Becca of Everyday Life.

Lorie of  The Shewbridge of Central Florida is taking a little hiatus because of health issues. My prayers and thoughts are with you, my friend. We’ll hold things together while you’re away. Take care and God bless!

Our spotlight dancer tops the linky line up in the number one spot – Congratulations, my friend!

Don’t forget to show our featured dancer some love and go ahead, shake your bootie with any of the fellow rockin’ bloggers below…

The Love Train will be pulling into your depot soon and I’m eager to begin by following you. Next stop… your place! What music is moving you?   Do you have that good ole fashion dance fever? Then, continue the party with…  

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7 thoughts on “Labor Day Salute With 70s Rock 4M

  1. Oh wow, some really great memories were brought back here. Thanks for sharing. Dave’s band does that Rockin’ Roll Hoochie Koo! lol Have a great day and don’t eat too much barbecue!~

  2. this took me back to childhood and listening to the radio “seasons of the sun” was a favorite of mine. I was born in the 70’s so the music holds a special place

  3. Ah, Seasons in the Sun was one of my faves when I was little. it still can make me so sad/happy.

    Love Shambala!!

    I have a special affinity for 70’s songs because I was born in 1971 and it’s like my brain remembers what mom was playing on the radio. I can remember dancing to a lot of these in the kitchen….and now I do tha with my girls.

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